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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010


Sir Smokesalot

Originally Posted by Sir Smokesalot View Post
That is a very nice spread you have humboltlocal, every growers dream. When I have the land to start my growing project, I hope your still here at icmag so I can imitate your style and call it my own

Do you find it difficult to let go of all that herb every year? If I had that much I'm not sure I could get rid of it, I'd put it all in stackable totes and build a castle out of pot. Maybe put in a compost tea moat and a couple of siege tanks full of boiling canna oil at the drawbridge. I could hold up in there for months, I'd need an assload of lighters though.

I'm not able to do an outdoor grow this year so I hope you don't mind if I live the season vicariously through your thread here, as I dream of better days.

Thanks for sharing what you do.
smokesalot a.k.a. headfortrinity
Ganja castle? I like that. I wouldn't need a lighter I would just use a dragon to light it all. Thanks for checking us out bro. I know you from the other site right? It is not hard to let it all go. It was grown for people who need it a lot more than I. I love the growing, the breeding, and putting these projects together. That is the fun part for me.

I had an account on this site as headfortrinity, but a couple months ago all I had to smoke was a pure sativa pheno of MOD kali most and I got noided out and deleted my account. The really odd thing is that I'm not doing anything illegal. It must be this unemployment, I can't wait to get back on top. Until then I'll have to check out icmag to fulfill my gardening daydreams, and your thread is at the top of my list for sure. :tiphat:


hey its chunk, lookin real good bro.. those hoops over your rows are genius, totally stealing your idea lol


very nice humbolt! Those starts are very nice, i think with this la ninna summer your gonna be in a forest! inspiration for next year for me for sure, i like your rows of hoops. Also dig the above garden pic, nice view! ok well im sure youll do great, keep it up!


Filled out my Clean Green Certification application today and spent some time talking to a very nice lady from their office. Got a lot of questions answered. I am definitely in compliance and have been for years. My collective Fruitridge Health and Wellness Collective, will also be getting certified as a Clean Green Retailer. Documenting this grow and our methods here on the site will make it easy for them to make sure that we are in compliance and to keep tabs on us. I will keep every one updated on how it goes.:)


Active member
Nice. I'm looking into this certification as well. Why the hell not?! These are the kinds of standards I can get behind.

Are you doing the grow and processing certification?


Nice. I'm looking into this certification as well. Why the hell not?! These are the kinds of standards I can get behind.

Are you doing the grow and processing certification?

So far it is my understanding that the certification I would be doing for the farms includes the processing facilities. The retail outlet (collective distribution point) needs to be certified on its own. Their certification looks to be a lot simpler for them to pass than mine.
P.S. Bud Candy is not approved.:)


awesome input with the clean green cert. i called them and left a message, seems theyre posted up in the 707. i hope they have a spot in socal. i just thought id mention that their number led me to an attorney so likely anything talked about would be covered by attorney client priveledge.


It is run by attorney Chris Van Hook. He has worked as an FDA inspector for over twenty years I believe. He works out of Crescent City. He has several inspectors for the program so there must be one in So Cal. You need to be a legal medical grow to be certified. They have certified around 35 operations. Attorney client confidentiality does apply.


Sad and upsetting update on the Clean Green program. After much research among me and my associates in the MMJ community we discovered that the program is actually owned/controlled by one of the large collectives/corporations from Oakland(the one by the Side of the Harbor). We feel this puts the whole program in question. I was getting a little suspicious by how lax the standards were and how little oversight there actually is. Seams to me that anyone could BS there way into being certified and no one would be any the wiser. I would question any farm or collective that has this certification and take it with a grain of salt. It appears to be just another way for the large collectives to tack on a few more bucks to your 1/8th all the while making you think your meds are safer to consume. There is no independent third party testing of the meds which I think is necessary. In doing this research we also found out that the lab in the bay(the one on a Steep Hill) is also in the pocket of the same large mega collective. It is well know in the MMJ community that their testing procedures have been in question since the beginning and if you are in their pocket you can have any results you pay for. Big business is taking over every aspect of this industry and it is making me sick. I am feeling quite disillusioned right now after learning all of this. But really this should just motivate us all to not lose our rights to these guys. We need to take back control of our industry. We the farmers need to form our own certification groups with higher standards and better oversight and testing. Lets put our heads together and see what we can come up with.


right the hell on man, glad you went the extra mile and investigated. United Growers Front! what do you guys think a good standard for an organic cert or green cert or whatever would be?


So I talked to Chris Van Hook for about an hour after I posted the above. I wanted to get as much info as possible. He is a very nice guy and he is trying to do a good thing with good intentions. I expressed to him that I didn't think there was enough oversight and that anyone could scam the system and get certified. He agreed and said that this is really a starting point and that the system does need improvement. These are very much the same standards and practices that the USDA follows and he admitted that that is also very flawed. I expressed concern that without a good independent lab to do testing there is no way to tell if producers are playing by the rules. He agreed and said that the lab in the bay was not doing a good job and they also hoped to have a lab soon that could verify what people claim they are using as inputs on the medicine. He denied that the Oakland collective was behind his work but did say that they were his biggest customers and basically put food on his table. Seamed like a very down to earth guy but I definitely felt like he was trying to sell me and my collective his services. Like I said, very nice guy but I don't think that at this time I would give too much credibility to their certification. Maybe once a credible lab that isn't in someones pocket starts doing independent third party analysis. He was really trying to sell me on the marketability of have a clean green certified product but if I don't believe in the process I don't think I can stand behind it knowing others are not following the rules. I also think some of their standards are way to low which mimic the USDA standards which are also terrible. The bottom line is almost anyone could apply for this and by lying could easily get the certification. I asked him how an indoor hydro grower can get certified. He said he has certified some and they use fish emulsion, kelp , EWC, and some other things but the way he was describing it just sounded like he had been BS'd. He also said they have certified several hydro indoors like that but he hasn't inspected any of them. It sounded exactly like how some one would lie to get the certification for their indoor.
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