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Breaking Bad


gets some
Ive enjoyed the first two seasons but I can see it already heading down the Weeds road where the plot has to get more and more wild to keep the show going. It's already drifting away from what made the show so compelling in the beginning (drug dealing while maintaining a "normal life"). Guess we'll see what they do in about 8 months.


I just dont see how this is going to effect anyone but Donald? Any theories? They built up to this the entire season, it has to be something more than that. Maybe when they start investigating Donald they come back to Jesse


Horse-toothed Jackass
Arctic: thank you for your kind words. Always nice to bounce ideas around with a fellow BB-head. :rasta:

Greensmoke: thanks for the link to that excellent article, well worth a read by any BB fan.

That article answers some of my questions:

1. Those two bodies in the driveway are random plane passengers.

2. Gus knew all about Walt even before he visited the DEA office.

Makes sense that he would thoroughly investigate someone before doing a million dollar drug deal with that person, but surprising that he knew Walt's bro in law was DEA and he STILL decided to do bidness with Walt. Or maybe Gus realizes that even a big time drug dealer can't pick who his relatives are. Maybe Gus is in a similar situation, maybe he has a federal prosecutor in his family. Wouldn't that be funny?


but surprising that he knew Walt's bro in law was DEA and he STILL decided to do bidness with Walt. Or maybe Gus realizes that even a big time drug dealer can't pick who his relatives are. Maybe Gus is in a similar situation, maybe he has a federal prosecutor in his family. Wouldn't that be funny?
He found out after the deal.


And in the finale, we see him finding out a whole lot about Walt during his visit to Hank's office.

The way we see it, in the writer's room, is that was not a surprise. Gus is, in our minds, like Bobby Fishcer. He's a master chess player, always thinking 12 or 20 moves ahead. He would never have gotten into business with Walt in the first place without doing due diligence: "Oh, he's a high school chemistry teacher, he has a brother-in-law in the DEA," etc. In my mind, Gus would be less than he is if he was to be surprised by that. It was interesting for us, putting those two worlds together.
At first I thought Gus discovered the Hank + Walter connection in the office too, but the article with Vince implies he would already know this about Walter.


The show is good but def only that... A show... haha. Jesse should have been clipped a long long time ago.. He adds nothing..... He can't sell the drugs, he can't get respect, he can't handle business and he can't cook!! Not to mention hes a junky who messes up every single thing he touches.. The bathtub, he lost all of his money one episode and cried to Walt until he gave him half of his share, got put in the hospital by Tuco, couldn't kill the people who robbed him, couldn't set up a network, put the keys in the ignition and the RV died in the middle of the desert, dumped all the drinking water on the generator, got swindled by junkie bitch, shows up to a meeting late and high almost loosing the biggest buyer of there career, almost cost him and Walt 1.3 million, backstabbed his partner cries and moans about every little thing, talks like hes a rapper and not to mention he started shooting up heroin.... Walt should just kill him already.... Also after he kills him he gets to keep his share of the money... That's 600 g's.... I would save that money just for payoff and attorney money for Sal or any other unforseeable problem that might come up...


HAHA thanx Ran. I love the show, I do.. But I think the Jesse character has ran it's coarse... He introduced Walt to the game and Walt is and always was the mastermind ambitious person of the two.. Now it's time for the writers to cut Jesse from the show focusing on Walt and the rise or fall that's to come... We already know everything about the family and friends. We have learned the personalities of all of them and how they act.... If they decide to keep writing Jesse in it will make the show even more unrealistic... So drop Jesse and the family and focus on the stuff people really want to see.... The meth cooking and dealing.... Keep the brother-in-law and focus on the police angle... That will give the writers a chance to cameo Walt's family (through the sister) and also tie the story together very well.. If they do decide to keep Jesse in the show they have to make him become an informant adventually working with the brother-in-law.. Other then that I can't see how his character adds anything to the show anymore....
Cant wait!



yeah it was looking good for him right? and skyler and TIMMEH walked out somewhere...hmm ill have to rewatch the seasons.

new weeds soon too eh? no tangent starter, just sayin. im EXCITEEEEEEE