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Now go back and READ the package and it states that 65 grams for 25 gallons.

65 divided by 25 = 2.6 Not 3.2

3.2 = 123% of recommend dose......

Well, I guess I o.d'ed my plants on shooting powder... I find the text etc on a lot of this stuff very contradictory. On the front of the package, it says '1-2 sachets per 100L (25 gallons).. well, make up their mind would someone?! I figured going 1 packet per 25 gallons and weighing the sachet would give me good math, but I guess not. If you can use 1-2 sachets per 25 gallons, then I'm 123% over at 1 sachet level and way less at 2 sachets. I actually went light on the amount that I put in, so I think I'll be alright.. but someone needs to get their shit together on these instructions. AND their online nute calculator (which I'm sure you're going to tell me is wrong somehow) they recommend .04 sachet per gallon.. 80 grams X .04 is 3.2 grams.. now I'm totally confused.. Maybe I'll just go back to using GH and save all this confusion...

mgk :tiphat:


Active member
Dude u weighed the powder inside the packet? I think not.
Dude that’s the weight of the packet and the powder. If u got an empty packet weight it and tare it off that 80grams. Go check it out again.
OK here is some clarification.

I just weighed a packet:

The entire package (package and powder) weighs 79 grams.

JUST the powder weighs 76 grams.

SO.....76 grams divided by 25 gallons = 3.04 grams per gallon.

In closing, scrap the .04 grams and add 15 grams of Shooting Powder to a 5 gallon bucket. Its that simple. ;)
I am inclined to "NO your post was not helpful" for a few people......but I will go on the assumption that this product comes from EU made by stoners. There is a very good chance that the packages we all have say something different. We all know there sched has changed from time to time.

IMO, 3.2 grams of Shooting Powder per gallon is CORRECT. But also IMO, a round 3.0 grams sounds even better. :)


Active member
OK here is some clarification.

I just weighed a packet:

The entire package (package and powder) weighs 79 grams.

JUST the powder weighs 76 grams.

SO.....76 grams divided by 25 gallons = 3.04 grams per gallon.

In closing, scrap the .04 grams and add 15 grams of Shooting Powder to a 5 gallon bucket. Its that simple. ;)

So, now we're saying that 3 grams is correct. Actually I do know how to use a scale and maybe there's a discrepancy between packages. My package on my scale weighs 82.7 grams package and all, the powder by itself weighs 80 grams. I think we're splitting hairs here. I'm going to dilute my reservoir a little and hope for the best. One thing I would really like is a url from these people that are saying this and that and the other thing about these products. I've gone thru every scrap of information available from VandeZwaan that they publish on these products. I've found nothing listing ingredients, formulations etc etc that some people are talking about. Please, support your statements with some sort of source for your information. I am going to go back to good ole GH after I go thru the rest of this mess.. I always had great results and only tried this stuff because of their 'free sample pack' which is a great deal indeed, but the lack of coordinated information just sucks.

mgk :dunno:


I just think there is a little extra in there the 10 grams over thats all , not exactly 1 full pouch to 25 gallons though. It does state 65 grams to 25 gallons and I believe that is key.


Active member
I just think there is a little extra in there the 10 grams over thats all , not exactly 1 full pouch to 25 gallons though. It does state 65 grams to 25 gallons and I believe that is key.

Ya know.. this may be exactly why some people post negative results from this product. The package itself gives 3 different dosage options! I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, but I did weigh both of my packs and the powder itself, not including the packaging, weighs exactly 80 grams. As I stated before, the nute calculator on their site says .04 sachet per gallon. .04 of 80 grams is 3.2 grams. I did just dilute my reservoirs (only 2, thank god) by about 15%, so hopefully, that will take any danger of o.d.ing my plants out of the equation. I just did the res change last night just before lights out. We'll see..

mgk :tiphat:


Active member
I just spent a few minutes in my closet with my girls... my Whiteberry told me she felt just fine and to quit stressing over this stuff.. I'm taking her advice.

mgk :)
I'm stickin with 3 grams per gallon for my garden. To each his own.

Oh please MGK, try another nute before going back to GH......ever try Botanicare.....or Technaflora?

Maybe you will like yer product from the H&G crop and change your mind.

I am on the fence big time with H&G and Fox Farm. I see more health with H&G. So far, the one run has the same taste I was looking for.....same as my FF run.....and the yield was a tad better. Nothing earth shattering.

Just don't like having to mix nutes for soil every watering. Pain in Ass. Time consuming.

Rant over. Cheers Cheers.


Active member
Oh please MGK, try another nute before going back to GH......ever try Botanicare.....or Technaflora?

Maybe you will like yer product from the H&G crop and change your mind.

I am on the fence big time with H&G and Fox Farm. I see more health with H&G. So far, the one run has the same taste I was looking for.....same as my FF run.....and the yield was a tad better. Nothing earth shattering.

Well, actually I was just have a hissy fit.. I actually like the results I'm getting from the H&G stuff.. I just wish they more thoroughly documented their stuff tho. (pounding on dead horse) :deadhorse Everything I've got going right now looks absolutely killer.. I'm gonna have to put up some supports for my Whiteberry.. she's getting top heavy and she's got 2 more weeks to go! I've got a lot going in my little 5' X 2 1/2' space and everything is bright green and standin proud. I swear, I can see that Shooting Powder having it's effect already.. I can't stop lookin at em.. they're just exploding.. droooooool..

mgk :tiphat:


I talked to a rep that said that basically H&G was never supposed to make it over to the states and when it did some of the wordage was lost in translation....

And I agree the shooting powder is an amazing product


Keep me up to date on the ro filter-less idea. Im not sure about all the sodium chloride though.......

And next round Im gonna try no cal-mag as thats what IMOP might be causing the problem(s) to begin with.

Im pretty sure somewhere that I read you were running drip to waste? Are you running AquaFlakes or Coco version?

Might just try the coco version against the 'overall verdict' that the aqua is superior , even in drain to waste.

My RO membrane needs to be replaced so I just took it out. Now my water goes through 2 sediment filters then 2 different charcoal filters that get chlorine and chloramine. Fluoride and some other chemicals remain but its good enough for plants.

I run all RDWC and I try to only change the res every 4 weeks. Aquaflakes all the way!
OK, my results and opinion on House & Garden nutes is here. For what its worth. LOL

I grew a strain that I am very familiar with. Half the plants got Shooting Powder, half did not.

Normally use Fox Farm nutes and I get a super tasty product. I grow small plants and normally hit 1.7 oz per plant on the average.

The H&G produced the same taste as I get with FF. And the yield was a tad better. Say I hit 1.9-2.0 oz per plant.

Can't say it was all the nutes cuz I bumped up from 600s to 1000s and I am honing my skills in multi topping to make small shrubs with many tops. Which, IMO can increase the yield (strain dependant).

In taste comparison: the plants that got Shooting Powder actually tasted better. I know that sounds very odd and I think it is odd. But thats the way it is. The ones that didn't get SP got a lil more BudXL and a higher rate of base nutes. (Soil A&B)

A second wave of H&G test plants just came down as well. Different strain that is a nute pig. It did very well. Still drying.

I will use H&G again, but I will attempt to do feed water feed. Mixing nutes for every watering is a pain in the arse IMO.

The thing I definitely see with H&G is overall VERY HEALTHY plants. I been using FF nutes for years and work off a custom sched I built over time. The plants still get defs sometimes. I did not see any defs on H&G.

So, even tho it is 200% chemical nutes, they can produce VERY tasty buds. I did a 7 day flush as I think 3-5 days is too short.


New member
I havent had any issues with shooting powder but i use 1 packet per 32 gal res then use 2 packets the last 2 weeks in my 32 gal res. i swear to god everything is double or tripling in size! they just keep flowering...it's crazy!! i typically get 4oz per plant but this harvest might actually be heavier!! i'll let you know...
Right on Turgor! I just finished up 5 more plants on H&G. This strain is always done in 63 days. Looked like it coulda gone another 2 weeks the way it was packin on weight and fresh pistils.
OK, those last 5 plants I did...yield was higher than I had gotten before. I think plants that are nute pigs do very well on H&G.

So I went and got 10L jugs of Soil A&B. Gonna play some more. Might try a few plants on feed water feed water just to see how that goes.


Active member
OK here is some clarification.

I just weighed a packet:

The entire package (package and powder) weighs 79 grams.

JUST the powder weighs 76 grams.

SO.....76 grams divided by 25 gallons = 3.04 grams per gallon.

In closing, scrap the .04 grams and add 15 grams of Shooting Powder to a 5 gallon bucket. Its that simple. ;)

That's the way I use it, when i do use it.
Glad to see your coke scale matches mine. LOL


New member
i am 100% sold on H&G!!! i just pulled my biggest harvest yet! 14.2#'s off 6 lights. that's 2.35#/light!! so, i'm not changing anything...and the quality is badass...i am a dedicated fan of H&G!! highly recommend it!


Active member
i am 100% sold on H&G!!! i just pulled my biggest harvest yet! 14.2#'s off 6 lights. that's 2.35#/light!! so, i'm not changing anything...and the quality is badass...i am a dedicated fan of H&G!! highly recommend it!

I rather like it myself. I think my initial result in bubble buckets was just 'ok' but I think that was part my fault. I think I experienced nute lockout for a week or so.. maybe got too aggressive, but the result even with that considered is quite good. I've since switched to coco and my plants have never looked better. None of my plants are showing even the slightest bit of nute burn and everyone is standin tall and green. I've got 2 that are 3 weeks +- from harvest and they're looking great. I have limited space, so I do a perpetual harvest (every 2 weeks, 2 plants), so it's a bit of a challenge keeping the nute levels at the right stage for the plants in various stages etc, but I've got a plan working that seems to be giving good results.

mgk :tiphat: