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Breaking Bad


It's happening now, those twins make me want to believe in the devil, if he did exist he belongs in them. I've never been afraid of anything in my life especially people, but if I was walt I would shit a brick.


show is starting to get goofy I hope it gets better and doesn't jump the shark to quick


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Can't wait to watch it (cali time so I have another hour til it starts at 10) I loved this show last year and hope it can do better than other second/third season shows lately.


Active member
Hello all,

Just taking a few pulls off my bong brfore going in to watch it...two hours... then its off to sniping in Battlfield.

There is nothing like sseeing the crimson explosion of your Nemises skull at 350 meters....


OS..strawberry shortcake with cream as a pre-show munchie


cant stop wont stop
that crawling like lizards or whatever the hell was kinda weird..
cartels after ol' heisenberg? and the crazy chicken(pollo) offering 3 mil?? hmmm :chin:
things are gettin interesting

"its a half a million in cash"
i near shat myself when walt said that


gets some
Hmm...first episode was ok. Nothing great though. Almost too emotional with Skyler in tears for most of the episode. I'll keep watching but "meh"...I hope it improves.

This is the problem with recent drug underground shows, Weeds included. They always have to progress to murder, family destruction, dysfunction, etc as the "usual path". That is so not realistic but I guess the show would only last a couple seasons if us boring growers didn't have anyone shooting at us every few weeks.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
is it just me, or are those two mexican hitmen too cool for their own good? they keep making these faces at each other like "yeah, i'm cool" and "hey bro, looking cool!" lol :joint:



Active member
This is the problem with recent drug underground shows, Weeds included. They always have to progress to murder, family destruction, dysfunction, etc as the "usual path". That is so not realistic but I guess the show would only last a couple seasons if us boring growers didn't have anyone shooting at us every few weeks.
They are manufacturing methamphetamine in New Mexico which is a boarder state. Its not like there growing marijuana up in N. California for there arthritis. Are you not aware of all the violence and chaos surrounding the drug trade down in Mexico and a long the boarder? These drug cartels are not living in nice little white picket fenced homes and having perfect lives. They are being killed. There family members are killed for being associated with them. There tortured left for dead and usually don't have a head after is all said and done. Sure, the show is a little embellished for television I will give you that, but as for the violence goes surrounded the meth/cocaine/drug trade in general along the boarder anything is possible. Don't get it wrong these motherfuckers don't play games. This isn't your hippy father with a 10k grow down in his basement. These are people banking millions on the drug trade and there willing to do ANYTHING to protect it. Don't get that twisted.

believe me there are tucos out there. hang around an LA/hispanic gang long enough and you'll meet 50 of them.


Active member
Just watched first ep of season 3... fantastic!

This show always leaves ya wanting more!


gets some
That may be true but why do these shows always have to show the worst possible outcomes? While I do think they're entertaining I also get the feeling they're trying to teach "This is what happens when you get involved in the underground drug trade" when no, very few get shot at or attacked by mexicans or whatever. I guess it just irritates me that they always go the worst possible route. I mean, even the thing with Skyler totally kirking out on Walt about the drugs. She was going to divorce him for selling pot to raise money for the family in case he died!


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I was hoping for something more BUT it looks to be building up for the second episode. More of a refresher on the first one it seems WHICH I needed because I was trying to remember what all happened last season.


Active member
is it just me, or are those two mexican hitmen too cool for their own good? they keep making these faces at each other like "yeah, i'm cool" and "hey bro, looking cool!" lol :joint:


I think it gave them a Terminator twins sort of appeal. I have a feeling when they finally say something it will be scholarly. Like well educated hitmen.