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A graphical representation of what happens after Death

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St. Elsewhere
I've never done DMT but I have done 'shrooms and LSD many, many, many times.

I would recommend trying it. I've had several experiences with multiple people seeing the same imagery on DMT. Many people see a dancing woman at one point in their trip, for example. The most common visual on DMT is the "mandala" or "crysanthemum".

Terence Mckenna describes the crysanthemum as having orange and yellow petals, which I had seen firsthand before ever hearing Terence describe it. It was orange and yellow and looked as real as anything I'd ever seen.

It really is almost incomparable to shrooms or LSD..


Active member
I would recommend trying it. I've had several experiences with multiple people seeing the same imagery on DMT. Many people see a dancing woman at one point in their trip, for example. The most common visual on DMT is the "mandala" or "crysanthemum".

Terence Mckenna describes the crysanthemum as having orange and yellow petals, which I had seen firsthand before ever hearing Terence describe it. It was orange and yellow and looked as real as anything I'd ever seen.

It really is almost incomparable to shrooms or LSD..

But, there are also people who have never done any dope, and still experience the 'Here After'. ..like 'schzophrenics' might..



Sorcerer's Apprentice

I'm actually very sure. And also, i'm not YOU, and you're not ME. ..think about it.

Awesome! I'd love to see the evidence that makes you "very sure!"

Give you evidende on MetaPhysical things!!!???? You're high roller University profs can't proove this to you, man
Uh... I know they can't. To my knowledge, there aren't any "high roller university profs" that are claiming that these metaphysical ideas are 100% truth.

But what you seem you miss is in my statements is..

Form the FIRST post on ...i have ONLY spoken of a THEORY!!
..while all other spirtual traditions are ALLWAYS THE TRUTH ...i can only offer you a Theory ...if i'd had tangiable evidence, that i could place in your hands, i would ..but these things "are" TRANCEDNED to our physical perceptions.
Sorry, homie. You are NOT talking about a theory.

You have said you are SURE. you have made statements that assume surety. I quoted you on this already.

It can't be both ways. It can't be just a theory AND you're sure about it.

Here's a good example on these ancient traditional TRUTHS:

Eternal life (abrahamic comology) vs Re-incarnation traditions (hindu, buddhist, Jain) ...one of these has to be WRONG.
Yes. Or both of them are wrong. Don't forget that.

FYI - Buddha's idea of reincarnation was NOT about past lives or future lives. Buddha's idea of reincarnation was that in THIS life, you will be reborn again and again (as you awaken to new ideas and understandings) that will either be positive (you get smarter, wiser, more compassionate) or negative (you get duller, more set in your ways, more selfish) according to the choices that YOU MAKE.

Buddha was not speculating about past or future lives. This has been misinterpreted by people who need to believe in a magical future where everything is better.

I could say something similar about heaven and hell. These are descriptions of states of mind that living humans go through. Not places that exist "metaphysically" in the afterlife.

go bug them, buddy ...way more field to over come LOL ..they don't even speak about a THEORY ..they claim to be the TRUTH. ...and how can they both be the TRUTH ..they can't. Period. :tiphat:
You didn't speak of a theory until challenged for evidence. And since then you have only used the word theory as an excuse for your LACK of evidence. You still claim to be SURE. You still claim to KNOW. But since you can't "PROOVE" anything, you are throwing out the word theory as a way to avoid proof. That's fine if you wanna tap dance around reality... but it's not a very convincing argument.

Human dis-carnate spirits live also (still) on planet Earth.. at least some other people seem to believe this is so..
Some people on this planet believe that a fat man with a long white beard and a red suit lives in the arctic with a bunch of elves making and distributing toys.

Some people on this planet believe that the galactic overlord Xenu massacred hundreds of millions of alien souls by dumping them into volcanos and then exploding nuclear weapons into them. These same people believe that these alien souls are attached to our OWN souls and that is the reason we don't always make good choices.

What was your point again?

the mistakes on these ..i allready wrote about this to you. ..if these gods were really flying in space and creating these celectial bodies, then why did they thatght humanity (and accoring to these many scrptures, from different traditions; spirits(gods) did teach these things to humans) ..that Venus is a STAR!! ..take it from there.
Simpler answer: Humans who had never left earth were SPECULATING (as you are doing now) about the light in the sky. The light that looked very similar to other "fixed" lights that we call stars, except they move erratically through the sky.

Which is more likely? Humans wrote those errors themselves... or invisible, unprovable, intangible ghosts wrote those stories in the brains of the humans, who then wrote the stories on scrolls?

For Indians the planets were called CHAKRAS =this is a word for 'wheel' or a 'disc' ..not a 'ball' or 'sphere' ..get it??
Yes! I totally get what you're saying... I just think it's wrong and more than a little silly. Of course, if you have some EVIDENCE that what you are saying is real or even likely, I'd love to see it.

WHAT Perfect being exatcly are you talking about here cause i have no idea? Adi Buddha, Yahwe, Grand Father,FAther, Mother, The Grand Mother. Allah ...lil help pleace
Take your pick. All of these are names that humans have given to ideas about their understanding of the world.

..i'm sort of a shaman. Let's leave it at that.
I'm sort of disappointed that you think you've made some kind of real argument here.

Assuming and supposing is easy. This is how myths and pseudo-science start out and take root.
Exactly. So come with evidence, or quit with the mythology and pseudo-science.

I like to use the word 'theory' cause it keeps the things 'open' for study ..you know ..and "theory" state very little FACTS untill we have them in that Theory.
Homie, as I have already said.... you never used the word theory until I challenged you to prove your speculations.

If the spirits don't come to you, there's your proof. But I, personally, have no way of prooving this to you ..sorry. and i all ready told you this in my earlier post.
If you don't have proof, why bother to claim you are SURE?

They (dis-carnate (human) spirits) live in the 'metaphysical' = meta ('beyond') physical ..ok ..understand that now?
Is that somewhere near Santa's house? (Understand my point yet?)

How can i put an invisible, non material object in yourhand, an object which i couldn't even see myself!! lol.
If that invisible, non-material object is affecting things in the material world, you should be able to measure that effect. If the effect of the invisible, non-material is not observable, why bother to suppose it is there in the first place?

Do you also believe in the magical flaming teapot of Vladivostok? One sip from it's magical flaming tea will cure any STD on the spot as long as you recite (silently) the secret, unknown, unknowable magic words at the exact moment that the space cow jumps over the moon. (In theory.)

MetaPhysics, ay? ..crazy.:)
Ah... we finally agree.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I would recommend trying it.

It really is almost incomparable to shrooms or LSD..

Well, next time you come over, bring some along, Marq.

I'm not in college anymore, and my connections to the world of illicit substances has dried up considerably since then. I haven't even gotten ahold of LSD in probably 6-8 years. Still got access to 'shrooms periodically, but it's hit or miss.


Active member
Heres what some guy told me once he said supposed you don't believe in god and you when you die there he is. You didn't believe in him so now he is upset with you. Now suppose you you do believe in god and when you die nothing happens what so ever well nothing gained nothing lost really. So he told me you might as well believe in him just in case he really is real because the cons of not believing him if he is there out weighs the cons of believing something that isn't there.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Heres what some guy told me once he said supposed you don't believe in god and you when you die there he is. You didn't believe in him so now he is upset with you.

Why would he be upset with you? "He" wouldn't even necessarily be a "he" since him having a sexual identity implies he's a creature that reproduces sexually and therefore there's also a female "God(dess)".

So if "he" has given us these brains and no reliable instruction manual, how can you be sure he doesn't want us to just figure it out on our own?

If we really do exist for all of eternity, doesn't that give each of us an infinite amount of time with which to find and understand God? Why would he lovingly cut us off from his graces at the moment of death - for eternity?

If you want to worship your fear that's definitely up to you, but I couldn't believe in any god that behaved this way.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Why would he be upset with you?

not sure if "upset" is the most appropriate word...

as I understand, it is the same with us... take yourself as example, suppose you have a good friend whom you love very dearly, and you know he needs to learn how to grow his own herb, because what he gets in the street sucks and it costs him too much money; so you hook your dear friend up with all he needs to start his own grow, and he is supposed to get back to you at the start of flowering to report progress... when the time comes, you learn he did most things wrong, he procrastinated in the worst sense of the word, he just did not give a shit for his betterment; how would you feel about him after such fact?

or say you have a girlfriend, and both of you have talked over some "deep" stuff, and have shared tons of moments; but suddenly, she leaves you for a dude with lots of money, but not with the same love you have for her; how would you feel afterward?

"He" wouldn't even necessarily be a "he" since him having a sexual identity implies he's a creature that reproduces sexually and therefore there's also a female "God(dess)".

God is neither a he or a she.

So if "he" has given us these brains and no reliable instruction manual, how can you be sure he doesn't want us to just figure it out on our own?

well, we gave ourselves these brains actually, according to the texts that is.

we ate from a tree that made us physical. hence the phrase: from adams to atoms.

If we really do exist for all of eternity, doesn't that give each of us an infinite amount of time with which to find and understand God? Why would he lovingly cut us off from his graces at the moment of death - for eternity?

we do not exist for all eternity; adam and eve were kept from eating from the fruit of eternal life after they had eaten from the tree of knowledge of right and wrong.

we get to keep our souls if we stay loyal to our true creator, rather than follow whatever else. think of the examples given at the start: your woman follows a player rather than stays with good old loyal you. etc...

Ezekiel 18, verses 4 and 20. "Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth it shall die"

"God only hath immortality" (1 Tim. 6:16)

this is why of the famous "the wages of sin is death".


Andinismo Hierbatero
Heres what some guy told me once he said supposed you don't believe in god and you when you die there he is. You didn't believe in him so now he is upset with you. Now suppose you you do believe in god and when you die nothing happens what so ever well nothing gained nothing lost really. So he told me you might as well believe in him just in case he really is real because the cons of not believing him if he is there out weighs the cons of believing something that isn't there.

the issue with this stance is that we cannot fake it, we either 'believe' or we don't.

we may be able to fool others or even ourselves, but in the end, we cannot fool the One who sees all.


Active member
Awesome! I'd love to see the evidence that makes you "very sure!"

Uh... I know they can't. To my knowledge, there aren't any "high roller university profs" that are claiming that these metaphysical ideas are 100% truth.

Sorry, homie. You are NOT talking about a theory.

You have said you are SURE. you have made statements that assume surety. I quoted you on this already.

It can't be both ways. It can't be just a theory AND you're sure about it.

Yes. Or both of them are wrong. Don't forget that.

FYI - Buddha's idea of reincarnation was NOT about past lives or future lives. Buddha's idea of reincarnation was that in THIS life, you will be reborn again and again (as you awaken to new ideas and understandings) that will either be positive (you get smarter, wiser, more compassionate) or negative (you get duller, more set in your ways, more selfish) according to the choices that YOU MAKE.

Buddha was not speculating about past or future lives. This has been misinterpreted by people who need to believe in a magical future where everything is better.

I could say something similar about heaven and hell. These are descriptions of states of mind that living humans go through. Not places that exist "metaphysically" in the afterlife.

You didn't speak of a theory until challenged for evidence. And since then you have only used the word theory as an excuse for your LACK of evidence. You still claim to be SURE. You still claim to KNOW. But since you can't "PROOVE" anything, you are throwing out the word theory as a way to avoid proof. That's fine if you wanna tap dance around reality... but it's not a very convincing argument.

Some people on this planet believe that a fat man with a long white beard and a red suit lives in the arctic with a bunch of elves making and distributing toys.

Some people on this planet believe that the galactic overlord Xenu massacred hundreds of millions of alien souls by dumping them into volcanos and then exploding nuclear weapons into them. These same people believe that these alien souls are attached to our OWN souls and that is the reason we don't always make good choices.

What was your point again?

Simpler answer: Humans who had never left earth were SPECULATING (as you are doing now) about the light in the sky. The light that looked very similar to other "fixed" lights that we call stars, except they move erratically through the sky.

Which is more likely? Humans wrote those errors themselves... or invisible, unprovable, intangible ghosts wrote those stories in the brains of the humans, who then wrote the stories on scrolls?

Yes! I totally get what you're saying... I just think it's wrong and more than a little silly. Of course, if you have some EVIDENCE that what you are saying is real or even likely, I'd love to see it.

Take your pick. All of these are names that humans have given to ideas about their understanding of the world.

I'm sort of disappointed that you think you've made some kind of real argument here.

Exactly. So come with evidence, or quit with the mythology and pseudo-science.

Homie, as I have already said.... you never used the word theory until I challenged you to prove your speculations.

If you don't have proof, why bother to claim you are SURE?

Is that somewhere near Santa's house? (Understand my point yet?)

If that invisible, non-material object is affecting things in the material world, you should be able to measure that effect. If the effect of the invisible, non-material is not observable, why bother to suppose it is there in the first place?

Do you also believe in the magical flaming teapot of Vladivostok? One sip from it's magical flaming tea will cure any STD on the spot as long as you recite (silently) the secret, unknown, unknowable magic words at the exact moment that the space cow jumps over the moon. (In theory.)

Ah... we finally agree.

I'm think i have had enough of this ..see you around the boards :wave:

Buddha actually is talking about RETURNING into Physcal body ..so you are wrong.

Addition later... i can't be botherred to reply to the comments concerning me.. it's seemingly a mis-understanding ..but i just can't be bothered..


Yes. Both re-incarantionalists and Abrahamics can be wrong ..i agree. ..and i also have been pointing this out to people elsewhere.Good.

Are you an atheist /agnostc?

who do you think created all this or is this all "a chemical freak accident".

Cause i think it's stupid to argue who created all this, when the big picture is; that it is CREATED!! This CREATION is the THING to wonder about, man ..and enjoy it!!
..(you) people are chasing names in books, and things like "who's god's laws should we obey and my mythical entities are real, but your's are not" ..drop it.
..and aknowledge that SOMEONE (i don't know who) created THIS. It doesn't matter what his/her/their gender or names is/are ..get over this ...or continue arguing

But..when you die (when we all die), you'll see that you won't dissapear ..then you can think of me (and other people that have spoken of this), good ol' GoatCheese and what i said on IC-mag the year 2010 ..then i could go ..."I TOLD YOU SO".

Enjoy your lives and all it's wonders!!

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there always two sides, even the most devout people felt like fakes, which of course those that no me know that i thought they were anyways like mother terrasa for instance. so u cant say doubt is bad just like cant say hope is bad, look at joe rogans theory(the obnoxious comedian/ufc commentator/fear factor host) he just says were all bacteria n fungi desinged to destroy the earth basically.

if u look at were adults imaginary friends get there info from it goes back to sumeria and there creation mythology says that the nephilum or annuaki(spoken of the in bible) came down and genetically enginereed a slave race(us) and called the first slave the adam-move.. i think were bascially engineered garbage from more advanced peoples who have abondaned us as weve served are long forgotton purpose whatever that was to them.. so were bonobos n chimps enginered to do manual work. donest really bother me. what bothers rational people is if i was to tell others, scientist, war mongers, suicide bombers to think as i do, scare children with this and cut of there genitalial or atleast part of it, somthing that my type would never do. nobody can comprehend death, much like nobody has ever experienced eternity , much like nobody knows whats happens after they die, if nothing happens there nothing to fear either. its like jean paul satre said ''man is condemmed to be free'', all this clinging to religons as it parts from the globe is mans desire to be a slave and live in a totalitarian experience, nothing more. problem is that this toasty feeling that so many seek in the end always leads to barbarism and inhumanity and must be fought against, its part of the whole condemed to be free thing, not only are we condemed to it, we must fight to even be so condemed, society is approaching this turing point in its evolution and in some way it scares us all, but once acheived those born under its momentum and knowing nothing but will make this challenge look very easy which in essence it really is, as its man and not individulas who dont get this and even though the individual is the latest creation of nature some want to go backwards n herd up, dont ask me why-


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I'm think i have had enough of this ..see you around the boards :wave:

Ok. Tah.

Buddha actually is talking about RETURNING into Physcal body ..so you are wrong.

Wow. You're back!

Please provide references for this statement.

Addition later... i can't be botherred to reply to the comments concerning me.. it's seemingly a mis-understanding ..but i just can't be bothered..

Hmmm. Ok.


Yes. Both re-incarantionalists and Abrahamics can be wrong ..i agree. ..and i also have been pointing this out to people elsewhere.Good.

Yes. All of them can be wrong!

Are you an atheist /agnostc?

I'm an agnostic, in the sense that I do not claim to have the ultimate answers about life.

who do you think created all this or is this all "a chemical freak accident".

I don't know.

Cause i think it's stupid to argue who created all this, when the big picture is; that it is CREATED!! This CREATION is the THING to wonder about, man ..and enjoy it!!

How do you know it was created? Wondering about it, yes. Knowing it was created... no. Evidence?

..(you) people are chasing names in books, and things like "who's god's laws should we obey and my mythical entities are real, but your's are not" ..drop it.

I agree.

..and aknowledge that SOMEONE (i don't know who) created THIS. It doesn't matter what his/her/their gender or names is/are ..get over this ...or continue arguing

There is no evidence that SOMEONE "created" anything. If you have such evidence, please present it to the group.

But..when you die (when we all die), you'll see that you won't dissapear ..then you can think of me (and other people that have spoken of this), good ol' GoatCheese and what i said on IC-mag the year 2010 ..then i could go ..."I TOLD YOU SO".

Well, that's a great comfort to me. If I happen to be alive after I die, I'll be very happy to let you know so you can say you told me so. Won't have much effect on the way I live my life, though.
Happen to have any EVIDENCE that what you say is true?

Enjoy your lives and all it's wonders!!

You too!


The Voice of Reason
If the souls of babies are innocent and go straight to paradise when they die... then isn't the abortion doctor performing a valuable service by insuring that those fetuses' souls can't suffer eternal damnation?

Finally - now everyone can experience the afterlife - the way it ACTUALLY happens...

Wish I'd found this sooner...
I like this thread because I've always wondered about this

If we are just a pile of organic compounds,
then all of our senses are just electrochemical perceptions.

So when you die, all of this ceases, right?
So you are left with black. Or are you?

How could you even detect 'blankness'
You couldn't because you have not even that sense.

So what you really see is less than blank.
But what is that like?
But what is nothing like???? Less than blank, I guess.




Sorcerer's Apprentice
I like this thread because I've always wondered about this

me too.

If we are just a pile of organic compounds,
then all of our senses are just electrochemical perceptions.

So when you die, all of this ceases, right?
So you are left with black. Or are you?

Well... who are "you" when your senses have shut off and the electricity has stopped flowing?

How could you even detect 'blankness'
You couldn't because you have not even that sense.

Fun post. :blowbubbles:


Andinismo Hierbatero
it goes back to sumeria and there creation mythology says that the nephilum or annuaki(spoken of the in bible) came down and genetically enginereed a slave race(us) and called the first slave the adam-move..

this is wrong.

in the old testament, the nephilim did not come down to GE anything... the nephilim came down because human women were HOT, and they wanted to have some of that ass.

the nephilim got what they wanted, and had sons with the human women, and their off-spring was a race of giants.

but this was before the flood, after the flood came, that lineage disappeared with it...

so basically, you don't know what you are talking about.



Active member

Nephilim from 'nephele' meaning 'cloud'

nephel- i-m .."(those) from the clouds" or "cloud people"

..this is NOT "sky people", but like 'rain cloud(misty)'-people.

This is ancient ESP-phenomena (Extre Sensory Perception) ..they saw "Etheric" -spirits ..3rd eye hallucinations ....which looked "cloudy" or misty "etheric (;misty/vapour-y)"-people to them.



i do know one thing if you were on a desolate planet in another solar system you would think one drop of water would b a gift from god or a tree .. but it disgusts me when people lose faith because of no proof the proof is all around you....we have medicine to heal any wound ordisease we could possibly encounter we have the ability to make things that fly through outerspace we have all the food we could ever need ,drinkable water, faith in god is all humanity has left if we lose faith in godi believe this world would become a terrible place


Sorcerer's Apprentice
i do know one thing if you were on a desolate planet in another solar system you would think one drop of water would b a gift from god or a tree .. but it disgusts me when people lose faith because of no proof the proof is all around you....

There is absolutely no evidence for a creator in the natural world. But feel free to supply some specific examples. Saying "look around you, man" is poor science at best.

we have medicine to heal any wound ordisease we could possibly encounter

No. We don't. Not even close.

we have the ability to make things that fly through outerspace

Thanks to the work of generations of SCIENTISTS.

we have all the food we could ever need,

Easily debatable but if somehow true, due to scientific methods.

drinkable water

Hmm. Does the water come out of your tap straight from the oceans or does it get processed and cleaned by your local waterworks? Or maybe Jesus blesses the water and that's how it becomes drinkable?

faith in god is all humanity has left if we lose faith in godi believe this world would become a terrible place

It's already been done lost, homie. The world is no more terrible for it.
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