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GoldDiggin' chicks?? Wtf are up with girls these days!?!?


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
LOL never have to wine and dine homie,i got mad game...like i said i treat people accordingly...if the girl is a hoe id treat her like one too...i could never be a chauvinist i dont even see where that came from,unless you dont know the meaning of the word LOLOLOL...
you sound as ignorant in that post as you did in the one with only one sentence...as a matter of fact the more you type the more i start to think you have to be an idiot with like minimal experience with a woman,not to say you havnt had girls...but its not the same kid... ur out of ur league fuckin with me so imma just leave it at that...stay in the minors playa thats where you belong.
im done with you...except i have no idea where race or white knighting comes into play here so are you also a racist on top of being a twenty sum year old lonely little boy?
oh btw i aint that old homie,maybe even younger then you but obviously twice the man in any case.


Active member
Damn, there is no way i would go on a date and not pay. I don't see it as wining and dining, its common courtesy. If you ask someone to dinner you pay for dinner. If the girl wants to pay for herself I don't argue, and i respect this. But, I am not PAYING for dinner to SLEEP with someone. It is just courtesy.

Also if a new gf asks me to go somewhere w/ her art show or whatever, I expect her to offer to pay for me, though i probly wouldn't let her.

The point is whoever asks someone on a date, should expect to pay for the date.


Active member
LOL never have to wine and dine homie,i got mad game...like i said i treat people accordingly...if the girl is a hoe id treat her like one too...i could never be a chauvinist i dont even see where that came from,unless you dont know the meaning of the word LOLOLOL...
you sound as ignorant in that post as you did in the one with only one sentence...as a matter of fact the more you type the more i start to think you have to be an idiot with like minimal experience with a woman,not to say you havnt had girls...but its not the same kid... ur out of ur league fuckin with me so imma just leave it at that...stay in the minors playa thats where you belong.
im done with you...except i have no idea where race or white knighting comes into play here so are you also a racist on top of being a twenty sum year old lonely little boy?
oh btw i aint that old homie,maybe even younger then you but obviously twice the man in any case.

u mad?


Active member
you need a :spank:

Jim: Hey babe, you wanna go back to my place? I'll make you some food.

Lancelot: Jim, your just trying to sleep with her, I see this every time we go out

Girl: Excuse me? I'm not a slut. (leaves)

Jim: What the hell Lancelot, quit your White Knighting, I was about to get laid.

Lancelot: Dude I know! We should totally go out again tomorrow! I'm about to get that girls number, she's totally into me.


A foot without a sock...
It's no wonder I've never lacked the company of the fine, female form...


What moves the soul of men...:artist:



look if you take a girl out for some fun, she will be more comfortable with you during those nights or times you're alone.. buying gas and shit is a bit silly early on though lol.

Depends on the girl as to how you play it. Some you can wine and dine just fine, some theres no need to. But if you're a hot and confident guy .. and charming then you can have your way with a lot of'em.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I think I bought PoopyTeaBags dinner the first day I even hung out with him. He somehow started driving my car that night on runs....and I never really got it back.


Now I'm a housewife...sometimes paying at first, will get ya paid for...ya dig?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Way to be pu$$y. Two wrongs make a right? You get no play because your a Yummybud Jr., so you rip them off? You're pretty cool. :no:



Well gramps what do you suggest? He could confront her on her golddiggin ways, but personally I dont even think a golddigger would be worth the time spent arguing about right or wrong or money bla bla. she just got a little bit of karma work on her. live and learn life goes on


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's not the chicks fault the OP was a sucker. Live and learn sure, but where does revenge fit in there?

So it is you who gets to impose Karma? Is that what Karma means to you?