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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
cool, glad you liked the BF - i found the high to be quite unusual, with quite a 'stone' to it as well (although not quite the same as an indica stone) nice to have something different and exotic. i may have a little BF pollen left in the freezer that i'll dust a Deep Chunk with - be interesting which genetics wins the most dominance in that one. just about the widest cross i could imagine...

good luck with the power blacks- how long did the last ones take to show sex? i plan on following your lead and vegging mine for 3 days - the two weeks last time was way too much. i want to flower 4 girls sog style in one quarter of my cab.

sensi star is looking quite 'hashplant' - very nice!



Take A Deep Breath
With zero veg time, about 3 weeks to 25 days to show sex....the two in flower now will probably show in about a week.

For the male I used...zero veg, 31 days from switch to 12/12 to pollen dropping.


Take A Deep Breath
Thanks, RudeDog.....they are loving the tropical heat we've been having. No purple stalks and leaves at the moment. I've been a bit better at not overwatering them, which always helps!

Got a few Borg.....well plenty on the GP12....I just recently saw the webs.....gave everything a good spray down before lights off this morning. Let's see if I can at least keep them under some sort of control.

The Pregnant GP12.....all non-essential buds stripped off her to maximise energy to the pollinated buds....pollinated at day 27.....28 days later will be day 55 on 19th June....I'll probably take her on or just after that date. I took this pheno to 71 days last time, but I'd rather just grab the seeds when they are ready and free up the 2 litre pot, as yield will be tiny.


One of the Power Blacks has stalled (left), while the other has powered on full steam ahead (right). The big one is my breeding subject.....with either the smaller PB or the little Sensi Star you saw the other day.


Sensi Star day 31.......must keep myself from thinking about trimming off lower buds....for a while yet at least....must be strong.......


Spoetnik #1 x Deep Chunk.....super long petioles (is that the right word? the stalk that connects the leaf to the main trunk) on this one.....not a Spoetnik trait...maybe it comes from the DC?......anyhow, going well, but might be a bit "elbowy" for my small-pot-SOG setup.



Well-known member
Been hot sure enough. Hope you don't mind me postin a pic.....Thought I'd show you some Sensi Star plants I grew about ten years ago. You'll have to excuse the picture as it's from a scan. Some potent sticky smoke.



Take A Deep Breath
No worries.....nice looking girls. Great size on the lower nuggets. Hope mine produces like that...

I remember the good old days before digital this and digital that.....when getting a picture on this new-fangled "internet" thing involved buying one of the IT support guys at work a pint and getting him to use the company scanner....and stick the jpeg on a floppy.


Take A Deep Breath
So.....I've been waiting and waiting for these two Power Blacks to show sex....

....and I still don't know 100%.....but I thought I'd better get off my backside and update.

So.....Power Blacks....the big one..day 23 of 12/12 after 7 days veg


And the little one....day 24 of 12/12 after 6 days veg


Should know for certain any day now.

The run of boys seems to be holding true, damnit......White Widow (L) and Mexican Sativa (R) both looking a bit male.


GP12....will probably chop at the weekend....


The Spoetnik #1 x DC might turn out to be a girl....doing something odd with its growing tip...


Everything suffering from what I think is the Borg....been spraying, but they are proving stubborn....may need to try something new.

Finally.....Sensi Star getting frosty....



what you using to kill them off?

theres a red spray bottle that you can get from bandq or homebase thats great

its called bug clear. £3.99

if your gonna use it make sure you dont buy the concentrated version as its not as good

it worked better for me then using neem oil


Take A Deep Breath
I've been using this stuff from the local garden centre.


Works OK if you hit them hard just as they get started, but I let them get a bit entrenched. A lot of plants with problems the last few days.

The GP12 is the worst hit, so hopefully once she gets cut, Saturday, I might be able to get a step up on the rest.

Might get some neem or SMC from the hydro shop if I don't get much improvement.


On a positive note, both Power Blacks are girls :)


i got to say they look good apart from the bite marks on the top of the leaves

you should try the bug clear side by side with your pesticide. thats what makes me swear by it.

in todays day and age i spray everything with it.

prevention is better than cure.

dont stress about it too much


Take A Deep Breath
I try not to stress....I'll keep an eye open for that bug clear.

Been trying a few new things out.....always experimenting.....using pond water at the moment....got latest seedlings in a new mix.....75% Levington Multi-Purpose, 25% Cat Litter.

I remain sceptical about Cat Litter/Fuller's Earth.....but will try anything once....or as many times I can get out of a tubfull...maybe 7.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
if you can get it mate, I recommend BAC plant vitality plus 500 over SMC (same price I think) ... I've used both (and a host of others) and actually the BAC stuff is the only thing that ever worked like it said it would :)

edit - 500 is the ml size.. it's available in 250 also :)


i have also used the bac plant vitality, but at £25 for a 250ml bottle i will take the bug clear... lol

if you can get it mate, I recommend BAC plant vitality plus 500 over SMC (same price I think) ... I've used both (and a host of others) and actually the BAC stuff is the only thing that ever worked like it said it would :)

edit - 500 is the ml size.. it's available in 250 also :)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
ouch... I only paid 20 euros for 500ml ;)

if you're saying Bug Clear works as well and is cheaper though, thats good advice :)


Take A Deep Breath
You have to be a rich man to walk into a hydro shop nowadays....£12.50 for 50ml at my local. *faints dead away*

GP12 gets chopped tonight.....so at least some spider mites will be eliminated lol


the plant vitality is good if you need alot of it

you gonna take trimmed shots blimey? did they swell like normal, or has the borg kept them small?


Take A Deep Breath
The GP12 has stayed small....a mix of the Borg and early pollination, I think. I took off most of the popcorn a while ago.

Today is day 55, and she could probably go another week....not fully swelled, but because yield is very small, and she's in a "big" pot (2 Litre), I'd rather chop her now, get the seeds, and reuse the pot for the smaller Power Black, which hopefully can still use the extra root space.

I'll try and get a shot or two in a couple of hours when she comes down.

GP12 top bud (pollinated w/Power Black) and lower bud (pollinated w/Blue Mystic). You can easily see the mite webs on the second pic.



Power Black at day 27:


Sensi Star at day 45:

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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
so you got a power black female - yay! . i should go easy on the nutes as it looks a tiny bit burned at the tips - or maybe it's just the mites

the sensi star looks good



Take A Deep Breath
Yeah....I'm holding off the nutes on that one....not sure whether it's mites or overfeeding. She's a nice medium green colour, though, despite the bite marks.

The smaller PB is also a girl....different pheno, different floral structure, much paler green despite similar feeding schedules to the other. Neither showing any inclination to branch, which is handy.

The Spoetnik x DC is a boy, so will get the chop in the next couple of days. We'll try that one again later....

Sensi Star is starting to frost up nicely. Hope she fattens up well. The smaller one will be hit by White Widow pollen any day now...and there's another in veg which is next up to go in when a spot opens up.

The GP12 has been replaced by another Power Black. This was a runt....vegged for 27 days and only 9cm tall when it went in. Plenty of nodes, though. Hopefully it will explode with growth under the bigger light.


Nice work blimey. Never tried sensi star its one of those must grow plants. Whats the Borg a nick name for, is it spider mites or thrips. Have you spotted anything on the undersides of the leaves?

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