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Should Government Regulate Cannabis Quality?

Should Government Regulate Cannabis Quality?

  • Yes, test all cannabis being sold!

    Votes: 64 6.7%
  • Yes, treat cannabis like any agricultural product

    Votes: 210 21.9%
  • Yes, treat cannabis like tobacco or alcohol

    Votes: 210 21.9%
  • Yes, treat cannabis like a pharmaceutical product

    Votes: 51 5.3%
  • No, let buyer beware!

    Votes: 82 8.6%
  • No, let dispensaries do optional private testing

    Votes: 164 17.1%
  • Leave things as they are.

    Votes: 143 14.9%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 33 3.4%

  • Total voters


Active member
The federal gov't should not be involved with anything related to domestic commerce. That's for state gov't.

The states already have police, health, education, tax collection, environment, welfare, courts, etc. Why duplicate it at the fed level?

The fed should only have international defense and relations.....period. They're too big and they have their tentacles wrapped around too much.

Amos :wave:

Give the man a cigar!!! :tiphat:

It is called states-rights, and in present, the federal government neuters all states to be the same. If California wants Gay marriage fine, but don't make people in Arkansas agree. You can go on forever with examples... Like minded people will gather together.



Do you want the government to prevent growers of your food from using DDT, paraquat or some other real nasty herbicide, pesticide, fungicide on your food that you and your family eat?
I do.
The same with Cannabis, I want it safe.
I know of many growers using fungicides and pesticides to protect their profits.
They will not tell you, as most know it is bad to use.



For commercial big time sellers do a quality check, otherwise I think it should be handled at the farmers' market and privately. :joint:
The federal gov't should not be involved with anything related to domestic commerce. That's for state gov't.

The states already have police, health, education, tax collection, environment, welfare, courts, etc. Why duplicate it at the fed level?

The fed should only have international defense and relations.....period. They're too big and they have their tentacles wrapped around too much.

Amos :wave:
Rule number 1 when dealing with the Fed. government and the interstate commerce clause: If the federal government wants to regulate an item it will try to by any justification possible.

Keep a close eye on what's going on with Montana and Arizona's Firearms Freedom Acts which assert that firearms produced and sold inside the state are not subject to federal regulation by the ATF, NFA, and GCA under the interstate commerce clause.

This will give us a good idea of how the government can be expected to act in the future.

Personally, I believe that unless everyone in the congress and the senate is replaced, the federal government will seek to regulate cannabis even if we don't want/need it.

Regulation = Federal Bureaucracy job security = more votes for re-election in the future by those that have federal jobs
Give the man a cigar!!! :tiphat:

It is called states-rights, and in present, the federal government neuters all states to be the same. If California wants Gay marriage fine, but don't make people in Arkansas agree. You can go on forever with examples... Like minded people will gather together.


If a gay couple's marriage is recognized in state A, is not recognized in state B, and this gay couple pays federal taxes, that eventually get trickled down to state B, then state B should inevitably expect a lawsuit on their hands when the gay couple arrives there.

But regardless, please understand that the federal government will inevitably get involved in any interstate commerce involving cannabis if it happens because states cannot agree on anything. And states will inevitably cry for the federal governement to intervein. Just go back and read at any conflict between two states, and what is the first thing those states do, go to the feds to moderate between them.

Using gay marriage as an example for this debate is a poor choice.
I would recommend that growers come up with
a list of growing regulations
to protect the public

before the state politicians do it for them


I love my life
You guys scare the living shit out of me. More than HALF of this weed community wants fucking government regulation. These are the same pieces of shit that have caged and killed this community for decades. I don't own any guns YET, but I'm done buying grow equipment. I guess it is time for the second amendment to mean something.

Why the fuck can't people leave their neighbors alone.

Here is a list of regulations SEE STRAWBERRIES, TOMATOES, ah fuck it just time to drop out.



I love my life
Do you want the government to prevent growers of your food from using DDT, paraquat or some other real nasty herbicide, pesticide, fungicide on your food that you and your family eat?
I do.
The same with Cannabis, I want it safe.
I know of many growers using fungicides and pesticides to protect their profits.
They will not tell you, as most know it is bad to use.


I want the government to shut the fuck down. I'm glad you want the government into your bedroom and stash box, but those fucks come with guns and ZERO brains. NO FUCKING THANK YOU!


I would recommend that growers come up with
a list of growing regulations
to protect the public

before the state politicians do it for them

Do you think that each grower in this country, could set aside his or her commericial goals, to agree on a list of regulations? Isn't there a link that shows one grower not want legalization strictly based how it will hurt his bottom line? https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?threadid=171098

You guys scare the living shit out of me. More than HALF of this weed community wants fucking government regulation. These are the same pieces of shit that have caged and killed this community for decades. I don't own any guns YET, but I'm done buying grow equipment. I guess it is time for the second amendment to mean something.

Why the fuck can't people leave their neighbors alone.

Here is a list of regulations SEE STRAWBERRIES, TOMATOES, ah fuck it just time to drop out.


In my opinion, there is nothing to be scared up. Cannabis legalization is inevitable. And it's good to discuss these issues because they will certainly come up. Some people are concerned that cannabis sold commericially will be subjected to chemicals or even by unscrupuluous growers and deals looking to make a quick buck. Others are concerned that growers may cut corners and will grow and harvest in non-environmentally friendly ways that lead to soil erosion, soil and water pollution.

Ultimately the people that will want the feds to get involved will be non-growers, the same people that think all cannabis is the same. These are the people that will vote for politicians that will not educate themselves on cannabis and will sweep up everyone together in the same, well, pot.


I want the government to shut the fuck down. I'm glad you want the government into your bedroom and stash box, but those fucks come with guns and ZERO brains. NO FUCKING THANK YOU!



No problem dude, just keep Cannabis illegal the way it is and the government will continue arresting over 800,000 a year, are you blind?

illegal Cannabis = SAFE! WHAT A FUCKING JOKE.



Active member
While this is a cannabis forum, the topics being discussed (total government control) are far more important. We are talking about the foundation of all liberties, and not one in particular.



I love my life
No problem dude, just keep Cannabis illegal the way it is and the government will continue arresting over 800,000 a year, are you blind?

illegal Cannabis = SAFE! WHAT A FUCKING JOKE.


Just make it same as tomatoes and strawberries is what I said dude.

No one in the can over those, so again the government that puts these 800K in the can are my brothers. I am not blind, but thanks for suggesting it and suggesting that putting those same screws and pigs in charge of testing cannabis is good for us.

Can't we all just be free?



Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I want the government to shut the fuck down. I'm glad you want the government into your bedroom and stash box, but those fucks come with guns and ZERO brains. NO FUCKING THANK YOU!



Calm down man, what a lot of people are not understanding is that it would never regulate your personal stash, only what you would buy commercially. No one is going to tell you how to grow your own pot, only determine the quality and safety (for ingestion) of commercially grown and distributed product. Their would of course be regulations to ensure the meeting of these standards (this would mainly include the lack of pesticide use and perhaps being disease/mold free).


Common sense is something few seem to have, like having the freedom to grow your own for personal use without any government interference, if it is legal. If growing commercially then there will be government regulations, at least I hope so.


Regulation for pesticides, herbicides, mycotoxines, heavy metal would be wise, but if they gonna say that the weed should also be gamma radiated, well that would be a very bad option.

Do you want the government to prevent growers of your food from using DDT, paraquat or some other real nasty herbicide, pesticide, fungicide on your food that you and your family eat?

Do you think you can still legally buy DDT in the US for agricultural use.I don't think so, but for the replacements like Roundup a Monsanto product which own the FDA i doubt there will be regulations.They still say the stuff is safe to use while other studies show the opposite.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



Active member
We are playing with fire, how did that one go-'dont get mad at a snake for bitting you, its still a snakes nature

This is an interesting analogy. I assume you are comparing the nature of man and the nature of a snake. While man is obviously capable of much greater things, we are also mean and nasty at the core (i.e. inherently sinful). The founding fathers knew this, and thus created a limited government to protect the people from themselves. The federal powers have slowly increased as the rights of individual citizens have decreased with law after law after law...
