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Stoney this is one awesome set up you've got going here. I have 2 3'x3' tables under 2 600's, I'm now going to put those 600's on a light mover. Thanks


Stoney what weight did you pull off your 3'x6' trays?

Been going back through the thread to see what had happened to you but I'm not finding it aside from 45 away. Sorry to hear that by the way time is no fun. What did happen, did they find your grow?


No I didn't get busted I just felt some heat so I shut it down since then I have moved a few states up from where I had the grow at I'm in the midwest now freezeing my balls off


No I didn't get busted I just felt some heat so I shut it down since then I have moved a few states up from where I had the grow at I'm in the midwest now freezeing my balls off

I too am in the process of relocating from the west coast all the way over to the east coast. I don't know anyone in the state I am moving to. Should be interesting once everything is up and running again along with the fact I need to find some contacts to unload.

Just wondering if you have any contacts in the state you moved to or all you starting your network from scratch.


Active member
Id look into Denver. The MMJ scene out there is picking up from what I hear. So finding contacts would be allot easier.

Depending how this shit plays out in LA. You might even run into me or my friends out there.


Stoney, I'm originally from the midwest and I feel for ya brother. If you're near any of the great lakes it can and will get miserable come Jan. Hope ya got some good long johns you're going to need them. Dress in layers and keep an emergency kit in your trunk; shovel, blanket, extra boots, gloves, hat, coat, sand and/or rock salt.

About that 3x6 table what were you pulling off of it?


Stoney, At what speed are you moving the lights and how far in each direction? Is the add a lamp and motor centered over each light?


Stoney, At what speed are you moving the lights and how far in each direction? Is the add a lamp and motor centered over each light?

I know he was running a 10rpm motor which is the faster motor offered if you want to go with the light rail 3.5.
yo stoney remember me! its been a few years... im going to send you pics of my 6k watt, water cooled, apollo areoponic room your going to be stoked hope everythings well Bro
Damn stoney419 I just read this whole thread it took forever lol but i found out so much your grow was a seen to deff notice loved the whole thing. great pics i see a guy i have following on here pirate has been all over this thread i like to see that. if you ever come to cali let me know i live here and would like to have some friends that like the same as me and kick ass at doing it. you had a good run everything looked perfect i have a small set up going not as fancy as your was but with hope one day to be in comparison to what you had set up. sorry to hear about the 45 days locked up for other people BS i have been there so i know what it's like glad to see you were smart unlike people i have known and stopped b4 you got popped for something bigger. well I hope to see you back here soon i see it's been 10 months since you have been on these pages hope all is well.
good luck to you my friend.


Active member
Awesome grow! Glad to hear you moved out of wherever you were too ;)....I just got an AK47 cut, and am doing the same basic style as you, though I don't pack them in quiet as tight. What did you think of the yields of the AK47? I am thinking of flowering mine around 6-8 inches, doing about 36 per 4 x 4, lit by 1kw. Whatcha think? Again, thanks for all the helpful insights....



I could really use some help. am thinking of doing sog, in soil right now, do you have any insight on sog soil grows ? I am about 2 pop 200 seeds and would like to grow these out and pull clones, to start, I would like to do 4x8 tables 1k on light movers per table 128 plants per table and hoping for 2lbs per light I have experiance growing and have a good start on equipment. co2 generator etc. I started a journal entry if you would like to check it out. I am moving on now and would really be interested to hear what your thoughts were and how you might go about doing this ? Thanks in advance
Journal entry is old grow but will give you a idea of what I have to work with.

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