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lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
if sam wants to chime in he can. and you wouldn't like what he PM'd me anyway,

hehe, yeah bro Sam has climbed up in my ass and it wasnt pleasent,lol. hes pretty fierce:D

grow alot of Haze(TomHill) always enjoy a good haze thread. why dont ya get your friend(one of the Haze bros?) to come online and explain it all to us:D be much better then havein it passed along.

if hes not internet savy, bring him a laptop or somethin. also would seem that you and sam would know each other since you were so close to the bros?

would really be nice if one of the actual Haze Bros could take the time to post up the whole freakin story right from the horses mouth. hes talkin to you, seems he wouldnt mind talkin to all of us as well.

hit him up and see if he might want to entertain us a bit


haze crazy

When I was a kid ...1970... A biker from Youngstown, OH named Al Sta( edit ) owned a gas station. I worked there part time after school, sometimes he would pay me with the Purple Haze Jimmy Hendrix sang about. It was LSD Man,,, not as powerful as four way orange sunshine and of course nowhere near the potency of window pane but it was a fun trip.... Lots of laughing so I think it may have had some psyliciben is it. It was many years before I had heard anyone call weed purple haze...Long after Jimmy was gone...

four seasons

Has any one considered the fact that by 1979 Haze stock was being grown and used as breeding stock by others other then Sam the Skunkman up and down the west coast.
It is my understanding Sam was the first to bring these genetics across the Atlantic to Amsterdam in 1984.
At which time these genetics were dispersed even further to the founders of the modern seed banks.

four seasons

Like Skunk and other BRAND names of Cannabis these labels can and were used loosely to make good bud sell better.
If you Call it Purple Haze you might look cool or you might make more money.

four seasons

Maybe some day soon Science can take questionable cannabis hybrid genetics and isolate the original landrace cultivators by seperating these genotypes at the molecular level.
Before labels were added to the modern varieties of today most cannabis was identified by place of geographic origin.


Well-known member
Has any one considered the fact that by 1979 Haze stock was being grown and used as breeding stock by others other then Sam the Skunkman up and down the west coast.

i considered it soo much its upsetting i a started a were she at cali haze thread .its disturbing too me that cali doesnt hav one standout haze .not a famous cali haze strain not one forget about many .how is it possible sorta like adam the haze was brought out there but were is she tho its more upsetting were she was created here no one has paid tribute legend of the 70's still one of the most famous 40 yrs lata no known stock clones or hybrids aside from sams/nevs

would you believe kush is the craze ot's must be rollin

haze is a lifestyle

I would gladly walk over 20 lbs of cali kush to grab 4 ounces off a haze plant which took 12 months


Bumble Buddy

Active member
greetings to all,

a while back i mentioned that i was one of the original haze growers back in
the 70's. and i promised the community that if i could hook up with the man
that created the name and strain who i've known for decades i would report back. I'm back! :woohoo:
The story is funny but i must begin by saying everything that Sam the Skunkman has ever reported about it is accurate. He may have left out
some fun details that i will share. The following comments are not conjecture, second hand rumor, they are the facts, from the mouth of the
guy who did it. Not is helper partner, sister brother or dog.

Haze - the name? Hendrix "purple haze is on my brain" thats where Haze
comes from.
Original - it was original so it fit.
Strain - an accident. Back then we all felt that Colombian Gold aka as Punto Roja was the best smoke. The haze comes from a Punta Roja seed
and was bred to itself for about 10 years after which the strain went
weak and became useless. It was never a stable strain and usually produced four varieties. Root Beer, deep purple, magenta, and light silver green.
There was never any Haze Brothers, that's urban legend. There were haze brothers that were large buyers and were brothers so we called them the haze brothers but there was three of them anyway.

Sam was a neighbor that got some of the seeds and in early 80's moved to amsterdam and the rest is history. if there is anyone that deserves respect for saving and back breeding the line into stronger more stable plants it would have been mr. skunk. who i do not know personally but might have bumped into back then among the circle.

any other persons claim to have bred "haze" is just co-opting a word that
was attributed to a paricular accident that produced some of the greatest

all the other stories are bull shit period end of story. Mr. Skunkman's report on this has been on the mark, and more importantly, it was his
vision and drive that brought the genetics to holland where he shared them and the rest is history.

hope you all enjoyed the real story.

Awesome, thanks for posting happyhi! :bow: :biglaugh: :bow:

This thread has brought a huge :) to my face.

Nothing in the report contradicts what SamS has posted and it all makes a lot of sense, Tom Hill summed it up very nicely as well :yes: I have felt the Haze story had some large doses of serendipity involved, along with all the hard work of the growers stretching back through time, I feel a debt of gratitude and happy admiration for all their kind efforts. :bow:




1977...Real colombo gold..seedy..dense dark gold an purple nugs..150 a quarter pound.

roll a zag..do a rising shotgun..super rush almost makes u pass out.

1978...santa marta punta rojo..red point...many shades of gold, tan,red and brown.

ahh...spicey trippy stone..taste on exhale like smoking carmel.

1981..purple sinsimilla..grown from seed in cali..the plant was from a state in mexico..narrow leaves..tall..branchy..under 65 degrees and the plant would turn almost completely purple.

1984...roadkill afgani skunk..stank so bad even a jar coundent contain it..mind u..i still know the afgani advisor that trained the gani to fight the sovet union..and am blessed with the roadkill skunk genetic's still today.

dark green wide leaves,,dense sticky acrid skunk smell narcotic stone wipeout..super munch cant eat enough side effect.

well..well..well...fantasia mikey mouse blotter..red faced speedy wall breathing rollercoaster ride..

orange barrel..hmmm...ya..10000 mikes..what did u see??

purple 4 way window pane..ya..from the lost 55 gallon drum..laguna canyon cica 1985...think i was talking to god..as the world melted away..

thats what i remember..haze..my opinion..

highland colombian x mekong delta thai...mabie.


Well-known member
Orange owsley was the most insane acid I have ever taken . The rest is just what it is .


surprising sams has not joined us especially after you say hes responded to you

soo why not post SAMS pm that confirms your statements
if its ok wit him

the story is not soo crazy
but a few things dont seem to match up but the more i look back at sams post n wat you say it makes som sense and i start to ponder

the haze was like smoking candy, made you giddy, happy, creative and food tasted like you'd never eaten before. there was no paranoia or couch lock, it was heavenly

and you hav mentioned the silver as juicy fruit gum

how does these aromas com from punto rojo ?

is this ur description of the o.haze/PR

why does it not match sams?

whats your take on the reported sandlewood catpiss description of haze bros haze

reservationlabs Haze Breeders/Growers.... thread is about an old gifted haze line from the hills reported to be incense n hashy

id love to hear more info also timelines the smoke reports of the phenos/colors

Just wondering when you mention silver is the Strain Super silver haze a stabilized strain whos lineage can be directly followed to the ohaze?



It's hard enough to find someone who was an original haze toker forget about a grower, so I'm glad you're here. I have a couple of questions you may be able to answer being one of the original growers yourself.

1- Being that clones were not usually in use back then before indoor lights, how did you guys make the selections for making seeds used for the following years grow? Especially since you weren't able to smoke it before the selection? Did you guys go mostly by smells? If so, what were the smells?

2- For the twenty plus years that I've been smoking I've seen large variations in the smells of haze (which are all haze hybreds), but the one smell that has too be present is the catpiss smell. It can be woody and spicey but it still has to have the catpiss. Soapy, incense, sandlewood, lemony, Piney...can be found but it still needs the catpiss to pass as haze, to be called haze when sold. This Catpiss taste and smell is unmistakably strong...you can feel it in your teeth strong. And these traits come from different breeders and sources of haze hybreds.

What I wanted to ask you happyhi is if you remember that smell, because if not- then the smell that most of us identify as haze is actually a trait found from the nonhaze side of the hybred most likely skunk.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This is very interesting. I do remember Purple microdot and window pane. I started smoking in 74 I lived in Cali and the strains that where around then are not today I do miss them. I would like to here more
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It's interesting that they derived the "haze" name from Hendrix's "Purple Haze" when he was in fact referencing a batch of acid distributed at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival by Bear Owsley.

1967 Monterey Pop Festival by Bear Owsley I Was There. I Had Friends That New Him Well. Never Met Him To Bad. But I Did Meet Mr. Hendrix At Another Time.

Thank You


true, but Hendrix is just referencing just the color of Owsley's acid; i'm pretty sure Jimi added the 'haze'. Owsley was well-known for constantly changing the color of his batches ("White Lightning", etc.)-- i can't remember if it was to set himself apart from imitators or for some other esoteric Bear reasoning. so in 1967, pre-Hendrix song, people would have been talking about the 'Purple Owsley' going around the festival, rather than 'Purple Haze'.

not arguing with you, just adding to the pile of info!

What You Say Is What I Heard While There. We Brought With Us & Bought Purple Oswley There. They Were Made In The Same Tabbing Machine. We Could See They Had Identical Markings. The Next Day It Was Known As Purple Haze. That Oswley Made It Special For Hendrix & The Festival.
And All Of A Sudden It Was "The Touch Of God". People Thought They Are Different, But They're The Same!

Thank You


Well-known member
Just wondering when you mention silver is the Strain Super silver haze a stabilized strain whos lineage can be directly followed to the ohaze?

silver was a ohaze variety ,that happhi has spoke of

as for ssh i believe its lineage can be traced back too ohaze

What I wanted to ask you happyhi is if you remember that smell, because if not- then the smell that most of us identify as haze is actually a trait found from the nonhaze side of the hybred most likely skunk.

im glad somone else is curious

skunkhaze tfd is reported to be catpiss incense ,mns sk/hz catpiss incense

im interested to kno which hazes aside from ssh ur familiar wit that has catpiss traits

the nyc haze hybrids are mostly incense catpiss i started the search for the truth after experiencing frank but sams nor HH has commented on the frankincense trait in haze

the description for haze bros haze was sandlewood n catpiss which i find interesting also there r repots of tfd ohaze being church incense/frankincense catpiss also rotterdam ohaze frankincense catpiss

any thoughts



Haze IS a lifestyle! And a much more conscious one than the kush'd out crowd! I am doing my best to convert the non-believers with the help of some seriously trippy and tasty outdoor haze I grew this year. Even with all the resin it is a tough sell. . . Fluffy buds are hard to sell.