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want to move to emerald triangle



i basicly just want that to be my job, the cannabis industry, i chose humboldt or mendocino because of lax laws and beautiful nature, not owning all the equipment but just working with cannabis. i am as my freinds say "obsessed" with cannabis but its just me, i love the stuff, medicinal value and growin it to.

IMO, you'd have to be insane at this point in time to go to Mendocino without solid connections. Way too many would-be rats, way too many people waiting to call Sherriff Allman's anonymous tip-line.

Mendocino tipped in the Winter of 2007 / 2008. Oversaturation of growers and herb and than a community backlash.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
18 year old from georgia seeking advice on making my way to humbolt or mendocino countys. I feel theres nothing here for me and i would love to live somewhere with lax cannabis laws. I would also become 215 card holder. Basicly i want to move there to enjoy the place and grow for a living. I have a freind who lives in mendocino that lives here now. Also a bummer, i dont have much money or a job. Any advice?

Go to college and get your degree. The day's are long gone where some kid could pack his crap up and go grow weed and compete in California and it's only going to get worse. This is becoming a real business now and if you don't know what you're doing you'll end up on the streets. I don't live there, but I know business. There are a lot of dreams wandering out there in the street.

Go to school! Get a business degree and do a little micro or guerrilla grow. Learn first. Work smarter not harder kid. You will thank me later.


I'm appreciative that people think Florida is hell on earth for growers,it couldn't be more untrue but it keeps out a lot of people that dont belong here.You better find a normal skill and not put all of your eggs into growing,especially starting out broke,young and inexperienced
I'm appreciative that people think Florida is hell on earth for growers,it couldn't be more untrue but it keeps out a lot of people that dont belong here.You better find a normal skill and not put all of your eggs into growing,especially starting out broke,young and inexperienced

School me brother-what am I missing? Insofar as I can tell it the penalties for getting caught are the stiffest in the country by far. I've followed up on the stats in real-time google search throughout the years and was shocked at the number of charges that stuck all the way through; as far as I can tell people are doing hard time for a few plants with consistency.

Where am I going wrong, man?


Invertebrata Inebriata
If you're even slightly considering military service, consider the coast guard. Steady work for a couple years, free Johnny Unitas haircuts, no trips to the mideast, and financial help for college when ya get out. Be done with it b4 Obama passes 'mandatory service'. Can you swim?
If you're even slightly considering military service, consider the coast guard. Steady work for a couple years, free Johnny Unitas haircuts, no trips to the mideast, and financial help for college when ya get out. Be done with it b4 Obama passes 'mandatory service'. Can you swim?

You don't have to know how to swim to join. Rest assured they will teach you...



In search of Genetics
Jupiter don't listen to these people.
California's population was created on a whim, people rushed there and had nothing.
You will just be following in the footsteps of every single one of the ancestors of every person on this thread telling you not too.

Save up and go then when you save enough, start inviting all your friends and family and maybe even start a fundraiser to help move all Young entrepreneur's to Cali!

I believe in you Jupiter! Go For it!


dopey the clown you are going wrong becuase you didn't have the right information,yea Fla is rea strict.Up until July of this year you could grow up to 300 plants before being charged with manufacturing.They made the laws stricter now your only allowed 24 plants for it to be a class c felony with no jail time.I can have 19 grams of blockhead in my pocket which takes up 3/4th of the bag and be given a trafic ticket.I love the horror stories it keeps people out.Granted the growhouse irradication act didnt help much,but its still not the hell people think it is and surely wasnt before july
dopey the clown you are going wrong becuase you didn't have the right information,yea Fla is rea strict.Up until July of this year you could grow up to 300 plants before being charged with manufacturing.They made the laws stricter now your only allowed 24 plants for it to be a class c felony with no jail time.I can have 19 grams of blockhead in my pocket which takes up 3/4th of the bag and be given a trafic ticket.I love the horror stories it keeps people out.Granted the growhouse irradication act didnt help much,but its still not the hell people think it is and surely wasnt before july
OK dude I just reread everything.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Possession of 20 grams or less of marijuana is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. Possession of greater than 20 grams of marijuana is a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000."

So your 19 grams you're holding? Yeah...you're facing a freakin' year.
[/FONT]Your scale fucks up and it's actually 20 grams and you're facing a felony.. Your 24 plants is still a felony with up to five years in prison.

God bless you man but you're living in a dream world...you're facing 5 years and that is without the ticky-tacky paraph. add-ons(that add another year). It doesn't get much more Orwellian than that. Then I read this:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Any sale or delivery occurring within 1,000 feet of a school, college, public park, public housing, daycare center, or church is punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a fine of $10,000.

That is basically....every fucking place in the state of Florida! Then, for the final clincher, that 19 gram bag also takes your license away:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Conviction of a drug related offense also requires suspension of the offender's driver's license for at least six months but not longer than two years.

The fishing is great and all, but damn...have fun with that shit.




I'm truly sorry for your loss brother. I lost my father 16 years ago and I'm still not over it. Not a day go's by that I don't think about him and the awesome home and education he provided.

I'm glad your not moving out here. especially not the triangle. The places these growers live are in the fukin boonies. I mean the BOONIES!

The town is small and everyone knows everyone. It's not like you can sit on the corner with a sign asking for trim work.
Land prices are in the millions of dollars, for just a few acres.
The only reason humboldt got the rep it has is because all the hippies ran up there in the 60's when land was extremely cheap and land owners were willing to carry the note on property sales.

This type of transaction still occurs in the state today but not in the humboldt area. 6-10 years ago you could buy land for relatively cheap in the sierra Nevada hills. You could get 40 acres for about 200K and because the property didn't have water, well and the nearest power pole was 10 miles away.

Even then, nobody will sell you land without having good credit. You should go to craigslist and look around for rentals in the area you were thinking of. If you think you can manage it then call the home owner and inquire about the house. They will ask you to fax a credit application back to them.

A friend of mines son just enlisted in the Army. Pay starts immediately and when he's finished, the government provides a GI Bill for buying a house. He can save money on food and housing because the Army pays for everything. It's not a bad deal considering what you have when you get out.

Again, I'm truly sorry about your pops.

Have a good X-Mas and keep your head high.



Active member
sorry to hear of your pops passing-it certainly makes one reflective
as for your dream-do it!
your 18-go for it-i'm telling you-just go for it-be sure to get out there when its late spring/early summer and buy a used VW bus-zip around and make some friends
you will look back at all of this in 15 years and wonder "what if"
This was an incredible thread. I moved here from CO two years ago and wish that I had read it then. Not that it would have changed my mind, but I would have been better prepared.

I don't know, I've certainly gone through most of the shyte these folks have warned of, from under-capitalization to crappy market conditions to nightmarish infestations of bugs and molds and mildews that I had only read about...and yet...

Well, don't take my word for it, cuz I moved here with cash in bank and I've been here 2 years and am essentially broke. But I'm L-E-G-A-L, especially now that the Prez has leashed the fed dogs, sort of. That is just so f-in huge. How can you put a price on that? I don't lay down at night worried about my front door being splintered by a SWAT team, or awakening with AR-15s at my head and red laser-scope dots roaming my face.

I'm not telling Jupiter to move west. I'm just suggesting that maybe some of you are under-weighting the psychological -- and potentially very real physical toll -- of engaging in the "trade" in less, um, enlightened parts of the US.

All that said, and with my apologies to "the kid," this has been without a doubt the most entertaining read of any thread on this site!!! Thank you all for your wit and wisdom. So jupiter, give us some closure: Have you found that trailer/apt/house yet? Are you currently in uniform? Or at sea? Enquiring minds want to know.


hey dude, follow your heart. thinking won't move you through your life, but your heart will.

get on with it.


Active member
Love all the haters. People think they own Cali and if you don't share their mentality then you'll be all alone there. I'll be moving out there too within the next year and I really don't care of being welcome with open arms. I've made plenty of trips out there and there's pockets of high end weed but seen way too much trash. If you got the money to do it, go for it, you only live once. Half a million for a house in nothing when you can make millions out there with minimal risk and when you're done you can sell the house and get that money back. See you there!


So hypothetically say I wanted to move to one of these cities, not to pursue growing as a career, but to experience life in different places. Would you guys frown upon like this kid?

Just a hypothetical question, I'm not moving I also live in a med state and am not going anywere for awhile. This is just a im high question lol
So hypothetically say I wanted to move to one of these cities, not to pursue growing as a career, but to experience life in different places. Would you guys frown upon like this kid?

This is a legit question and deserves a legit answer. NO - the growers would not frown upon you. Society would.

If as you mentioned you wanted to move to a city in California "not to grow", then that means moving to a city to live. What would you do?

Did you have a job lined up here in Cali before you decided to move out? You know there are millions of people without a job here and 50,000 people are fighting for that same position you're applying for.

Are you bringing enough to support yourself? You know before you line your job up you have to live somewhere. The pricing of housing is horrendous out here even though the foreclosure market is the highest it's been!

As of today I see more bums in the street than I've ever seen in my life. (I'm not saying that's going to happen to you, I'm just giving you a live-example) and it's difficult to drive ANYWHERE without seeing them now holding their signs up. East San Diego, Central, Downtown, the beaches - WHAT THE FUCK!!

Every place has their homeless but not in the vast numbers were seeing today. I know you asked a serious question and you wanted a serious answer, and the answer is that society unfortunately does not give two-shits about anyone down here and no one will be lenient. NOT with a job offer and NOT with a loan. You will have to come prepared or be prepared to get shitted on!

It's sad but its true......


Overkill is under-rated.
Hey I lived in Humboldt a long time, grew up there. It's usually cold, foggy, and pretty depressing. Lots of drug problems, and homeless, and jobs are few and far between. I moved out the instant I graduated high school (literally the same day!) and though I still visit on occasion, it's just not a cheery place.

That said, there are many beautiful parks, forests, and beaches. If you're a mountain biker its wonderful, being outdoors where it never gets hot or freezing means you can go longer and further than you could in the heat or snow. Overall I'd rather live someplace sunnier, the constant fog and rain can be very depressing!

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