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Did You Throw Out Your Census Form?


Ha ha...very nice! IMO the US was built on the genocide of it's native people and stolen land.

I thought this thread was about census forms? LOL
The funny thing is, mass immigration enthusiasts use this to justify mass immigration, which I can't quite wrap my head around. Their argument seems to be, "immigration sucked for the Indians, but, uhm, err, it'll be great for us." WTF?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I really don't feel that you are aligning yourself with what "Tea Party" has come to mean!

Indeed, intellectualism suffers the scorn of propaganda. Similar to a nazi brand.

Yes, sorry the census. It's a matter of discretion. :biglaugh:


You have a very c*nty way about you, where you like to put words in people's mouths. Does that really work well for you? I didn't draw a distinction between settlers and invaders, I drew a distinction between settlers and immigrants. And I explained it to you, but you acted like I didn't and asked me the same question, except in a c*ntier way.

I answered you:

Immigrant: someone who shows up to find an immigration office.

Settler: someone who shows up to find unsettled land (unsettled means, in part, no immigration office).

Are you getting it yet?

Says who? Why does it have to be thousands of years? Because you say so? Well, I say the people who showed up thousands of years ago got here too late. They invaded over the Bering bridge.

I have news for you: except for the small patch of land where Modern Humans first evolved, every inhabited piece of dirt on this planet is home to people who came from somewhere else.

Thanks- not only have you proven yourself to be an ignorant sexist
but you spelled it out:your people got here and made some "immigration office"-everyone who came later than you must ask your permission.


No argument there!
That's why the whole idea of bashing so-called "illegal immigrants" is so laughable.

Let's pretend "the US was built on the genocide of it's native people and stolen land" is true.

Can you explain why that makes opposing mass alien immigration "laughable"? Or is laughing and groping for smilies as far as you get?

I think the Indians can probably explain why it isn't laughable.

Yankee Grower

The funny thing is, mass immigration enthusiasts use this to justify mass immigration, which I can't quite wrap my head around. Their argument seems to be, "immigration sucked for the Indians, but, uhm, err, it'll be great for us." WTF?
Well...how people use things to justify their behavior or position is up to them. For sure people twist things around to their own advantage. The way I see it this country was stolen without respect of it's native inhabitants and great effort was put into getting rid of them or putting and keeping them down. I find it ironic that native tribes rake in big $ through casinos...getting some of that money due them back! The US is a bit of a joke IMO.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah the census taker job starts on april 24th i think, and it lasts for about 8 weeks :joint: $15.75/hour and gas compensation, not too bad



I can just see it now:

Indian Tribe A invades Indian Tribe B's territory and drives them out. They're celebrating their victory, when along comes the White Man. The White Man begins driving them out. Some of Tribe A want to defend their territory, but the rest think that's just "laughable" and surrender. Would Indian Tribe A really be that stupid?

But this is the argument immigration enthusiasts use. How stupid are we if we buy that crap?


Yes, pretend. It takes a lot of pretending to buy the popular narrative of early American history with regard to the pre-colonial natives.

You have to pretend the smallpox blankets thing really happened. You have to pretend Americans weren't concerned with the lives of the natives, and took no measures to protect them. You have to pretend a plethora of warring, disparate tribes constitute one people so it can all be "red man vs. white man." You have to pretend many of the tribes didn't welcome the whites with open arms and use them to get a leg up on other tribes, through open warfare for example. You have to pretend Tribe A never took land from Tribe B who never took it from Tribe C, so you can pretend it was just whites stealing it from reds (who were all love and harmony before we came along). You have to pretend whites bought none of the land, when in fact they bought the majority of it. And so on and so forth.


Let's pretend "the US was built on the genocide of it's native people and stolen land" is true.

Can you explain why that makes opposing mass alien immigration "laughable"? Or is laughing and groping for smilies as far as you get?

I think the Indians can probably explain why it isn't laughable.

Are you serious?
I live in the SW US, amongst a population made up mostly of "natives" that never left,
"Mexicans", (and I use the term loosely) whose border between where there people used to live and where they are now "allowed" to live was determined by some wars with the US and enforced by America's mighty powers,
and "Hispanics", who think the Queen of Spain gave their ancestors some right to take over land that people already lived on.

Most "Indians" I've met are laughing, cause it's better than crying, but that doesn't make it all good. Those people that you call "aliens" are THEIR COUSINS- don't you get it...?


Yes, pretend. It takes a lot of pretending to buy the popular narrative of early American history with regard to the pre-colonial natives.

You have to pretend the smallpox blankets thing really happened. You have to pretend Americans weren't concerned with the lives of the natives, and took no measures to protect them. You have to pretend a plethora of warring, disparate tribes constitute one people so it can all be "red man vs. white man." You have to pretend many of the tribes didn't welcome the whites with open arms and use them to get a leg up on other tribes, through open warfare for example. You have to pretend Tribe A never took land from Tribe B who never took it from Tribe C, so you can pretend it was just whites stealing it from reds (who were all love and harmony before we came along). You have to pretend whites bought none of the land, when in fact they bought the majority of it. And so on and so forth.

...no you didn't...
white guys paid good money for it, so its all good??!!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The US became a colonial power by waging wars against the Natives. They put them on land like cattle and said "stay there." Locked them up.

Then everyone else was like, oh shit, freedom from tyranny let's go over there. Thus, Statue of Liberty and nation of immigrants. But, as fucked up as it came out. It was just the first experiment. How many of us grew weed right the first time??

The fundamentals and philosophy were good, but the end result was a fried plant for me at least.

So, to the Census. It's my little Custards Last Stand. # of people. :dance013:


but you spelled it out:your people got here and made some "immigration office"-everyone who came later than you must ask your permission.
Yes, would-be citizens must ask citizens' permission to join. Radical concept, I know.

Here's another radical concept. People have to get my permission before they enter my home. Really out of left field, I know, but I'm odd that way.


Zymos, should Turkey give back Constantinople? Do Greeks have a right to just saunter over the border of Turkey because parts of it used to belong to Greece?

Hypothetically speaking, what if we decided to "give the land back to the Indians"? Would you even know who got what? Would you be worried that you were giving land to Tribe A, who actually stole it from Tribe B, who stole it from Tribe C? Do you even acknowledge that the Indian tribes stole land (and everything else, right down to women and children) from one another? Or does it only count when whitey does it?


Zymos, should Turkey give back Constantinople? Do Greeks have a right to just saunter over the border of Turkey because parts of it used to belong to Greece?
F**K if I know...I don't live within 1000's of miles of those countries, and no one I know or am related to does either, so I don't have any reason to have a strong opinion one way or another- I sure don't feel like I should be telling THEM what to do.

But in general, I think people should be excellent to one another...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Hypothetically speaking, what if we decided to "give the land back to the Indians"? Would you even know who got what? Would you be worried that you were giving land to Tribe A, who actually stole it from Tribe B, who stole it from Tribe C? Do you even acknowledge that the Indian tribes stole land (and everything else, right down to women and children) from one another? Or does it only count when whitey does it?

Sounds a lot like the Middle East. :dunno: