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Tourists no longer welcome in cannabis-selling coffee shops


ICMag Donor
Indifferent , opinion is a substance of subjection. Since the quality of cannabis went up in the UK we have not needed / wanted to visit Amsterdam since.

The first time we went to Amsterdam we were blinded by the bright lights, hookers, and hashish. The last few times, as an anthropologist we took time to opened our eyes,, and looked outside onto the streets.

I'd agree that Amsterdam appears to have less gun-crime on the surface,, especially in relation to teenagers :yes: However the criminal networks that support the flow of narcotics, the junkies, and the prostitutes, on the outskirts of Amsterdam are no different to those in any major city.

My buddy lives in Amsterdam. The owner of his local coffeeshop got kidnapped a few months back... national news. No-one is sure if they found him yet... or if they ever will! Again another reason why doormen are now required. None of which bodes well on the coffeeshop industry or on Dutch Tourism. Ditto as for race relations,, the Turkish and Moroccan mafia are locked in running street battles in Amsterdam suburbs (weekly). As a result gun-crime in the city is actually on the increase.

Where do you think all the deals on the junk n pills that gets sold in the UK take place? Amsterdam - the hub of illegal narcotic activity in Europe. Which has become a social European problem that Europe needs to start addressing, before (as we are seeing) the same problem moves into the new European member states out East.

The service that established coffeeshops like the Green House provide to tourists is miles away from the underbelly that feeds the majority of smokers in the Netherlands. If preventing tourists from visiting coffeeshops in Amsterdam will help clean up the city, by reducing the demand on hard-drugs by tourists and reduce the number of street dealers,, then so be it.

Since most coffeeshops cater for the tourist trade, we would see a dramatic reduction in the number (variety) of coffeeshops in Amsterdam as a result.

Peace Peace Peace


Well it works both ways,,

In the UK kids walk to school and sell cannabis to their friends. In Holland kids walk to school past crack-heads hanging on corners - still out from the night before.

It is 100 times easier to score hard-drugs in Amsterdam on the straat then it is in London, Paris, or Berlin. Fact.

I have had far worse experience with regards to crime and hard drugs in my own city of Liverpool than the dam, I could score Brown and Crack far easier here than get a good smoke of weed.. the only trouble I have got into in the Dam was with racists but I don't think they were dutch and again I've experienced far worse in Liverpool and I always stay near crack ally in the dam... FACT


the Turkish and Moroccan mafia are locked in running street battles in Amsterdam suburbs (weekly). As a result gun-crime in the city is actually on the increase.

I actually think its Europe wide from what I've seen, I think the people I had trouble with were turkish and some dutch lads helped us out....
However the criminal networks that support the flow of narcotics, the junkies, and the prostitutes, on the outskirts of Amsterdam are no different to those in any major city.

but I agree with the above, also with other countries getting Eu Reg now you see gangs setting up and then fighting for control etc..

lost in a sea

Dutch kids are shooting each other either, the Uk is a mess and we could learn a few things from the Dutch, they are civilised, we are barbarians.

we are not barbarians, very poor choice of words...

but i know what you are saying...

the uk has had way too many people for a long time, not helped in the last 10+years by the labour gov letting every immigrant in under the sun, on the provision that they vote labour..

we have awful schools maintaining a low level of education for 90% of the country, rising unemployment and overcrowding...

we are what our government allows us to be, and we have no choice but to put up with the endless bullshit, because if order collapsed we know we would all starve to death pretty quickly...

if you call a man a barbarian, he will show you what a barbarian is...

people from the uk are decent kind people that for many decades didnt even lock their front doors in many places, but we have progressively let the bankers use us like there little pet fighting dog more and more, without standing up as a people and saying no.

liberal capitalism is fully consuming our society, we are slaves to the corporation..

what would our ancestors say about this disgusting mess we find ourselves in..


well i dont know about the same as any other city. i know i've never felt to be in any danger in any part of Amsterdam, which can't be said for some of the other major cities.

but yes prohibition will always cause crime and violence as the worst possible elements flock to these high profit businesses like flies to shit.

if one is honest Amsterdam has prety damn good statistics when it comes to murder rates and muggings or rape etc. the fact that many of the hopeless adicts have government run dispencaries is what keeps some of the worst outrages from happening.

i havn't been for 2 years, but i always noticed that even the street walking addicts in Amsterdam are not so desperate.

on the other hand it is certainly true that the new eu agreement about free movement for all, is letting some of the hard core gangs from eastern europe move in which really does seem to be adding to the crime statistics. free trade might have been ok, but this whole open borders crap is destroying europe, now the eu members don't even make most of their own laws anymore, you got some unelected bureaucrats dictating to everyone. so it wouldn't surprise me if things do go down hill some more, before they get any better.

daddy fingaz

Active member
It is 100 times easier to score hard-drugs in Amsterdam on the straat then it is in London, Paris, or Berlin. Fact.

Hmm im not quite sure if i agree with you here DL, next time u see S1 ask him about his experiences of trying to buy coke in dam!

Where do you think all the deals on the junk n pills that gets sold in the UK take place? Amsterdam - the hub of illegal narcotic activity in Europe. Which has become a social European problem that Europe needs to start addressing, before (as we are seeing) the same problem moves into the new European member states out East.

The service that established coffeeshops like the Green House provide to tourists is miles away from the underbelly that feeds the majority of smokers in the Netherlands. If preventing tourists from visiting coffeeshops in Amsterdam will help clean up the city, by reducing the demand on hard-drugs by tourists and reduce the number of street dealers,, then so be it.

I was under the impression these deals on 'junk n pills' and supply had moved away from dam and more towards eastern europe years ago!?
and bearing in mind that few of these 'straat' dealers are actually selling real drugs i dont see that closure of coffeeshops would be the best way of dealing with the problem and would infact cause more than it would solve!?

..I feel regulation may be key here!?!



Hmm im not quite sure if i agree with you here DL, next time u see S1 ask him about his experiences of trying to buy coke in dam!

I was under the impression these deals on 'junk n pills' and supply had moved away from dam and more towards eastern europe years ago!?

..I feel regulation may be key here!?!


i agree absolutely. i have been a lot of times in amsterdam. last time 2 weeks ago. in comparison to 3 years ago the situation is very differnt. nowadays you didn`t see any obviously hard drug dealer in the streets who is asking you for buying stuff...


sorry, but i don`t now any big city in the world where its really hard to buy any kind of drugs...berlin you will get in a lot of subway stops, london xdistrict, ...


we are not barbarians, very poor choice of words...

but i know what you are saying...

the uk has had way too many people for a long time, not helped in the last 10+years by the labour gov letting every immigrant in under the sun, on the provision that they vote labour..

we have awful schools maintaining a low level of education for 90% of the country, rising unemployment and overcrowding...

we are what our government allows us to be, and we have no choice but to put up with the endless bullshit, because if order collapsed we know we would all starve to death pretty quickly...

if you call a man a barbarian, he will show you what a barbarian is...

people from the uk are decent kind people that for many decades didnt even lock their front doors in many places, but we have progressively let the bankers use us like there little pet fighting dog more and more, without standing up as a people and saying no.

liberal capitalism is fully consuming our society, we are slaves to the corporation..

what would our ancestors say about this disgusting mess we find ourselves in..

one name: Maggie Thatcher

That so called lady has a lot to answer for IMO, as to blaming labour for "letting" in immigrants it's not as simple as that is it? well it is if you read the mail or express

The divide gets bigger and will continue to for rich and poor sadly.


lost in a sea

i totally agree, the problems have been systematic, its not like it starts with labour coming in to power! or immigration problems....i didnt want to list all the failings of our governments and i couldnt if i tried..

only a very simple naive person would blame immigration for our problems..its just there is 60 million people here, and no talk of controlling population rates, just more council housing..

i would happily have 10% of every ethnicity in the uk, with a population of 30 million...than 70 million just white people....dont know if that comes accross right, i dont see skin colour im a biologist, so i have to accept we are all just human, nothing more, nothing less..

what i hate is that all the lawyers, politicians, and bankers generally all come out of the same institutions, i would like to see mandatory places for people from all universities around the country.......then those rich bastards would be cut out of the loop from sending their eton, oxford, cambridge spies through the system..

i wouldnt believe for a second that maggie was the main person thinking up "her" decisions, thats not how it works...no leader is out there coming up with there own ideas, they are the fall guy or the media fool, just the well packaged face of a multiheaded devil..

conservatives or labour.........its the same disease owned by corporations, they only do whats best for the uk government corporation and the crown corporation, were just the slaves, aimlessly walking around on the checkerboard..

thats the last ill say on the uk, partly because it makes me sick to talk about it, but also because its off topic...

peace to all my icmag brothers...:grouphug:


what i hate is that all the lawyers, polititians, and bankers generally all come out of the same institutions, i would like to see mandatory places for people from all universities around the country.......then those rich bastards would be cut out of the loop from sending their eton, oxford, cambridge spies through the system..

i wouldnt believe for a second that maggie was the main person thinking up "her" decisions, thats not how it works...no leader is out there coming up with there own ideas, they are the fall guy or the media fool, just the well packaged face of a multiheaded devil..

Class wars..

no but she had final say, she was strong minded after all.... not all tories are bad though (honestly)

lost in a sea

not all tories are bad though (honestly)

not all tories just all politicians..

the system is currupt to the end, and it need restructuring......everything always comes back to the greed of man and men...

they (corporations) retard the advance and development of women with stupid celeb bullshit in magazines, lipstick, the colour hot pink and worrying them about their image and about being fat........women are the key to saving us all, first we need rid of this misogynistic disease..

when men are in places of power they are more than susceptable to greed and corruption and can be disposed of easily ...women are much more difficult for them to abuse....

may sound crazy, but just think about it more....

this is a world wide problem, not just a uk one...(thats how i justify posting this after saying i was done)


you get crack heads in every Country, crack head in Dam dont really bother much but the U.K crackheads will rob your grand mother lol


you get crack heads in every Country, crack head in Dam dont really bother much but the U.K crackheads will rob your grand mother lol

yep and the pigs do nothing bout them as all they seem to want is fines! I live/lived slap bang in a city centre the main door to the building was kicked in by crackheads!! I heard this had a look and found 4 of them in a hallway, me being me grabbed a baseball bat and gave chase, my girl rang the pigs, they weren't arsed in the slightest as they were too busy with a concert they were getting paid for to police the streets.. I actually managed to corner 2 of the f**kers, just can't believe there were no pigs in a city ctr.... mind you I could tell you lots about my misadventures involving them....

real mad thing is I had a lil protest of witholding my council tax until they could tell me the whys etc.. i'm the one who gets taken to court etc etc... (I might have to edit/delete this post for obvious reasons !!)

also way off topic !!


ICMag Donor
we are not barbarians, very poor choice of words...

people from the uk are decent kind people that for many decades didnt even lock their front doors in many places.

We agree,, totally off topic, when Italian friends visited they were interested that we didnt have (need) bars on the windows in the UK.

Anyhow,, the tourist trade in coffeeshops issue is complex. Does the coffeeshop provoke a tourist trade or does the tourist trade support coffeeshops?

This is the question we must ask...

Peace peace peace


ICMag Donor
I was under the impression these deals on 'junk n pills' and supply had moved away from dam and more towards eastern europe years ago!?

Nah bro,, they still meet in Amsterdam (or Belgium). I n i wasnt born yesterday,, the stag parties moved out east sure,, but the collateral is still where it's always been at.

Not all that smells of roses is made from roses !

peace out

Disclaimer: i havent been to Amsterdam in a few years,, let's hope it changed since then.


Active member
It's changed a lot in the last 10 years, very different.

Imho the old good tory is swinging from a scaffold in a noose, but I would say that, I'm from the north, a mining community destroyed by the heartless bastards and still never recovered, yes, it can be very grim up north, but only because the tories down south made it that way. I never realised how poor and underprivileged my background was until I went to university in 1993 and met people from all over the country. I thought everyone's dad was unemployed in the 80s. I still remember when job centres had bright orange signs and queues of hundreds of men outside every morning.

Maggie Bloody Thatcher and Edward heath got a lot to answer for, and there hasn't been a true socialist politician in a position of any significance since Tony Benn and Michael Foot. Thatcher was bloody lucky Galtieri invaded the Falklands, oh how my youth could have been different if he hadn't cos Thatcher would have got booted out.


when men are in places of power they are more than susceptable to greed and corruption and can be disposed of easily ...women are much more difficult for them to abuse....

Disagree, women are more susceptible to fall for materialistic temptations then man due to their inherit "gatherer" nature. Its womans nature to gather things and make a nest. Mans nature is to hunt and provide. Mans nature is to give.

There are enough examples in history of where a feminine rule is a hard rule. what we have now is a feminine rule... "work it" :bow::whip:

Put 2 girls together and watch their true competitive nature appear, put 5 together and watch 5 talk and none listen. This is "naturally" just one aspect of their nature, and im not saying 5 males are any better, you'll have 5 people saying pretty much nothing. Just talking practical observations here.

This venus cycle we are in is due to end soon, and the earth will once again return to a masculine and productive phase. In the masculine cycle there is less focus on the materialistic and more focus on the spiritual aspects of life.

Btw dont misunderstand me to mean that one is in any way "better" then the other, just inherit different natural qualities that complement eachother.

We now experience the shift of paradigms and you witness all the shades of grey being played out. All kinds of transgender behavior is observed in nature as the true spiritual nature of matter is once again lined up on the board for another game of natural chess. Changing turns on who gets to start. We had the feminine revolution in the 70s, now we have had the gay revolution around the milennium shift, and next up is the masculine revolution. (This is in the west tho, other places its the opposite way around)

Can you see it? The shift in paradigms? It reflects in all things. The dance of polarization vs centralization. Once centralization is complete, the polarization begins.

Queen Elizabeth of England (western empire)

Queen Margarete of the Denmark (northern empire)

Queen Beatrix of Netherlands (eastern empire)

All 3 current rulers have male successors by the way.
Id love to paint the complete picture, but this is not the thread nor the place, sorry all for the drifting, carry on. :artist:


ICMag Donor
How ever did this thread get onto feminist Thatcherite politics.. lol

That Orange Queen has lots to answer for.. hehe

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