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Reds going vertical with Gorilla Kush


love machine
ICMag Donor
no root zone or biostimulant this round unc, what im feeding them is regular gh 3 part, some calmag, molasses, licious and nectar, in flower im going to give them some pureblend and some other stuff i cant remembr rightnow,


it's like a Caturday at the park. :cathug:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
tagged so i can come back and start from page wun... peace n pufs..



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit..?? Ok first things first are you a bro or a bra? with all do respect.. Cos i have seen peeps in here call you bro, dude and then ive seen peeps say girl.. I want to get it right.. LOL.. And now i went thru all 12 pages.. really love what your doing here nice and clean.. I LOVE clean gardens... All your flavas are delishus sounding mm mm mm good.. I will be keeping my i on this thread from now on.. Great work... bbl peace n pufs.



love machine
ICMag Donor
well said red :wave:

In 5gal buckets of perl one could concievably produce 5-10lbs of tomatoes given enough light easily ..per /container !
Just think/imagine ..... thats alot of rootspace .

My only concern with this set-up u have (hand water/trays?) is the tendency for too much evaporation & salt build-up in the top half of the bucket & those plants look very green almost to the point of lite stress . The perlite does dry out very rapidly in the top half & salts do concentrate.

Since u have this set up as a raised "stadium" type grow it would be a bit of work but fairly easy to add some 1/2" fittings & 1/2" connector lines and do a recirculating top~drip/feed from a Rez . This would insure proper flushing/rinsing action over the entire rootzone & prevent inordinate salt build-up . Though the pump would have to be well filtered along with an inline filter with perlite tending to get everywhere & into the lines .

U could drip this medium every 2hrs or so during the light cycle & the growth rate would/should be incredible ...though would go lite on the nutes & keep the PH a little on the low side as mistress (very tecnically oriented person!) suggests .

So this is an FI cross from the VCI peeps ?

The plant is built like some candian girls i have know , lol!

best regards

:wave: Madrus Rose

yes the VCI peeps did this cross, i believe they did a great job on this strain, i could see how the plants grow and the talks, very strong/healthy strain. :D I hope i can get them grow in their full potential !!!

I have a great idea in my head using perlite and drip system but i cant do anything as this moment because i got to much stuff on me plate :D, after this run i will set up a perlite/with automated drip system ;) i believe i will get bigger plants/ bigger buds with it.
:thank you:

it's like a Caturday at the park. :cathug:
Its always caturday :huggg: hiya seksi

sure are looking gorgeous....as usual!
thanks dave ;) i love your grow room as well :blowbubbles:

Howzit..?? Ok first things first are you a bro or a bra? with all do respect.. Cos i have seen peeps in here call you bro, dude and then ive seen peeps say girl.. I want to get it right.. LOL.. And now i went thru all 12 pages.. really love what your doing here nice and clean.. I LOVE clean gardens... All your flavas are delishus sounding mm mm mm good.. I will be keeping my i on this thread from now on.. Great work... bbl peace n pufs.


Whats sup Sacko!!! Im a bro but sometime me gf post under my handle so it sound girly lol :laughing:

Thanks for checking out the thread sack, i love your journal as well and i tagged from the first page lol

Im putting the gals in 12/12 soon so let the fun begin ;)



if going to flower them @ that size.....

can snip off all growing tips closest to the main stem, on the branches & shoots.
not the fan leaves, just the 2-3 growing tips closes to main stalk.

maybe 1 more tyme, @~ day 14 of lower. same tech, pinching off growing tips/shoots @ inter-nodes closest to stem.
since not doing trees, & dont need multiple internode sites, can delete all exact tops.

maybe even thin tops down to 3-4 main leads, per plant. @ finish, plant more efficient & less energy on tiny flowers, on small plants.

stake for that small plant only to support 3-4 large tops.

:good: perlite garden!

Madrus Rose

post 69
:wave: Madrus Rose

yes the VCI peeps did this cross, i believe they did a great job on this strain, i could see how the plants grow and the talks, very strong/healthy strain. :D I hope i can get them grow in their full potential !!!

I have a great idea in my head using perlite and drip system but i cant do anything as this moment because i got to much stuff on me plate :D, after this run i will set up a perlite/with automated drip system ;) i believe i will get bigger plants/ bigger buds with it.
:thank you:

This fellow "So Quick" was no quack when it came to posting up some pics of his legendary 2gal recirculating rock-bucket grows pictured here

There are rubber grommets that are squeezed thru an appropriate sized hole which recieve a barbed 1/2" "T" fitting and from there u are good to go attaching the 1/2" tubing back to the rez , already having the elevation of your stadium set-up ...u hav gravity assist already working for ya !

* Note that these are doubled up containers & saw many go this system with always stellar results which u should be able to duplicate quite easily with those 5gals esp .


Rocks are one of the great mediums of all time given the air to root ratio & supercharged nutes bathing over them , but a bit of a pain . You could easily say that So Quick hit it out of the park with these colas . Be nice to see u do the same with perlite , which is very possible & less hassel With top drip u'll maximize feeding without the salt build up & have the ability to flush as well for very little cost for the plastic fittings & hose /Rez etc ..and free urself up a lil bit to !

EZ peasy Breezy! :dance013:
( of course this was a mammoth cut of classic AK47 ,
might hav had a little Cindy in the cross if i remember correctly )




If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Yes! 12/12 coming up. I'm excited to see this one. Good Luck Red!

So Quik... What is there to say?

Guest 16149

Very clean grow room :) looks like a place I would wanna grow ;-) They are looking real healthy, cannot wait to see them flower.

Almost forgot, sorry to hear your a bro :) But thats ok, grow on Bro :)


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
red,do you have both lights on at this point? if so,how long did you run both lamps during veg?

and blanner is right,your grows are always so clean and well tended,one of the marks of a truly good grower...


love machine
ICMag Donor
if going to flower them @ that size.....

can snip off all growing tips closest to the main stem, on the branches & shoots.
not the fan leaves, just the 2-3 growing tips closes to main stalk.

maybe 1 more tyme, @~ day 14 of lower. same tech, pinching off growing tips/shoots @ inter-nodes closest to stem.
since not doing trees, & dont need multiple internode sites, can delete all exact tops.

maybe even thin tops down to 3-4 main leads, per plant. @ finish, plant more efficient & less energy on tiny flowers, on small plants.

stake for that small plant only to support 3-4 large tops.

:good: perlite garden!

:tiphat::thank you:Thanks for the advices mistress :D

Caturday In the Park

that's a cola!!!

It's Caturday :D
Im late lol its not caturday anymore = :)cathug:

Yes! 12/12 coming up. I'm excited to see this one. Good Luck Red!

So Quik... What is there to say?

Whats up nata, i like So Quik style, i've seen this thread the first time he put it up. I've had something similar like that before it yielded very well :D

Very clean grow room :) looks like a place I would wanna grow ;-) They are looking real healthy, cannot wait to see them flower.

Almost forgot, sorry to hear your a bro :) But thats ok, grow on Bro :)

Thankyou B123D :D im honor that you would like to grow in my tent hehe.

Thanks for stopping by :D people get me sex mix up sometime, its ok ;)

red,do you have both lights on at this point? if so,how long did you run both lamps during veg?

and blanner is right,your grows are always so clean and well tended,one of the marks of a truly good grower...

Unc, the veg is over today is the first day of 12/12 when i veg them i had the HPS on for 16 hours and the MH 8 hours or so. Now both HPS are on :D

:wave: Madrus Rose

Thanks for the info and advices bro, this perlite run is sometime i've been experimenting with, ive done dwc rdwc and aeroponic, i've gotten lots good result with them too.

But this time i want to do hydro with out any pumps, lines and water here is very expensive, which is why i opted for this set up, plus i love hand watering my baby :D,

thanks for all the great advices and im glad to here you here ;)


love machine
ICMag Donor
First day of 12/12

First day of 12/12

Before the 12/12 i starved them for 3 days to train the roots system buckets, when i got back it seem to work hehe

Flowering :
2 x1k HPS
Nutes: GH 3 parts, kool bloom ( liquid/powder ) calmag, molasses, pure blend, nectar, licious bloom there probably some more but i cant remember right now, ill add ';em when i remember :dance013::artist:

On with some pics







Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
very very nice red! those stalks tell the story dont they,gonna be a nice run,those plants are ready to make some buds! just dont take any vacations this time! LOL

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