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for all you "all nighters" out there....


its ok ,you can tell me,i can take it.....is there someone else? realy its its o o ook! snif. :tumbleweed: oh please dont let it be that yumyum guy or whutever they call him/her/it. its ok ,you can tell me.:badday:


Late night crew checking in, i come bearing gifts of wacky gifs



Now in technicolor
I need to get this out

I'm currently on an SSRI (zoloft, 1/4th of a 50mg tab) and it gives me INTENSE dreams (maybe nightmares?) They're more vivid than reality (hard to explain) and very weird. I wake up drenched in sweat with my heart pounding, and if I sleep again right away, I can resume the dream where it left off.

They're disturbing but not necessarily scary. They're just so bizarre, kind of like a Datura trip. Even the "happy" dreams are bizzarre, in that while everything in the dream seems very very real, there's one element that's just wrong.

It's hard to explain so here's a disturbing nightmarish example. You go to sleep, and then wake up tomorrow as if everything is normal, you eat breakfast, go to work, etc, and then in the afternoon you realize that nobody has a face. People you've passed by during the day, people you've spoken with, etc, just have a blank spot where a face should be. Suddenly you begin wondering WTF? (how would you feel at that moment? think about it) and then eventually you wake up and realize THAT was a dream.

Google "zoloft dreams" or "SSRI dreams" (replace dreams with nightmares) for more info. It's fascinating!


Active member
I'm an all nighter! Saw Avatar in IMAX 3D at 11 pm est, now just chillin on the boards and watchin tv.


I just found this thread but I am an insomniac so I''ll be coming around alot more btw that story about dragging the racoon literally made me lol ur hilarious man....Tinman
I need to get this out

I'm currently on an SSRI (zoloft, 1/4th of a 50mg tab) and it gives me INTENSE dreams (maybe nightmares?) They're more vivid than reality (hard to explain) and very weird. I wake up drenched in sweat with my heart pounding, and if I sleep again right away, I can resume the dream where it left off.

They're disturbing but not necessarily scary. They're just so bizarre, kind of like a Datura trip. Even the "happy" dreams are bizzarre, in that while everything in the dream seems very very real, there's one element that's just wrong.

It's hard to explain so here's a disturbing nightmarish example. You go to sleep, and then wake up tomorrow as if everything is normal, you eat breakfast, go to work, etc, and then in the afternoon you realize that nobody has a face. People you've passed by during the day, people you've spoken with, etc, just have a blank spot where a face should be. Suddenly you begin wondering WTF? (how would you feel at that moment? think about it) and then eventually you wake up and realize THAT was a dream.

Google "zoloft dreams" or "SSRI dreams" (replace dreams with nightmares) for more info. It's fascinating!

Lol, every time I meet a new person I imagine them without any hair on their face/head. It's weird. Not really a dream, but I guess this is sort of related to your story :biggrin:


what does it mean when ya have dreams like that and ya DONT take meds?! aw hell, who cares! maybe i come on to some of my wacked out stories from my dreams! any hoo,last nite was the first time i slept more than two hours in over a month! now i got a sleep hang over!
thizz,that was a true story! happened just the way i told it! i have lived a wild life and with all the kids i raised by myself,i have some of the craziest things to tell! one day i'll tell ya'll bout the time i found a naked chick in the snow! it acually happened!
so,dr.was avatar as good as everyone is sayin? its makin money like a hooker at a nymphominiac's convention in vegas!
and thanx to you,kaotic, i was stuck under that fat lady for two days! thats why ya couldnt sleep!! ya had a quilty consince! lol that excuse thread ya started is funny as hell!! time ta spark one and go to work! peace.love,sex,and happiness......tinman


hey,any of you out there following those threads about that guy yummybud? its htsterical! i mean...some people really get infuriated! imean he's just fuckin around aint he!? im new to all this so please,someone get me up to spped on this yummy thing!
hey,any of you out there following those threads about that guy yummybud? its htsterical! i mean...some people really get infuriated! imean he's just fuckin around aint he!? im new to all this so please,someone get me up to spped on this yummy thing!

Yeah, it's pretty funny. But his stuff gets old. I HOPE he's trolling us!!


lol hi all nighters what are you guys up to tonight lol I wonder what good stories the tinman got's for us tonight