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Pics from India

Awesome pics, I'm Indian also but live in the UK. Have been out there, several times now. I gotta say though, some of those pics took me right back to the good schitt...

Got any more? :)


Active member
Bom Bolenat and Namaste to you all,

More Pics, Ne mushkil

Here are some from Kasardevi-almora side in the state off Uttarakhand
It is in the lesser or lower himalayas, where the mountains are young with sharp tops and steeper vally slopes, hight around 2km.

When the sky is clear you can see the higher himalayas, in winter time when the sky is clear the view is superb

The view from the house i rent






What i really like abouth kasardevi -almora and surroundings is not the charas, i will come to that later but that you can rent nice houses with good kitchens and there is some good pepol around, one with a super wood oven so many creative pepol and the locals are very cultivated in many things other than charas


The city Almora is also nice if you get to know it you can buy alot off good stuff fore your cooking and creative work

In the Uttarakhand, locals grow terribel weed from super unworked seedlines and there must be some genes from cannabis cultivated fore hemp, the plants have bad smells and poor buds also it is the place where i see most hermafodits, there are like 40 to 50 percent hermies and very few pure female plants.

Some turist have feilds there and that is another story, but locals have a very primitive way off making charas, mostly they grow the ganja in feilds in the lower vally parts where they cultivat tomatos beans and cabbage in mixed rows with cannabis,

Now comes the most chocking part, many if not 90% off all locals harvest the plants carry them home and sun dry them fore a few houres before they start there rubbing and when they rub they put so much power that pistill, seeds, sticks and leafs ends up in the charas also alot off male pollen is squized into the charas form the many hermies. End product low indian quality smoked all over india sells fore 50 to 100 rps a tolla 10 times as cheap as high end producs found some places in the himalayas.


one in the chamber
Amazing thread and very informative. I've never been further north than Delhi, but I'll make it up there soon. :)


Bom Bolenath, Dkgrower!!!

How far does the road go nowadays in Parvati? Pulga/Kalga, or even further?
When I was there it ended in Manikaram.
Did you go to Kheerganga for hot bath?

Looks like you ended in same side of the Hill as me in Almora!
Did you hear any stories of Timothy Leary? ;)

Your pictures brought back many good memories!



Active member
Namaste Kaneh,

The road and the bus goes all the way to to berchani and you can rent a jeep and go all the way up to Tos. The Parvati Hydel Project, a hydroelectric dam is right now on stand still because they used a weak concret fore the lower part and they worrie that the dam could collaps, so they are reinforcing the lower part.

The work site fore the Dam is so ogly and disturbing to look at.
I hate passing it, oil runnig out in the river, air and noise pollution from all the construction. The locals love it because now more turist can access the vally.

I really miss the walk from manikaram to kalga, that was the real way to enter heaven, not by buss or taxi. Also the 16km walk filtered out some type off humans. It is very intersting and fore me, sad to see what transportation and electricty does to a vally.

I talk alot with the paravati vally BJP repesentative, he lives in pulga and pretty much runs all the political and govermental work in the vally, he informed me that he was going to Simla and was asking fore a extention of the road and they got the premission from the forest department. So the road projekt is ongoing and will progress with casual indian work speed and will reach pulga in some time. Then i think the next move is a road fore kheerganga

And yes i always goes fore hot bath in kheerganga, smooking chillums looking at stars, bathing in hot natual springs, but alot off pepol now a days.

@kaneh, I know off leary but that´s it, does he have a connection with Almora, pls tell


Thanks for the Parvati update!

I totally have forgot about that dam! LOL @ the concrete, so typical! ;)
The dam, road and people from one country (I heard they took over Kasol) is the reason I probably will never again go to Parvati valley. :(
...Too many good memories, I don't want to ruin them.

Tosh was in very nice spot, used to stay there for some time.

Timothy Leary lived in Almora in 60s.
I lived in hut for a while when I was there.
Timothy and co. used to stay in bigger house next to it.
It's above Almora, where next valley opens with great view to snowcap-himalaja peaks. I'm pretty sure you have walked pass it!
We used to smoke chillums in the bigger house with Timothys landlords son(still owns the place). Very nice and intelligent people!
ah... more good memories. I wish I had the photos from there on my computer so I could post some for you.
Unfortunately I was using dia-film back then and I don't have scanner for those...


Active member
Nice Kaneh, year there are something very special abouth the pepol haning out in and around almora, ditten know tim had spend time there, nice to know.

I think i will scan some old kalga pics and upload them with some recent pics

Haha, I like the one country pepol remark, jep they seam to be every where and i have even fallen in love with one special girl from that country. But they are all over kasol, kalga and Tos trying to forget all there troubels and army time, roaming around in loud groups me dont like.

But paravati is still one off the tops spots in the world fore enjoying and producing some off the best and all you need is to walk in to the forest and all the fuss and fight is replaced with that good old paravati feeling, fresh air clean water, big trees, snow caps just alot off wild nature enjoyed with some good pepol and smoke, dont give up on paravati vally,

Banjar vally is still very littel visited by turist and they make good smoke to, but the nature is not to compare with the forest off paravati and its superb treking possibilities.

Bom shiva


Yeah man, one guy (or girl ;) :snowkiss:) from that country is no problem. But when in bigger group, they think they're back to army and against everybody else. Makes rest of us feel like Palestinians! ;D
Can't blame them, they have gone through a lot of brainswashing!

I've been family man for last years, so I have been setling down in Finland countryside. Where I live the nature looks much like Parvati, valleys and pine trees, but no mountains behind them!

I have dreamed to go to Ladakh at some point. It was my plan to go there last I time I was in India, but the road was blocked, (or something like that) and couldn't make it.
I still might skip Parvati, just in case. ...Or not, after your recommendation, I have to think again! ;)
I love trekking, but I prefer Nepal side of border for that.
...I hope I can in next few years show some of these places to my son.

How is the charash nowadays? I usually always got piece on me, but the quality has gone down in past 10 years.
Hmm... I think I need to smoke chillum and try that charash again.


Active member
Regrading Charas, the top end is just as good as 10 years ago and there is alot off new stuff floating around, dry sift and waterworks can be found, there is as old times still to low production off good stuff

The middel and lower quality has always dominated, there are still alot off non adulterated charas that are so low off quality that it has no expot value and are consumed in india and south east asia, they still produce alot of that type

But the completly fake types off charas is on the up, there have always been henna cow shit diluted charas but now they make tons off fake charas in nepal, made form cannabis plant matter and hemp oil. All the nepalies that work in resturangs in goa bring 2 kilos off that fake stuff so they can make some money, because there indian boss pays them shit

Also todays turist in india dosent know much abouth charas even tho they claim they do, so they are sold fresh rubbed charas as cream, because it is soft, that seams to be most pepols criteria off good charas

In general, nepal is leading they are producing some damm nice dry sift and creams that are so power full and made with perfection in mind, also the police in nepal are less smart, so you can play around more easy.


Active member
I found out i actually own a scanner, so i scanned a 12 year old picture off kalga and a 1 year old pic, the same view.

Kalga 12 years ago, note the small appel trees that was planted


Kalga 1 year ago, now the appel trees are big, more houses and offcause a mobil antenna so the locals-turist can use there mobils


Kalga have newer been a village due to risk off dangerous rock slids, it have always been used as farm land, but there have always been small houses use as sheds fore sleep overs in harvest time, but turist like the non local atmosphere and i always rented those houses and loved it, 10 years ago the hill top view was build and that combined with the plantation off appel trees mark a special point in the evolution


I'm ONLY interested in handrubbed charash! ;)
They should ban all dryshift and waterhash in asia, unless it happens to be traditional in that area! IMHO ;)

Love those pictures of Kalga!
I really have to check my old photos, I was there 98. You were 97?

My friends meet there couple danes back then, that came to Lapland after India. Actually I met them also, but I think it was in Nepal, no wait, I think I saw them again in Parvati... My memory is not what it used to be...:bongsmi:


Active member
NAmaste resinseeker,

yes that is more than good 900pounds a month is a first class backpacker budget

I think going a littel low class in india pays off in experinces
hi dkgrower thanks for the reply mate do u think £900 is a bit to much?also am going to kerala what do u think a good budget would be for a month?any advice is most welcome all the best.RESIN SEEKER


Awesome thread and pics Dkgrower

I love India

Looks like you had a fantastic holiday

Happy Holidays :xmastree:



Active member
Namaste RS, hope all is well

to answer your Q, i would say 900pounds would be good, rember that india has atms eveery where. But cash dollars fore the od run in with the law is nice to have and if you are thinking off going to very remote places

Kerela is one off the expensive turist states alittel similar to goa in prices, alot off american and people form japan goes fore the beaches and trips to the foothills and backwater sailing, so many hillstations and beaches and back water trips are expensive, but rember your are in india there are always a cheap and nice alternative.

So RS i really depends on what you what to do and hotel/geust house standart, type off transport you choose. But you will have a nice trip with 900 pounds in your pocket, hope you will do it and if you what advise then just ask, i dont know much abouth the south only been there 2 times, i am a mountain goat.

Bom Bolenat