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Mosca Negra's C99 BX1 - 400w Cabinet Grow by GrnMtnGrwr


Active member
Hey sackoweed! Yeah I've thought about that... problem is, I live in an apartment and cutting things is a pretty big hassle. 2" thick 8" squares would be perfect...


Active member
Topped off the reservoir, gave the plants a full strength dose of Liquid Light, probably the last one, and calibrated the PH meter. :)

According to various BX1 grow logs I've seen... stretch should stop within the next 5 days... my fingers are crossed, their size is actually turning out really well.


Active member
12/12 - Day 11

12/12 - Day 11

Everyone always talked about Liquid Light making their plants reach up for the light, and I had seen pics of it, but never experienced it myself, this is the first time. I gave them a foliar feeding of full strength Penetrator and Liquid Light about 5 hours after lights on. These pictures were taken minutes before lights off, 7 hours later.



Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
looking good. :yes: you should see the growth nice and fast now. c99 are known fast finishers.
do u ever trim your fan leaves? its looking bushy in there.


donut engineer
These look outstanding. I'm running these right now in my second week of flower. Are you noticing it being a P-K or CalMag hog?


Active member
FB420 - The only fan leaves I've trimmed were ones that had been affected earlier with whatever nute problem I was having. It's definitely grown in pretty thick. I'll be doing a final trimming in the next few days. That relates to funkervogt's question...

funkervogt - The only time I had any issues was in veg. All the plants responded differently to the same treatment, with some showing symptoms worse than others. The majority of the picky ones turned out to be male, and I've noticed a few others growing the BX with similar issues. Nothing bad, and it seems to go away in flower. I'm not seeing any problems right now besides a touch of tip burn, so I'm pretty happy.

Thanks for checking in guys! :wave:


That side by side pick of the liquid light/penetrator combo is pretty neat. My foilar-fu skills are non existant, so I guess I've got some studying to do. The above combo is obviously doing something, but for the price tag it better be doing something special.

Very cool pic's man, thanks.


Active member
That side by side pick of the liquid light/penetrator combo is pretty neat. My foilar-fu skills are non existant, so I guess I've got some studying to do. The above combo is obviously doing something, but for the price tag it better be doing something special.

Very cool pic's man, thanks.

I'm not sure what you're referring to but there are no side by sides being done this grow. I'm sorry if I was unclear. They've all received the same treatment their entire lives.


this is your side by side of what ll did
Everyone always talked about Liquid Light making their plants reach up for the light, and I had seen pics of it, but never experienced it myself, this is the first time. I gave them a foliar feeding of full strength Penetrator and Liquid Light about 5 hours after lights on. These pictures were taken minutes before lights off, 7 hours later.



Active member
Nah, that's just the two sides of my cabinet. I have done no side by side this round, all plants have been treated equal.


Nice cindys bro!
Have you flowered her already before? If so how many days did it take :) ??

Just check the thread a bit better :) Sorry for the stupid q! :D:D nevermind bro :D

Nice lush green plants!


GMG your plants are really filling in nicely, So how tall are they now?
I just started flushing my girls and I'm planning on cutting them down on the 6th that will be a total of three months of growing time.


Active member
nukkumatti - This is my first time growing these, but lucky for me this strain has been pretty well documented, there are a few full grow logs so far. I'm planning on chopping them all around 55-59 days based on all the phenos I've seen others get. If something happens and that's going to put any plants way out of range, I will modify my plans a bit, but as is, I'm planning on around 8 weeks.

gdbud - Yeah you can say that again... I really need to do some trimming before it's too late, it's getting close, and I'm about to leave for a few days... :badday:
I can't believe you're so close to harvest... watching other grows has definitely helped with my patience. Your plants are looking great, can't wait to see the final result! :wave:


Active member
12/12 - Day 17

12/12 - Day 17

Just went away for a couple days, rushed home to make sure I was back before the lights went off. They grew at least a couple inches... I sure hope they're done stretching because I don't have any more room. I've got 3 tall ones and 2 short ones... about 6-8" difference between them.

Over the 2.5 days I was gone they've been getting their first dose of KoolBloom. I put 3 gallons in the reservoir Sat. afternoon and there are a couple inches of water left right now. I'm going to give them about 10 more days of 6/9, and then I'm cutting out the Micro. They'll get another dose of KB at that point for a day or two, then just 9 Bloom for a week, one final dose of KB, and then 9 Bloom til the flush.


Active member
Yeah they're getting pretty close to that CMH right now... looks like they're liking it. :biggrin:

Now that the stretch is pretty close to done I'm going to even the canopy out with some kind of risers. If not that, I'll at least move the taller plants to the outside. You can see the front left and back right plants are shorter than the others. I'm not sure which plant is which # right now, but the plants are arranged in an X.
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Nice. I am sitting on some of the same seeds, I'll definitely continue to watch this one!


Active member
Well I just put the shortest one in the middle... that's not going to do it. Looks like I'm gonna have to go buy some sort of risers... I'm so broke right now. :badday: