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CO Breeders & Pollen Chuckers

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Crossing Chemdawgs with Diesels, so on and so forth, like what EVERYONE is doing, is pretty redundant....no hybrid vigor and you are not introducing any new traits to that line, you are only homogenizing the hermie gene, and maybe some other traits.

You'll just end up with an even more fucked up line, much like the British Royal family!

If your gonna grow Chemdawgs and Diesels, just grow em. If your gonna breed with them, do something interesting and worthwhile, instead of the same old shit everyone else is doing....

Changing fast? Okay, the laws and the industry maybe? But how does that effect genetics? Things are changing fast as in there are more people then ever ignorantly seeking out chemdawg and diesel crosses that don't show new traits, because of a lack of experience or knowledge? I don't really see that as "change"....[/quote]

LOL NO new traits? Check the newest issue of HT magazine to see that this is not the case at all.


LOL NO new traits? Check the newest issue of HT magazine to see that this is not the case at all.

Haven't kept up with HT for years....got too commercialized for me...you got a link? What are the new traits they discovered in that line?

And yes, we all know the Chemdawg story, you don't have to clarify....this is just how this line was established....how are YOU contributing to it NOW?

I'm not going on the attack on you or anything, more power to ya, but it seems like every young kid I meet that is a novice grower is "All 'bout dat chem, homie", When in reality, you haven't even tried anything else, and you don't really know much BEYOND what the trendy strains are....you've only been smoking as long as these strains has been popular...just saying....you may want to have a more well-rounded idea of what good and bad traits are in strains across the board, before you make statements like, "IF you never had real chem, you don't know". I've been smoking since '94, growing since '99, been to Amsterdam 6 times, smoked in 12 states, 5 countries, and 3 continents...all I'm saying is there is other shit out there just as good, if not better then just chem/diesel.....

Edit: And, BTW, Yes, some of the best tasting weed I ever smoked had rosy PINK pistils...and it wasn't a chem or a diesel....
I went on Dead tour when I was 17 for 4 years

I went on Dead tour when I was 17 for 4 years

I ve puffed more dank in the phil zone than you have in your whole life.:laughing:


just saw 40+ chem4 cuts on CL, said to be from delta9 on broadway..are these legit cuts?


I ve puffed more dank in the phil zone than you have in your whole life.:laughing:

I'm all for you deadheads, phisheads, whatever heads you are....but it seems like you guys are more concerned with the mythologies surrounding these strains then you are the quality or lineage itself...


Im a Junglist....not a Deadhead
Ill kick some ass:jump:

So you listen to that shit jungle out of the UK? LOL
Roni Size was about as jungle as I got back in high school. I am however a turntablist, and if you want to take this argument to a battle on some Technics, I'm down for that challenge anyday...Shit, I've met DJ Craze a few times, that should be a jungle/dnb hero for ya!

LOL, and if your not a deadhead, they why did you tour with them 4 years, talk about the "philzone", etc....you sound confused dude! Jungle or Prog Rock? Totally different worlds there...

Just having fun with ya bro....keep doing your thing....I need to medicate badly, I rarely single people out on IC, I have problems...


Bring it! Let the needles do the talking!

I can skratch a bit myself. got some double time chirp flare orbits!Greenmopho we should get up and cut sometime, we may have some friends in common. I know a lot of cats that skratch in co
Seriously Chaos

Seriously Chaos

First I spend the day battlin... Then rental company wants walk through Fuck:tumbleweed:
Still all good
thanks to kind folks

This is a wild ride,
wild west coast style


I think Bud Spleefman made some good points but at the same time, those of us mixing this and that to see what we can find that's new and unique aren't defining the scene. If someone was just chucking pollen at this and that and trying to commercially sell the seeds, his criticisms would be very valid but for the most part we (pollen chuckers) are just making seeds for ourselves and our friends.
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