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US Prisons are some of the worst in the world.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
I have no problem with prisons being shitholes. But prison has to be for the right people. The laws are bogus and that's the problem.

And here's a different line of thinking...LEO and Prisons are actually there to guard the criminals. If i caught someone red handed there would be no trial no jury...BANG! Right in the back of the head..

If you think prisons are cruel thing how cruel vigilante justice would be..


prison hard topic
because its a bad experience for most right?

feel like society has you caged like an animals, are you angry and going to fighting/make suffer other that are in your SAME situation.

so you fucked up..well think did you deserve this? according to what you did to be here? was that something that HAD to be done.. was it a THREAT to you, if you didnt do this, this whatever to end up in prison would you have the feelings you have today?

why did you give in to something that you believe would not solve your problem for good..

because now look at you.. your not only fucked.. your fucked with like 50 big ass dude at your holes..

or this
what you did, was it justified? was survival not eminent with this one decision? were your feelings good or bad think.. what were you thinking.

did you get caught holding again? another drug class and court orders.. probation and officers. dates with the law.


Moldy Dreads, here are some examples of the brutality of our current prison system, from this SA thread. These are just a few examples. There are countless others.

ICE holds US citizens in unlisted and unmarked facilities as part of the "war on illegal immigration." That's right, secret detention in secret jails.

America's Secret ICE Castles

The Nation said:
"If you don't have enough evidence to charge someone criminally but you think he's illegal, we can make him disappear." Those chilling words were spoken by James Pendergraph [aka "the Joe Arpaio of North Carolina"], then executive director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Office of State and Local Coordination, at a conference of police and sheriffs in August 2008. Also present was Amnesty International's Sarnata Reynolds, who wrote about the incident in the 2009 report "Jailed Without Justice" and said in an interview, "It was almost surreal being there, particularly being someone from an organization that has worked on disappearances for decades in other countries. I couldn't believe he would say it so boldly, as though it weren't anything wrong."


In 2006 ICE punished several Iraqi hunger strikers in Virginia--they were protesting being unlawfully held for more than six months after agreeing to deportation--by shuffling them between a variety of different facilities, ensuring that they would not encounter lawyers or be found by loved ones. This went on from weeks to months, according to Brittney Nystrom, senior legal adviser for the National Immigration Forum. "The message was, We're going to make you disappear."

California Open Government said:
On January 11, 2010, the California Fourth District Court of Appeal issued a ruling holding that private community-based prisons contracted with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation have a legal duty to provide needed medical care to infants living in those facilities with their incarcerated mothers. The Court further held that the State might also be liable for failure to provide these children with medical care where on-site state employees are negligent.

The case stems from a 40-bed facility known as Family Foundations—San Diego, which houses women prisoners with short sentence and their infant children. The statute, which authorizes this program, has the express purpose of preventing future criminal recidivism within the family unit by keeping mothers and their infant children together during their formative years. Center Point, Inc., the private corporation that ran the prison facility in 2007, and the State of California argued that they had no legal duty to provide medical care to infant children under their control.

Plaintiff Denisha Lawson alleges that during her incarceration at the facility her newborn daughter Esperanza developed breathing problems and that she begged her jailers for over a week to take Esperanza to the hospital. Center Point and Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation staff failed to have any medical personnel present at the facility and failed to take Esperanza to the hospital.

Eventually, five-week-old Esperanza stopped breathing and was taken to the emergency room with life-threatening viral pneumonia. Esperanza was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit and intubated for several weeks. She survived, but was left with permanent lung impairment.

This incident has already been the subject of a New York Times article written by Solomon Moore on July 6, 2007. Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, a non-profit advocacy organization, filed an amicus brief in the case on behalf of the plaintiffs.

Plaintiffs’ attorney John T. Richards, who also represents other mothers and children who were injured in this same facility, stated, "Any time we can get a law on the books to protect the most vulnerable among us, it is a good day for justice. I can't think of anyone more vulnerable than a 5-week-old infant sent to the custody of a private prison, run by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which has no medical staff."

Carol Strickman, staff attorney for Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, hailed the ruling, stating, “Denisha Lawson heroically fought to save her daughter’s life, risking her own well-being. We are thrilled that the court is allowing Denisha and Esperanza access to justice.”


tldr: Women with newborns are put in private prisons with their babies and then the prisons not only fail to give them medical care but argue they aren't even supposed to."

Now, I don't know about you, but I don't care what the mother did. Her five-week old infant doesn't deserve permanent debilitation.

This really is one of those subjects where, the more you look into it, the easier it is to turn away from. At first, I didn't want to believe it either. But when you keep digging, the severity and frequency of abuse is staggering. It's endemic. Sure, you can find a few third world nations, former Soviet Bloc countries, and Islamic monarchies in the Middle East which are worse. But that's sort of the point, isn't it? Here we are holding ourselves up as this shining beacon of truth and justice, when in reality we're only marginally better than some of the worst despotic regimes in the world.


ya cage people up, dont provide the proper care for them mentally or physically, i mean proper work. just sit back count the money you dont have.. what can you take with you?

you say bury yourself in gold in crusted with diamond, jewels,
not good enough your POWER is exceptional so this
build you tomb, 20years time all it will takenow in the shape of a POWER STRUCTURE the pyramid. its simple like this

pyramid base. its square as you make your way up the power is reduce as far as strength in numbers right?
but at the top who was buried in gold supply with fanners and grape feeders? are these just jokes these days

if it is that bad, lol this is prison topic stayon it..


Okay I over reacted and apologise.We have a friend right now incarcerated in a shady way.....he was framed and made a scapegoat for the County so that they could say they busted a "real drug dealer". And it was marijuana. So I do know and understand your points. I also realize that in county jails there is no real rehabilitaion chances,our oldest son had that experience. And when I was arrested,the cops treated me like a piece of shit.They push you around even more if you are a woman,they like that kind of stuff. I paid for 2 years of probation. I am not entirely heartless. I just think prison is just that,PRISON. You are there to be punished for your crimes. Of course I feel possession of MJ should not be a crime. I voted,as did 63% of my state did ,to legalize medical MJ and am a pt myself. I am not naive,and do not assume each individual in prison is guilty.BTW,our out-going Governor just commuted sentences for 346 violent criminals. Maybe they will move into your area.

Ok I apologize too because I overreacted and Im not an expert on these things so i just relay information i have learned. you obviously have real life experience that rivals anything i have went through so it was wrong of me to be so rude to you. i think we can all agree that the prison systems need an overhaul as well as the laws and that great injustice exists but at the same time there are people that are too dangerous to be allowed in society among "normal" citizens. i think we have a long way to go before we can understand the basic social and genetic (if it exists) links to violence. i dont think its as simple as blaming the individual. we live in a strange and id say perverted world and i personally blame society at large most of the time but i do realize the individual also hold responsibility. i just think we focus too much on individual problems and not the base issues in the world which contribute to crime, violence, etc.


I don't have much hope that we'll resolve the underlying issues with our prison system. Or with our government in general for that matter. I'd like to be optimistic but the whole thing is so far gone.


because violence is energy used toward hate, bad energy..

it's karma (people came up with this because there is so much bad out there) and place in time is certain if progressed to the max. how far can we go. can we find other ways and really work to reform criminals and bad decision makers. its not just the bank robber types. hurting what can u do rob someone! transfer theirs to your.. now you happy with the crime? crime is built it programmed in forever at this point. its theres we need easy solutions, think of what can be done instead of caged up every day?

what about shorting investors.. shorting the future. grow tall..


I don't have much hope that we'll resolve the underlying issues with our prison system. Or with our government in general for that matter. I'd like to be optimistic but the whole thing is so far gone.

i dont either. i just think we are way too blind now, i think we've gone too far with modern society's conditions and laws.

where people are misunderstanding me is that I dont want to set rapists and murderers free. rather ,i feel that we are ignoring the base problems which lead to conditions that rapists and murders come from. i believe every single human being has the capacity to do terrible things or be complicit with these things happening. you can argue against it but look at any army or police force that has perpetuated brutality or mass killings. but the optimistic side of the argument is that every single person has the capacity for good. The society we live in and the conditions of our upbringing and our life contribute to the choices we make, wether we follow good or bad paths. the "justice" system should be focused on these issues and righting the conditions that lead to such an outcome. on a dollar per dollar basis creating better conditions in the first place to avoid these problems has always been cheaper than housing criminals in jails. everyone should read "looking backward" by edward bellamy. it makes so much sense its strange our society doesn't resemble their utopia in any way.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
In the words of system of a down. " They are trying to build a prison, another prison sytem for you and me to live in."

Never ever trust the government to do right by you. It is run by man, and man has had slaves for the majority of our history. Only in the past couple of centuries has slavery been abloished in the civilized world; and that really isnt even true if you think about it.

All trends are showing that the rich are just trying to get richer. As a whole the top 5 percent controls more than 90 percent of the wealth. They love to imprison more poor for the purpose of preventing them from ever moving up. It is like taking out the compitition at every level. The top dogs of the rich conservatives realize the only way to hold that much weath and power with such a small ammount of people is to have serfdom and slavery. If they do not retain this control they will have to deal with a french revolution type of revolt.

At the same time the world is dealing with having less and less fresh water in developed areas due to climate change melting glaciers away. This is increasing every year and soon it will be pretty hard fo most places to water their crops effecitvely, and retain good drinking water. Water will be a scarce recource. The top dogs know this is as well. This gives them an edge if they prepare for it, so they do. They realize that this is another reason they need power and control.

So either one of two things is going to happen oin america at this point. slavery will return to america, and only select families will be privledged, and free; and it wont be color based.
The other thing is the people will get fed up and vote for more left wing people, which is already happening. If the elections are stolen by the rich again the people will revolt in a very violent manner.

either way we are fucked. We needed to fix america 40 years ago after nixon left office and we didnt. so we are totally fucked now.
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exactly music has many good messages, listen to them the words

DIAGNOSE PROBLEMS EFFICIENTLY , y keep thinking of solutions that dont lead anywhere? where does this path lead.. the stones have be set. paved over. redone.built upon. now when are the people going to sacrifice for the future, survival but on the terms of progression through good emission! we dont want that single cookie@!!!! we want the supply, the batter, the sugar, the milk, dough... who will provide the power influence people on doing them not their leaders.

so when america said to british (at the time had power) but just from war with spain so tax americas get it..

American said NO, british your authority is not that to impose on are nation to collects tax to pay your debts..

we are taxed with none representation.. thats it people last great progression in human sacrifice. These people not only provided freedom on a larger scale the ever before(progression) they founded the wealthy nation because of the think this..


Keeping government small right.
british overseas. the british had colonies all over not just americas right? big power

so the us plan to go by was the constitution a 'living document' energy, progressing with needs, they know it was it they knew population growth was here..
why?? to evolve to set the first GOOD standard for people.. now at this time progress was only white people good lives though.. sad. but look around and think. the room your in HOW much work was put into the construction/planning/logistics elctric, etc..

plan was keep government local and states CLOSE TO THE PEOPLE, WHERE THE tru POWER IS. so the fed was left with the big questions you know the hard shit. defense, war,upholding freedom, right? fed was limited to protect to constitution so it progress with TRUTH

local government keep the secrets,confusion, political bs minimized. think small its easier.. now we fucked up the last hope and the cherry is we are control 10k++ nuke worldwide distributed to many nations.

wave power harness water power that always is moving around
people of today us all OBAMA GET ON CABLE NEWS AND PREACH this. its over! 2012 predicted lol.. were sure heading somewhere that energy turns out bad and hope is lost forever. im not kidding why does the governemtn seem to uninterested(because they ok, they power is set in stone.. america the final hope for future progress. we dont give a fuck about it. dude u played the new halo, we want the easy solution: trim the hedgerows,

STOP FREEDOM.. end progression


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
i just think we focus too much on individual problems and not the base issues in the world which contribute to crime, violence, etc.

Both the micro and the macro are important. Think about what the study of quantum physics has taught us about the massive universe we live in.

The individual is the beginning and end of all of our problems IMO. If you don't understand the cause how can alter the effect?


Smokin on that serious...
none of the points made in the original post had anything to do with the living conditions in the jail. im fairly certain american prisoners have it better than the prisoners in thailand


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
none of the points made in the original post had anything to do with the living conditions in the jail. im fairly certain american prisoners have it better than the prisoners in thailand

They must of have lost their TV privileges.



cannabis enthusiast
cereal for beakfast, chicken noodles thick slice of ham and bread and butter for lunch, barbecue ribs mashed potatoes corn and a slice of chocolate cake for dinner, sometimes peanut butter and jelly sandwich for evening snack.........yet you see folks that have nothing to eat. yeah us prisons are the worst


cereal for beakfast, chicken noodles thick slice of ham and bread and butter for lunch, barbecue ribs mashed potatoes corn and a slice of chocolate cake for dinner, sometimes peanut butter and jelly sandwich for evening snack.........yet you see folks that have nothing to eat. yeah us prisons are the worst

This is a good post, thanks much for your contribution to this topic.


Eugene Oregon
The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Mostly about half drugs. I big percentage of that hippy lettuce. What a country, but 50,000,000 illegal aliens can't be wrong. None of the in prison though.. The just get a ticket back home.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
cereal for beakfast, chicken noodles thick slice of ham and bread and butter for lunch, barbecue ribs mashed potatoes corn and a slice of chocolate cake for dinner, sometimes peanut butter and jelly sandwich for evening snack.........yet you see folks that have nothing to eat. yeah us prisons are the worst

So true bro. Americans do not really know how good they have it. Yeah, our due process sucks ass, but at least it some form of due process.

To think the United States has some the worst prison in the world, is to ignore the plight of millions of people who suffer so much worse than any of us here do.

It is easy to take what you have for granted when you live on an island across the pond.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I guess that prison does give alot of people a roof over their head.....food in their stomachs and.....love in their lives...lol

....but there is a very undervalued thing called FREEDOM which when taken away from you, especially if you are the victim of a victimless crime.....makes it a terrible place to be.