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Modern Warfare 2


okay ive played just past holding the diner and running around the burger shack, shooting the 2 helis at the beginning of the game. AMAZING, exhilarating! this game is something else. incorporates so much awesome in each level.

ill have to wait on money, but i may just buy it for multiplayer, as 'pitiful' as some say it is


okay ive played just past holding the diner and running around the burger shack, shooting the 2 helis at the beginning of the game. AMAZING, exhilarating! this game is something else. incorporates so much awesome in each level.

ill have to wait on money, but i may just buy it for multiplayer, as 'pitiful' as some say it is

I agree, the solo campaign is really fun the first time. Its getting boring doing the solo stuff over and over, though. I might have to break down and buy the game so I can play the multiplayer.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Yeah the ending was great (can't wait for a sequel) but my console got banned so I won't be buying it until I un-ban it. Which is possible, I am getting the CPU keys off of some consoles that never go online, just need to apply it to my box.


Active member
i know the single player is sick, but i havent had enough time to actually play it. ive been playing multiplayer so much i havent played single player one time


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Yup, single player is sick. I beat it on regular, now I'm about 1/3 of the way on Veteran, SUPER hard! You get shot once or twice, and it's OVER! ;)

I've beat a good amount of the spec ops missions on veteran. If you're interested in doing some of these missions on Veteran, hit me up (Xbox 360).

I'm sitting at a level 33 online right now, been using the HBAR and the FAMAS alot, both are pretty sick. I'm usually playing Mercenary Team DM or Free for all when I'm by myself, whatever when jamming with friends, hardcore team DM is fun. :wave:


what that's it?

i beat it in two sittings.

glad i didnt pay for it, though i may if enough people tell me to get multiplayer:/

good drown

yea i agree, might as well rent it or dl it if all you do is single player. i know single player rules, but i always beat it in 2 days usually, for the past few realeases, but multiplayer is the true value of the game.
plus the co-ops stuff, or whatever its called is cool as fuck. me and my friend play together online, shooting the shit over the headsets, and getting our asses kicked


yeah, i downloaded it, so it was free but i find most of the fun IN multiplayer too. Shame that's 60$ away, and not getting bought for the time being.

i installed it on my friends computer, and he doesnt even like it! i spose he should go back to halo....

now to deliberate whether to get xbox for playing with friends, or pc because im comfortable with WSAD and mouse. hmmmmm someday....both....

during the play through i actually thought, "man if i had to use a console controller doing this, id be so fucked," all the consecutive head shot sniping, would take me eons to line those shots up with a controller.. anyone else have issues with console controllers? (i do have ps3 too, but like xbox better, cept for blurays...heh)


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I use my 360 controller for most of my gaming, though always have a mouse near me. I prefer to be able to relax and play casually, though if I need to I will switch for increased accuracy and performance. Though ATM my mouse is broken so I have to use my 360 controller as my mouse on the desktop, in fact I'm using it now.


sunshine in a bag
played it at a friends house the other night, fucking sick.

we took that to another friends house and me and my bestfriend were stoned out of our gourds playing the special ops co-op together. it was intense. we were playing the one where you stealth around in the bushes on that snow map.

anyways, i'd buy it but i have a 4 day weekend coming up and i dont get that time off paid....


Active member
so do you people think using a mouse and pad is easier?? because my roomate has blabbin about buying one for a while now but i like the 360 controllers for the most part.

also finally got the weed leaf! the denier challenge is in elite and you gotta kill someone on a 10 killstreak. now im rocking "rain maker" with the weed symbol.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Ya KMK if I remember right, the mission when Russia 1st evades I think I got 10+... The one where u battle at BK and the gas station n what not..

Joe Hawkins

Active member
so do you people think using a mouse and pad is easier?? because my roomate has blabbin about buying one for a while now but i like the 360 controllers for the most part.

also finally got the weed leaf! the denier challenge is in elite and you gotta kill someone on a 10 killstreak. now im rocking "rain maker" with the weed symbol.
i was discussing this the other day, theres no way in hell a controller could beat a mouse and keyboard, for me anyway, most agreed, but im sure theres controller ppl out there that could kick my arse