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Modern Warfare 2



Managed to get on for 2 hours last night and have now completed all of spec ops on veteran. Very happy to have done that now. Have stopped playing multiplayer though. Too many glitchers and boosters taking the fun out of it. Have moved over to Operation Flashpoint for some realism.

If anyone needs an easy tactic for any spec op, let me know. I've finished them all now!!!!!

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Anyone been nuked yet? fuck, I got nuked today, didnt even know it was there, finishes the game too, everybody dies, lol

But yeh Mltiplayer really sux , its majorly laggy, even with 4 bars and the frame rate is just disgraceful even with an 8800 GT, because I think they capped it at 60FPS, Im pretty sure im only getting around 20 FPS on a good day.
im getting REALLY sick of players kamakazi-ing me with that javelin missile cheap shit...
anyone else know what im talking about...

it IS cheating...so report them if theyre doing it...


Active member
^^^ YUP i hear you 100% i got into a "mic fight" yesterday with two faggots who kept javelining. they couldnt say shit back because they knew i was calling them out on being some cheap ass little hoebags.

Infinity Ward better fix that shit in the next update. That shit is NOT cool, cheapest shit ive ever seen.
Anyone been nuked yet? fuck, I got nuked today, didnt even know it was there, finishes the game too, everybody dies, lol

But yeh Mltiplayer really sux , its majorly laggy, even with 4 bars and the frame rate is just disgraceful even with an 8800 GT, because I think they capped it at 60FPS, Im pretty sure im only getting around 20 FPS on a good day.

the same kid dropped 3 nukes in 3 games against me. sum ppl play this game too much . never seen it happen after taht

Joe Hawkins

Active member
im getting REALLY sick of players kamakazi-ing me with that javelin missile cheap shit...
anyone else know what im talking about...

it IS cheating...so report them if theyre doing it...

wha?wha? javelin missile hack? what happens, prolly happens to me a bit, nevr know how i die, lol
gotta get it, lol


best game ever made? they really didnt improve the multiplayer much and the snow level is too damn big and sucks.i think battlefield 2 is gonna be better


East Coast Grower
im getting REALLY sick of players kamakazi-ing me with that javelin missile cheap shit...
anyone else know what im talking about...

it IS cheating...so report them if theyre doing it...

i thought it was just a glitch that just happened. annoying as fuck though.

DogBoy I might be hitting you up, its hard, I even had a hard time with that first thing where you shoot targets.


Active member
its when you have a jav out hold symtec then switch back to jav. When you die the jav explodes. its a good way to get you jav kill achievment but its cheap as shiat. esp on hq u just run in and boom they die


I got Modern Warfare 2 as a gift for my oldest son for Christmas . Can you get banned from playing live for misbehaving ?


I have a list of all the cheats and boosts if you want. I fully intended to go in and ruin gameplay to object at the imbalance but decided it would only hurt players and i really couldn't care enough to be honest so i didn't bother. There are many glitches though.

Box stealthing. This means you can mod the game without Microsloth being able to detect you. Also means you can bring a banned box back onto the system.

3rd person cage match or Tactical boosting. Also includes clan boosting.

Elevators. Use the "Cant crouch here" message in almost any location to climb up on an invisible ladder and shoot from the sky.

Terrain insertion. Actually hiding inside objects so your immune to damage but can still shoot people who walk past.

Riot shield exploiting for free points to boost to prestige while at work.

Javelindom. As described above. Pull up javelin, swithc to semtex and back etc. On death your jav will go off in the tube and take people with you. Usually good for 1-6 kills per death so gives regular streak bonus.

Knife Runners, Cunning use of equipment means you can run around at double speed and stab people before they can shoot you. Also part of the Jav glitch.

Double team boosting. Needs two players, set on opposite teams and tactical insertion. First player finds somewhere quiet. Other player joins him and sets insertion. First player murders player two, rinse and repeat. When you get to kill streaks player two defends player one so he can kill people until he gets a nuke.

Lag switching. Tamper with your feed to allow you to 'teleport' round the map and be invincible. Requires just a normal light switch, a free foot to use the switch and 2 minutes to screw the switch to the RJ45 cable.

Gun swapping. The screen will show you with one type of gun but the game acts like you have a different gun. You can even have MG4 gunfire from a pistol.

There are so many bugs and cheats i cant list them all but it leaves multiplayer as broken and unplayable. I wont play while its not a fair game.

Rob 547, let me know the name of the map you have trouble with and i'll list how to beat it. Only 5 missions require any skill at all, the others can be exploited if you have trouble. Only two that slowed me down were wetwork( that fucking last door breech is a turd! ) and Breech and clear ( i just am not rambo enough to do this. Needed an hour and 5 go's before i cleared this ). Have done it in 17 seconds now but on my account i did it in 30.30 seconds. The key is to remember that the spawns are limited and you should always run away before engaging. Sounds weird but i have a stunning tactic which means some levels you can simply draw them in and pick them off on your terms instead of how the game wants you to play. I can do all the missions using cheats or properly so let me know what you need and i'll get you through them. The star 69 achievement is a real satisfying one to have!

Before anyone accuses me of being a glitcher or a cheat i'd point out i am a clansman and so i learnt these tricks to ensure my clan is not raped by them. I also do not play MP anymore due to these glitches and the unfair playing field. Feel free to rinse any trick i've listed. The more people killing the game the quicker IW will fix it.
dog boy i have most of them havent beat wet work or last breach need help. snach and grab keep making it to the end then die need help. thats it besides high explosive but me and my buddy fig that one out today so ill det that one. thanks


Okay, breech and clear.

1) On breech, clear the centre with the first clip but save 2 rounds for the guy who runs at you from the left. He can be shot last. Ignore the stragglers and sprint to the first alcove. NEVER stop moving or you will be surrounded and stabbed.

2) The balcony guys appearing at any point means you are too slow and should quit.

3) Once you get to the first alcove and face the row of lockers move slightly left so you can see the other arch between the lockers and bring up the grenade launcher. Pop a grenade into the centre of the next arch ASAP. hit the floor, not the men! If your quick you should be able to hit the floor with the 40mm while the riot shields form up. I normally kill 4-5 but you really only want to cut a hole in them and shock them. You dont need them dead as you wont be there long, just shocked and not shooting or formed up.

4) After the 40mm is out run to the left of the alcove and use the left side lockers as a bullet shield.

5) Sprint to the finish. Sometimes you will find a single guy can shoot you so you may want to flash out after the turn left to slow them but it should not be necessary. Stab any prick stupid enough to jump out of that alcove. Rarely happens but if you miss with the 40mm you may see him.

In short, the secret to this mission is to ignore all combat except that which cuts a hole for you and sprint almost non stop to the finish. This is NOT a breech and clear, this is a tactical extraction. fuck killing everyone, simply cut a hole and run! The record is currently 12 seconds on solo but i normally manage 17-30 seconds depending on if i have a teammate.

If you have a team mate use the same tactic but each takes a different side. this level is much easier with two people as the first clip in the breech then clears the entire first room. On single you miss 3 enemy in the first room no matter how good you are. If you use the same side you will slow each other. Another handy trick is if you get one guy downed leave him. Enemies will ignore a downed player so if you can get one player into the hole the other has a whole minute to crawl, unmolested, to the finish. The objective is simply to get a player into the hole as quick as you can. Fighting will only result in you being trapped by shields and murdered.


This level is actually easy until you get to the end. Only the last breech is dangerous. You will need two people for this aswell as the last room is actually two rooms. DO NOT BREECH THE SAME DOOR TOGETHER. We did this for ages before we realised there were two rooms. Breeching the same door together will always result in mission failed.

1) ALWAYS KEEP THE starting gun WITH GRENADE LAUNCHER! It's the best breech weapon. That said breech the first room. Have player on left clear left to right and player on right of door clear right to left. This is the most efficient way to clear a room according to the SAS. I find it easiest to both breech the same door thats furthest from the start. It's an easy breech so doesn't matter how you do it. Just clear it.

2) Have player one climb up on the balcony and get a sniper rifle. His job is always overwatch. Player two is the gunner and should hide in the room you just cleared facing player two. Once room is clear you will see the door open ahead and 6-8 men come out. ( Claymore the area before you breech if you want a laugh. ) Have sniper kill them until clip empty and player 2 pop any that get past him. Should only be two that get past the sniper and they are easily killed if you hide in the doorway facing the sniper.

3) Push the level by having sniper sit at the back and force them to bunch up. Player 2 simply brings player 1 the enemies and picks off stragglers. Never bunch up or you risk multi death and level ending. Use this the entire mission and you should find it easy. For the helo, simply run back, down the stairs and into the room at the bottom. One player guard stairs ( gunner works best ) and then the other uses the AT4's to take out the helo. There's an MG4 if your shit with rockets. If he gets downed dont go to him, make him come to the safety of the room but dont take eyes off the stairs. You should be able to inch to the finish this way every play though.

The only hard part is the last breech.

For the last breech you will each have 4 targets each room. Pick a door each and breech. the guy on the left (furthest from start ) has the following. Shoot runner on left first. Hit him twice so he goes down, traverse right shooting the guy throwing the AK47 next. Follow the flying AK to the guys on the right and hit the armed guy first. Traverse back to hit the guy who just caught the AK, he takes a second to get ready so you should have time. Guy hitting the other door does the reverse but pay attention to the runner, you may have to hit him second instead of first depending on how you play. After that you should see mission complete.

The key to this mission is to bring the enemy to you. there are many of them and many routes in so make sure you use choke points and are not afraid to make them come to you. going to them often results in being surrounded or mobbed. Stay back and pick them off. Also exploit the 1 min timer if one of you gets downed, dont automatically run to a downed teammate. Get them to come to you and only revive if safe. Dont feel pressured into letting your guard down. there are also 40 claymores in total on this level. Use them to thin out the enemy and make safe havens should you struggle. Claymores account for about 6-15 kills each time i play this with my slow sniper teammate. He loves them and uses them all the time to great effect. REmember also there is no time limit so go easy and have fun.

Unfortunately this is one of the missions that requires a little skill to finish. Breech and clear is more of a run away type level and just takes practice rather than skill. Oh, and a little luck.

hope this helps, if your still stuck let me know but this should make it easy for you. Expect to do each level at least 3 times before you get it right. It helps to know where they are coming from before you can breeze the levels.


Last one, snatch and grab.

I'll assume you are able to get to the last bit and are stuck there. Thats where most get stuck. The first bit is simply a clearance of the area and is not hard, the first jug is on you immediately and easily stopped with the default sniper rifles. dont forget to take the SCAR with thermals at the start, it makes clearance a lot easier when you can see what your shooting at! You should do the whole level with the SCAR thermal and the intervention rifle. This level is also a lot easier with 2 people, with people you should be able to beat it every time if you stick to the below method.

Once you have cleared the first bit you will be left with the laptop to pick up and the airplane exit with the finish run. The trick here is to keep an ear on the music as that will be your trigger. Once the bottom area is cleared, snag the laptop and move into the plane but do not jump down. If your quick you can get a player here before you finish clearing the bottom which gives you more time. The jug timer seems to start once you clear the first area but it will not allow you to leave a survivor so dont rely on taking your time. Once you are in the plane move up and look to your 1-2 o'clock and check the ridge. You should see a juggernaught up there in the distance. He is your first target, if you dont get him you will likely die in the final sprint. He's not always there so dont panic if he is nearby, he normally spawns in the same spot but 1/4 times he will be somewhere else but will appear. Once he is gone take out all targets in the area in front of you and on the ridge paying special attention to the 3 to the far left as you exit the plane ( they are right to the left as you exit, nice and close to where you are, these are there to ensure you clear the area properly, if you dont they will down you as soon as you begin the end run.

While doing this keep an ear open. Whenever the game sends a jug your way you will hear a deep 'dong' sound and the music will change. This means you have about 10-15 secs to hot foot it or face the jug. If your quick you should easily clear this area in the time allowed. Once you clear the area below the plane exit it's time to run. There will be almost no shooting now but you need flashbangs so make sure you didn't use them all. Once you exit run right and use the cover of the crashed plane to make it to the ridge. You will often see 1-3 targets on the left when you exit and run for the ridge. Clear them but dont stop. Run up the ridge and use the cover on the right. To the left are a few men. You can shoot them but i prefer just to spam flash bangs and run for the finish backwards. ENSURE YOU FLASH THEM, if you dont you will die! Be careful not to flash yourself or your teammate. It will only slow you and allow them to get closer.

It is really tempting to use the stabbing glitch to take out the juggs without leaving the plane but this is not a valid tactic. I have done this and killed 8+ juggs but they keep on coming so dont hang about here, it's all about snatching the laptop and getting to extraction. Hanging around after picking up the laptop will get you killed, you can only lag at the start before you clear the area. Only use the stabbing glitch if your late and need to buy some time. If you do kill the jug you will have 15-20 seconds before another comes which is plenty of time to run like fuck!

That should be enough to get you through. If your still stuck somewhere specific let me know and i'll show you how to get through or avoid it altogether.


One last thing. If you find yourself unable to defeat a jug there is an exploit you can use. Jugs cannot move past a downed player. For example, if you play the echo mission with the 10 juggs in the favela you can clear the entire level by stabbing alone! I've actually done the level playing with both controllers too so it can be done on solo if your so inclined.

To do this you need a room with only one door.There is one at your 10 o'clock when the level starts, just jump through the big rectangular window and hide behind the table there. The other is the building in the far right corner as you start, it has a sub room with a chest of drawers you can hide behind. Have player one 'die' in the doorway. He can usually stab 4 times before he loses his attack and calls for revival. Have player two lay on the floor next to the wall so the jug cant see you but you have the blue revive button up. Have player one tell you when he cant stab and revive. He will stab once and then get downed again. He then gets 4 stabs if he is quick. Let him have these and then revive. Rinse and repeat. If you find the jugs wont come use the thumper on the walls to make a noise and they will come to you. DONT leave the setup or you risk failure.

When i did this to help my clan finish the game i was actually rolling a burn the entire time and did not look at the screen, i just press blue when told to. The stabbing player also only has to stay in the doorway ( stabbing will sometimes lurch you forward ) and tell you when to press blue! The whole level can be done without even looking at the screen this way!