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Yayyy! My first colloidal silver generator (photo)


Hello PhenoMenal,
I Want To Appologize For Taking So Long To Reply. Thanks For The Info! I Will Give It A Try On The Next Run.
Thank You


Grow like nobody is watching
My one shown was a reveg. Speaking of which, I just harvested the clone of it that I fertilized too early, and wasn't looking for seeds but happened to feel one. It was very unripe looking and was hollow. I still live in hope I may find some fertile ones though. :)


Boerman, nice link :)
The way I see it we can never have too much information at our hands!

Just from a quick skim read it looks as if this thread has already covered with most things it mentions, like you said, but does go into the actual _CS making_ process in a bit more detail so maybe there's a trick or two in there we can learn, and then apply it to the feminising cannabis aspect (which that website rudely ignores, eheh) :)


Whether you get it from a pet store, a chemist/pharmacy/drugmart, or make it yourself, the main thing is that it's concentration is STRONG enough - usually that isn't the case with ones made for human or pet consumption, so check the concentration levels first or you could just be wasting your money! :)


Active member
success! I have really small plants, and I might get 50 seeds in a few weeks, I see one now on A. On B I disected a bud, and saw 2 really little guys forming. So I think this is great so far!


just a question

does the sexchanged female/male and the regular females have to grow in two seperate tents or closets, or can one do.

that is put everything under 12/12 and at the end of week one - take one or two plants out spray them on the balcony, let them dry and put them back in the closet again together with the regular females. or will this provoke the regular feamles or set back the process of making male flowers?


GrowersUnite, congrats on your first rollout :)

Unit CFP65,
To force a female to create pollen using CS you need to thoroughly spray it for at least a few days, so there's nothing to worry about in regards to other nearby plants getting small traces of CS on them - they'll continue growing unaffected.

But yes, when doing the spraying its a good idea to physically remove the target plants from non-target plants as you still don't want to get CS on the non-targets (especially if you want to smoke their buds :)


Weed Robot
i was wondering when a female plant is self pollenated are the seeds going to carry same gene as the mother?.will the seeds produce the same as taking a clone from her? it being that she is selfing am i going to get a replica of her.

what do i do about the pollen sacks do i pull them before they open and open them myself and poor the pollen in a glass tube to store it? or do i just let them open a collect pollen off the floor? i need to know soon as one looks like its about to open



ICMag Donor
i was wondering when a female plant is self pollenated are the seeds going to carry same gene as the mother?.will the seeds produce the same as taking a clone from her? it being that she is selfing am i going to get a replica of her.

what do i do about the pollen sacks do i pull them before they open and open them myself and poor the pollen in a glass tube to store it? or do i just let them open a collect pollen off the floor? i need to know soon as one looks like its about to open


Hey DG, I did a vid on harvesting male pollen, here's the link-


Hope it helps! Cheers!!:xmasnut:
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In search of Genetics
You can get it at pet stores...that is what I do.

How do you determine if its strong enough?

Has anyone tried this brand or any store brand that can confirm if it works ?

Anyone have an actual PPM target for your home made or store bought ?


Active member
i was wondering when a female plant is self pollenated are the seeds going to carry same gene as the mother?.will the seeds produce the same as taking a clone from her? it being that she is selfing am i going to get a replica of her.


not quite exactly

the seeds that are selfed will carry the same gene pool as the mother but the alleles that are expressed can be different. if your mother plant had recessive genes that it was expressing then chances are the seeds she makes will not show those traits exactly the same.

also, there is a chance that the pollen will be sterile when doing this depending on the plants chromosomes. and then there is a chance that the seeds will not germinate as well.


ICMag Donor
DG- I put the cut cluster's stem in water to keep it alive longer so the pollen sacs have a chance to open.

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