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Yayyy! My first colloidal silver generator (photo)


festivus you do make a lot of very interesting points! :)

I guess only time will tell how feminised beans take off ... it'd be nice to peer 50 years into the future :)
What we can look at however is the last few years ... 2-3 years ago there was only 2-3 companies offering feminised seeds, but now it seems just about every second company is offering them.

I'm not surprised.


Can you smoke any of it? NOT CS drenched one of course!

Can you smoke any of it? NOT CS drenched one of course!

Hey, question and also checking steps...

Question is can you smoke the buds WITH feminized seeds on the pollen RECIPIENT plant. I know you cannot smoke/eat/consume anything on the CS drenched plant that has the pollen ball sacs, but what about the other one that forms the seeds?

Just curious.

In terms of steps....

Make your CS gizmo
Spray ideally for a week or 2 before flowering, but can work spraying early in flowering too it looks like
Pollen ball sacs should form
They will open or not (you can manually open them if necessary...but when are they ready?)
Then you can carefully rub the pollen usinga QTip or something onto the Bud Sites on the RECIPIENT plant and it will form Bud laden seeds down the road?

That's where it gets confusing a bit. You just harvest like normal (8-10 weeks or whatever) and then pick the seeds out?

Then dry them like weed?

Thanks....this is truly amazing I must admit. New to all of this, but this seems earth shattering to me. hahaha!


neurotoxicity of metals

neurotoxicity of metals

In general, metals are neurotoxic. So consider that before firing up a treated plant or smoking from metal bowls.



In regards to creating seeds simply treat it as if it were regular pollen (although yes you may need to manually open some pollen, and yes manual pollenation is a lot more effective than simply letting nature take its course).

In regards to smoking the recipient plant (ie. the plant that is pollenated - not the one we spray with CS), that's ok -- the amount of pollen you apply obviously isn't much, and although I don't know if there'd be any silver in the pollen, if there was its concentration would be minute, if any at all.

However, Endocannabinoid is spot on in regards to many metals being neurotoxic so what you DON'T want to do is smoke anything from the plant sprayed with CS - consider that plant a write-off; all it's useful for is 1) creating feminised pollen, and optionally 2) creating more seeds (you can actually pollenate it as well)


Great thread mate, just 1 question though. How long will the CS keep in the spray bottle if its stored properly? I know I could just brew more when I need it, but just wanted to know if it would keep for 10 days or so, to make things easier!


This is what happens when you consume too much silver. Looks like something I'd like to avoid...


I think the Smurfs drank alot of it!!


Active member
Great thread mate, just 1 question though. How long will the CS keep in the spray bottle if its stored properly? I know I could just brew more when I need it, but just wanted to know if it would keep for 10 days or so, to make things easier!

It's a colloid. There is no time limit on it, per se. Keep it out of the light and shake the hell out of it before using it. It should last months, probably years and possibly decades (maybe longer than that, too).

Way more than 10 days :)


It's a colloid. There is no time limit on it, per se. Keep it out of the light and shake the hell out of it before using it. It should last months, probably years and possibly decades (maybe longer than that, too).

Way more than 10 days :)

Cheers dude, I thought it might keep a few weeks, but months is great! I just took some cuts off my favourite mother (pure power plant) to use to make female pollen to cross with my trainwreck. I've never done this so its all quite exiting really!


New member
just an update
My CS worked , I didnt think my first batch worked at around 30 ppm, i made a new batch at around 50 or so, and within a week into flower i am seeing male pods starting to form all over her, so she is now in her own little makeshift cabinet made from a large rubbermaid container standing on end on the opposite side of the house . ia m awaiting full explosion then she will have an orgy with her girlfreinds , i cant wait to watch :L)




Okay, cool. Thanks for your quick answers!!

Next question....

I have 3 plants in a little contained "growbox" and they are all the strain (Strain 1 we will call them) I want to "cross" with another strain or two potentially.

I have 2 other strains (you guessed it...Strain 2 and Strain 3) that I want to cross with the 3 plants (Strain 1 if you are paying attention) mentioned above.

I want to take a Strain 2 plant and CS it and then put it in with the plants in the growbox (NOT touching them) and eventually will want to pollinate 2 of the 3 plants in the growbox (reduncy and extra seeds) with CS infused Strain 2 plant.

At the same time, I want to take a Strain 3 plant and CS it and also put it in with other 3 plants (and also the other CS'd Strain 2 plant) and wait for the pollen balls to form.

Then I was going to stay on top of things and make sure I catch them balls o pollen BEFORE they open so I can control which plant gets what.

Will that work?

I'm nervous that I might not know WHICH of the Strains with CS pollinates a particular Strain 1 plant. (obviously separate locations for everything is the best protection, but I'm trying to avoid that logistic nightmare). If I'm very careful and I rub each bud with a qtip of pollen won't that keep them safely apart?

What if Strain 2 AND Strain 3 BOTH get pollen somehow on the same Strain 1 plant? You said you can have normal and this CS pollination, so can you have two different strains on different buds on one plant?

Thanks for your advice!!

I really want to experiment with this. Really cool stuff I must say!!!
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empty male pods

empty male pods

hello everybody .
my CS update with some questions and problems .

My CS female made a lot of male pods, some are starting to open up ... the problem is I can not find any pollen ...

Am I wrong here ? Am I too hasty to see pollen or can this happen ? can CS male pods end up with no pollen ?

pictures soon ...

peace !


well, fals alarm . all is good :) .
the male flowers are getting opened and super nice yellow pollen is coming out .
let the pollination begin !!
yuupiii ! :)


Vox, don't you ever dare scare us again like that :)

Best of luck with your pollenation, sounds like everything is full steam ahead :)


hey guys my cs has turned up i ordered 175ml of 40ppm . 175 ml will be plenty as im only spraying 1 small plant (10" tall ) ive got 1/2 a ltr of sts for back up on its way .

i will be spraying 1 psychosis clone , in the breeding tent i will have 1 psychosis clone , 1 ecsd (clone only ) 1 og kush (abusive cut ) ready for the sprayed psychosis to spread its polen ,

going to be some dank crosses if this project works ..

my bottle of cs only cost me £7 plus p&p



hey guys my cs has turned up i ordered 175ml of 40ppm . 175 ml will be plenty as im only spraying 1 small plant (10" tall ) ive got 1/2 a ltr of sts for back up on its way .

Dear cheesey,
I STRONGLY URGE YOU to keep us updated with feedback from your experiment as it would be of a lot of value to everybody else in this thread and all that read it for years to come, particularly because you're using a "store-bought" silver colloid of a high concentration - 40ppm. (That should easly be a strong-enough concentration if applied appropriately, and would also help show that people don't HAVE to MAKE their own silver colloid if they can find one of quality strength)

Tho, your bottle is marketed as a "body spray", so I just hope there's nothing ELSE in it! (Even if there were other chemicals in it it should still be ok to use assuming the silver level is high enough)

We'll keep our fingers crossed for you if you keep us up-to-date! :)


Dear cheesey,
I STRONGLY URGE YOU to keep us updated with feedback from your experiment as it would be of a lot of value to everybody else in this thread and all that read it for years to come, particularly because you're using a "store-bought" silver colloid of a high concentration - 40ppm. (That should easly be a strong-enough concentration if applied appropriately, and would also help show that people don't HAVE to MAKE their own silver colloid if they can find one of quality strength)

Tho, your bottle is marketed as a "body spray", so I just hope there's nothing ELSE in it! (Even if there were other chemicals in it it should still be ok to use assuming the silver level is high enough)

We'll keep our fingers crossed for you if you keep us up-to-date! :)

i will update in this thread with photos when i start . its called body spray because its a ppm of 40 and classed as extra stong . the spray for your mouth is 12ppm ...

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