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Yes, I provide for myself. My comment is basically rhetorical since, I'm fairly certain I'm not the only person in that situation (poverty).

It's not so much that I'm pissed off because I am personally effected by others greed. I'm projecting my sentiments, if i were unable to grow for myself and living on a limited budget.
How does anyone believe a person who depends upon marijuana for pain relief, can afford $250-$500 an ounce per month?
In Michigan, our law was set up in such a way that a patient might end up spending $250 - $500 per months for their entire crop of twelve plants, every 120 days.
That type of reimbursement would mean payment to a caregiver of about $1000 - $2000 every four months.
That fee schedule is for the true costs plus labor, the patient owns the plants grown under their name.
There are restrictions due to possession limits so, this reduces the number of plants grown and harvested at any given time.
Lets say a grower averages one dry ounce per plant. The maximum possession limit would be 2.5 OZ by the patient and another 2.5 OZ held by the caregiver in reserve until the patient can safely and legally transfer possession.

I'm just hopeful that the citizens of Michigan could operate our program by complying with the current rules. The more instances of violations reported only lends credence that the program is rife with trouble.

We do have one major flaw in our law i would like to see corrected.
The way the law is written, if I have no plants growing and pop 13 seeds, I am over my plant count limit and am required to kill the 13th seedling.
I would like to see the language changed to possession of twelve plants beyond the age of sexual reproduction. This way we can grow out enough seedlings and through selection, remain within the plant count of females in flower.

I do not believe, coupling the need of registered patients to the previous black market model is beneficial to anyone except those raking in profits.

I understand my views will never change peoples minds regarding the profit motive. I'm just hopeful that the medical marijuana community could band together and self-regulate how this program can best benefit the patients.
The key to success is seeing that there is NO diversion of the marijuana grown for this purpose.
Know what I do,Richard? I scrimp on my rxs to afford the 200 each month. And thats all I can afford. If my CG raises his prices,I will have to severely cut down my puffing.Shit,I have been able to get off Xanax since I got my MMJ card.Now I will have to go back on it without my MMJ.:santa1:


As far as I know prices here are all still insane too, (Southeastern USA). I haven't heard of anything decent going for under 3500-4000 per elbow. Then again I am not looking for it so maybe it could be found cheaper. It seems everyone right now on this coast only wants to pay for "Purple" strains, which is sad as I have yet to find one worthy of a spot in my garden.

One Love 731

Senior Member
I would rather give it away, than hurt a market that has provided much needed help to me and my family before I sell it for less than $280 a zip. I do give away 1/2 of anything that isn't grade A, the other 1/2 makes butter, oil, bubble or kief. The best grade A does however go to my favorite cancer patient free of charge. Dropping the price is not charity, its desperate greed. Karma, One Love


Active member
Fuck aesthetic value. You want thc or you want pretty colors? Let me guess.

the purple we get out here is covered in trics, maybe you saw some bammers. i personally dont like smoking purple because its too heavy an indica and sometimes they taste kinda chemmy, but you cannot deny its bag appeal and overall value. custies go nuts over purples, they are always willing to pay more.


Active member
what is the wholesale price for #'s indoor in norcal? It is still around $4200 here

depends who ya know. if you are really plugged in you can get good indoors for 3-32 from growers. was paying 33-34 direct from a grower for dark purple, but after they got busted had to go through a middleman and ended up paying around 3600.

3600 is pretty much the standard for really good indoor here. if you end up finding it for cheaper it just means you get to make a few hundred before you sell it for 36-38 to somebody. some people pay as high as 42 out here depending on which city. i kno a few guys who will pay 42 all day in the bay area because they put it in flat rates and send it east for 5500 so they dont even care.


man i wish it would go down here an oz still goes for 300 to 400 bucks.but there aint a whole lot of people growing in my area and maybe 2-3 people selling.i go through the co-op so i am paying 50-60 for a 8th


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
people love to show off ... purple weed is show off weed... the women REALLY love purple weed... all you single guys out there, you want to pick up a chick, show her your purple weed
depends who ya know. if you are really plugged in you can get good indoors for 3-32 from growers. was paying 33-34 direct from a grower for dark purple, but after they got busted had to go through a middleman and ended up paying around 3600.

3600 is pretty much the standard for really good indoor here. if you end up finding it for cheaper it just means you get to make a few hundred before you sell it for 36-38 to somebody. some people pay as high as 42 out here depending on which city. i kno a few guys who will pay 42 all day in the bay area because they put it in flat rates and send it east for 5500 so they dont even care.
Mailing wholesale actually works?

Damn. News to me. Learn something new every day. Figured it was impossible.


Overkill is under-rated.
Got a price update from a broker today (norcal) he says he buys 10-15 packs of ins for 26-3200, outs for 18-2300 ea. Typically brokers make 1-200 per # wholesale.


Got a price update from a broker today (norcal) he says he buys 10-15 packs of ins for 26-3200, outs for 18-2300 ea. Typically brokers make 1-200 per # wholesale.

are we talking black market brokers or legal brokers in the Med Marijuana states?


Overkill is under-rated.
A lot of brokers sell to clubs, but don't often give details (as you can understand.) They don't want you going around them. I'm told club owners in SoCal groom their own Norcal grower connections so they can buy cheap outs every fall, and sell if for the same price as Indoor OG Kush in SoCal. Who's getting rich here? just the club owners.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I wish the cannabis clubs were different in nature.

Historically, the cannabis dispensiries in any state are basically following the path of the big pharmacutical companies. The primary focus is profit, not medical efficacy. Yes, ive heard the calls for compassion, but profit drives this nation.

The natural capitalist course for the dispeseries in the future will be to hire lobbiest to resist any legislation that would relax the growing laws. If anyone could grow it, why on earth would you pay so much at a dispensery.

A national law allowing an individual to grow 10 plants would decimate the dispensiries, the mexican drug gangs, the state and local police force and 1/2 of the mental health industry.


Agreed, Been waiting to see what happens with some of the local laws so i can open up a co-op....seems like the best profit margin in the game, its actually been that way for a while, especially down here in socal.


Why do I have to choose??

I lost the will to talk about purple weed. The people want purple, I suppose I will plant the PI cross beans I made a while ago and grow some totally colored out, nice smelling stony weed that will turn you into a couch potato. Ironic that I will be hanging my head in shame as the bills are stacked in my hand.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Know what I do,Richard? I scrimp on my rxs to afford the 200 each month. And thats all I can afford. If my CG raises his prices,I will have to severely cut down my puffing.Shit,I have been able to get off Xanax since I got my MMJ card.Now I will have to go back on it without my MMJ.:santa1:

I hear you Mary, that is something these commercial growers don't seem to understand or care about.
I wish the organization operating in Michigan would concentrate on assisting patients to learn to grow rather than supporting the caregiver network alone.

All Greg did was organize the illegal drug dealers in to a union so they could pillage and plunder the patients of Michigan. That organization has nothing to offer patients.

Every patient should grow their own or have a friend assist them. This caregiver network is only duplicating the failed California model and operating against the laws enacted.

Notice how the comm growers are the ones complaining about dropping prices and high risk.
The individual patient could grow enough to remain compliant and do so at a fraction of the cost these crooks demand.
I hear you Mary, that is something these commercial growers don't seem to understand or care about.
I wish the organization operating in Michigan would concentrate on assisting patients to learn to grow rather than supporting the caregiver network alone.

All Greg did was organize the illegal drug dealers in to a union so they could pillage and plunder the patients of Michigan. That organization has nothing to offer patients.

Every patient should grow their own or have a friend assist them. This caregiver network is only duplicating the failed California model and operating against the laws enacted.

Notice how the comm growers are the ones complaining about dropping prices and high risk.
The individual patient could grow enough to remain compliant and do so at a fraction of the cost these crooks demand.
Perhaps this was discussed earlier and I missed it. Sorry if that is the case.

Why, then, isn't every patient growing their own if it is legal, worry-free, and easy as you imply? I understand that some are disabled, but most patients are fully capable of driving to home depot, ordering seeds on the internet and growing a simple weed or two in their living rooms.

Right? Why so much pity for people who want it handed to them on a silver platter? If we growers are gaming everyone with our easy trade, why not nip it in the bud?

Owl Mirror

Active member
Perhaps this was discussed earlier and I missed it. Sorry if that is the case.

Why, then, isn't every patient growing their own if it is legal, worry-free, and easy as you imply? I understand that some are disabled, but most patients are fully capable of driving to home depot, ordering seeds on the internet and growing a simple weed or two in their living rooms.

Right? Why so much pity for people who want it handed to them on a silver platter? If we growers are gaming everyone with our easy trade, why not nip it in the bud?

I did try to nip this in the bud. I had my life threatened, was defamed by the executive director, had activists from MPP and some Guido from Las Vegas impugned that if I didn't shut up I would go missing.
This is from an organization that claims to be for the benefit of the patients of Michigan.

What I would like to do is form a series of meetings around the state where patients could come and learn best practices and the least expensive methods for growing their own.
Far too many people that have a registration card are going without because of these high prices being demanded, contrary to our Law.

I've had supposed caregivers tell me straight up that if they can't make $150,000 to $250,000 per year they won't grow for the medical community. I've had others tell me that since the patient can only afford one ounce per month, they intend to grow out twelve plants under the patients name and sell the excess on the black market for further profits, all the while still charging the patient $300 an OZ.

Seems the comm growers don't care about patients, only profits.
I had a caregiver tell me that if the patient can't afford the prices, tough shit, they can buy swag or go back on the pills.

I don't have a problem with profits or capitalism, just not to the detriment of chronically ill or dying people.