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San Diegos Finest Cuts #2

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Looking good voodoo, how long are you gonna take that cherry ad ? Hey sub I dont believe that tmv story myself, I have had my chem d since early 08 it had symptoms veriegated twisty leaves on 25 pecent of all clones. Since then I have rotated the mother at least 10 times and never get a single one for the last year or so. And it hasnt spread to any of my other plants The cherry ad didnt have it until it got cloned a couple times and I shared blades with both ad phenos because they came from my place from seed, but the ether pheno hasnt shown one time I think its a genetic thing.

Till the trichs amber my friend, figure what -12 weeks?

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Hi All,
I can't find the exact info I had posted originally about transmission through seeds but here's a snip from wikipedia-
Seed and pollen borne viruses

Plant virus transmission from generation to generation occurs in about 20% of plant viruses. When viruses are transmitted by seeds, the seed is infected in the generative cells and the virus is maintained in the germ cells and sometimes, but less often, in the seed coat. When the growth and development of plants is delayed because of situations like unfavourable weather, there is an increase in the amount of virus infections in seeds. There does not seem to be a correlation between the location of the seed on the plant and its chances of being infected. [5] Little is known about the mechanisms involved in the transmission of plant viruses via seeds, although it is known that it is environmentally influenced and that seed transmission occurs because of a direct invasion of the embryo via the ovule or by an indirect route with an attack on the embryo mediated by infected gametes. [5] [6] These processes can occur concurrently or separately depending on the host plant. It is unknown how the virus is able to directly invade and cross the embryo and boundary between the parental and progeny generations in the ovule. [6] Many plants species can be infected through seeds including but not limited to the families Leguminosae, Solanaceae, Compositae, Rosaceae, Curcurbitaceae, Gramineae. [5]

The article I found before ( it was from a university ag dept) was saying that storing the seeds for 2+ years would be sufficient to have MV die off.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
good good info guys....so:
KRD: so you think the cherry pheno got it from sharing a blade you used to take cuts from an infected(?) plant? maybe your chem d?...i also do not believe its tmv, as that is pretty much fatal to infected plants from my understanding...by the way, havent tried the cherry pheno yet, but great selection on the ether pheno! ive got one of each vegged to about 18-20" ready to go in as soon as i have room! cant wait. props to you for spreading the love!
---gt, more good info man! i just wish we could figure out once and for all what exactly this lil bug is....by the way, for those w plants exhibiting these symptoms, it CAN be spread by using same blades and/or a recirculated system(ive spread it by blade and greyskull had it spread via a common nutrient source....
---one of my phenos of sourdab(the reeeeaaalll stinky one) has thrown a few nanners after being pollinated by her brother, and while i may not spend time pursuing that particular f2 batch because of said nanners(dont know if enviro caused or not) im leaving her nanners in there too maaaaybe hit up that chem d that in late teens next to her,,,
-----so, lemme confirm w some of you my understanding of female seeds: if a plant hermies or throws a few nanners and pollinates ITSELF, those beans will almost surely carry the hermie gene correct? but if said plant with nanners hits a diff female, w no hermie or nanner tendancies, those seeds should be female, or at the very least, should have a good chance of turning up females correct?
...i ask because i dont yet know if the ONE male sourdab i have kept so far will pass that sweetblue aroma or the plain afghani aroma, and i wont know till someone round here grows my ecsd x sourdab backcross...and i cant quit thinkin what a nice combo it would make. i hope my posts are at least mildly interesting as we are having a slow week at work and im spending waaaay too much time here! haha


-----so, lemme confirm w some of you my understanding of female seeds: if a plant hermies or throws a few nanners and pollinates ITSELF, those beans will almost surely carry the hermie gene correct? but if said plant with nanners hits a diff female, w no hermie or nanner tendancies, those seeds should be female, or at the very least, should have a good chance of turning up females correct?
...i ask because i dont yet know if the ONE male sourdab i have kept so far will pass that sweetblue aroma or the plain afghani aroma, and i wont know till someone round here grows my ecsd x sourdab backcross...and i cant quit thinkin what a nice combo it would make. i hope my posts are at least mildly interesting as we are having a slow week at work and im spending waaaay too much time here! haha

To my understanding yes they will be feminized seeds. The thing is that hermie trait will be carried on to the seeds. You can try and breed it out but it will always be there no matter what.

I think all strains have the hermie gene. It's a natural occurrence as a way of protecting the species when the plant is stressed enough. Some show it easily and some show it very hard. Most of the strains offered today by well known seed co. started from good landrace stock that didn't hermie under common stress so therefore it not an issue...most of the time. You are always going to get that percentage that do. Most experienced growers toss these out keeping the genetic pool clean. Lately I have seen more and more hobby growers growing S1s or feminized beans and crossing hermies in hopes of getting a plant that won't hermie but still be the same as the original. I have seen more and more new seed co. offering only feminized seeds. If this continues males are going to be a prime market in the future. :joint:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ya, these seeds would not be for the server fund(if the dab shoots a lil hermie pollen on chem) it would be to hopefully find a nice cut that blends the two pools together...we will see what happens!


To an MV free online community!

Pascal's Fire OG-


And the girl going for the kill in the background, Roadkill Skunk x Deep Chunk.



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100% Iranian Genetics


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Active member
Sour Chem Kush and Cali Club OG both Revegged! Stoked about these....this is the best OG I've ever smoked...too bad Elite got rolled and was never able to release these to the public...


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Active member
Sub the only blade That got shared was ether and the cherry never with the d. The only thing that I can think is its genetic, about five years ago I ran a bunch of djs gear and had crazy veriegation only on the clones not the original seed plants. Kinda like most chem/ogs show it when you clone one thats not really healthy. If it was tmv I think it would get worse around socal with all the shitty cloning habits of most vendors.




Sour Chem Kush and Cali Club OG both Revegged! Stoked about these....this is the best OG I've ever smoked...too bad Elite got rolled and was never able to release these to the public...

elite's website is still up , although I havent posted there since last year.

I lost the sour d back crosses I got from suite 215.

Those I Irainian plants are looking real healthy oswizzle!


..... Yes we are, umm Imperial Stout I believe.

fellow zymurgists? i love to brew been a minute since my friends owen and audry sold beer and wine crafts to another friend of ours steve. but they folded and i had better things to do at the time..... well we really are going to all have to get together when i come down. i can tell california is getting small again!


Voo...dude I had a blast yesterday! Thanks again for inviting me over :)

Rob is was so cool meeting you yesterday bro. :) Thanks again for the hospitality and the smoke. :) and if you need any help doing anything bro it would be my pleasure to come by and give you a hand. By the way you got PM. :)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^^im REALLY hoping your referring to A pm, and not PM! HAHAHA...that madness is crazy isnt it? that plant was pretty much forgotten, hanging in the closet for AT LEAST the last 6 months if not a year! nuts that she still smokes good...i will have to manicure some of the nugs i have left and jar em up for a "cure" haha


fellow zymurgists? i love to brew been a minute since my friends owen and audry sold beer and wine crafts to another friend of ours steve. but they folded and i had better things to do at the time..... well we really are going to all have to get together when i come down. i can tell california is getting small again!

Our "guy on the couch" is a zymurgist extraordinaire. I try to con him into brewing on the weekly (typically Sundays) as an excuse to have people over.

Voo...dude I had a blast yesterday! Thanks again for inviting me over :)

Absolutely Cal, you're welcome here any day of the week.

HAHAHA...that madness is crazy isnt it? that plant was pretty much forgotten, hanging in the closet for AT LEAST the last 6 months if not a year! nuts that she still smokes good...i will have to manicure some of the nugs i have left and jar em up for a "cure" haha

Sub there is absolutely no need to cure it. After leaving we went back, I loaded up the bong I showed you and proceeded to forget everything that transpired thereafter. Excellent work.

Sub, thanks so much for having us over, I was nothing but impressed with the girls, the knowledge, the generosity, you name it. That Tahoe was impressive sir - and on that note:


I had the chance to sample some of your Tahoe OG Kush. I am not drawn to OG variants the way I should be, they are massively overplayed in so cal - but my god, this ish was PHENOMENAL. As you might imagine, she's going to be added to my stable.


Absolutely Cal, you're welcome here any day of the week.

Word! :D

That Tahoe was impressive sir - and on that note:


I had the chance to sample some of your Tahoe OG Kush. I am not drawn to OG variants the way I should be, they are massively overplayed in so cal - but my god, this ish was PHENOMENAL. As you might imagine, she's going to be added to my stable.

Yessir! I 2nd this! Borderline trippy at some points. Glad I got her in the stable!


There you go!! They respond well to LST and rose bush style topping. :) You've got to come smell the cherry.



If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
What's up Voodoo??

Gotta say, that Alien Dawg is looking FROSTY :tiphat:

i didnt realize that you were a brewer too, i have some stuff getting bottled this week. IPA

later all. amazing pics as always


Fresh brews a flowing! something I haven't got into yet, but it sounds rewarding as hell!
that cherry cut looks pretty bomb too!
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