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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Cool. I put caffeine powder in a few bottles. I don't know if you remember the drew carey show but they used to make coffee beer on there...and yup I realise it's tv and not real hahaha. But I did it anyway and it actually worked well enough. I did some also with instant coffee and that was pretty disgusting :D

With the bulk of this harvest I plan on water curing, then make a tincture out of vegetable glycerin, and apparently that's how they make cannabis soft drinks (soda, pop, etc). So I will put some in beer for sure.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
i guess the thing about it is that hops is actually closely related to hemp and maryJ - you can literally use cannabis instead of the hops

i'm spooked by water curing and bubble hash making - something about the water - I know, same-same tossing it in your beer fixin'


Grow like nobody is watching
Hehe, I enjoy the water curing process. Have you seen the ICmag video where gypsy and wally and the crew go make hash in Jamaica? Cracking television :D


Active member
wiki info
"Humulus lupulus (Common hop) is a species of Humulus in the Cannabaceae family.

Common hop is a dioecious, perennial herbaceous climbing plant which sends up new shoots in early spring and dies back to the cold-hardy rhizome in autumn. It is native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere.

The flower cones of the plant, known as hops, are used in the production of beer to impart bitterness and flavor, and for their preservative qualities. The extract is antimicrobial, which makes it useful for making natural deodorant"

"The genus Cannabis was formerly placed in the Nettle (Urticaceae) or Mulberry (Moraceae) family, but is now considered along with hops (Humulus sp.) to belong to the Hemp family (Cannabaceae)."


Grow like nobody is watching
I believe you can graft cannabis to hops too. Just that there's no point. That's what I heard anyway.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Scrub I remember that plant Lou grew under the CFLs that he had placed around the plant and it was a fat little fucker too! That and DrBud is what made me believe in CFLs so much...


Grow like nobody is watching
Hell yeah! It was all very inspiring stuff. I'll never forget reading those early threads, mouth agape.... Calling my HID mate over to look at it, and him being all "hmmmph CFLs suck" haha. Hell, if it grows plant matter, it's a good light :)

I ordered a 10,000k 55w pll bulb today! I'll probably use it similar to how you're planning on your thread. They have bulbs available that are like 20,000k :yoinks: You can also get one thats one tube 10k, and the other tube is 20k, on the one bulb!


A lot happening on the other side of the world while I'm sleeping. :D

Wauu. Your plants are looking great bro!
Dude, if they were infected with root aphids, I doubt the grow would still look like that. :)

MJ, good timing, look what just arrived!

What have you got there?


Grow like nobody is watching
Have you heard of Bokashi? DITry was the first person I saw mention it and so the EM stuff is part of the whole process. It's anaerobic stuff. I think I have to take this, do something to it, then put it on bran and leave it for ages, then I use the bran to sprinkle in the bokashi bucket, then let it ferment, then stick it on the compost heap or worm farm...it's some crazy involved shit...I want to use it to get rid of my weed trash. Also meant to be good for drains and kind of a miracle product. Maryjohn does it too (and helped me a lot)

You know, I hadn't checked on that perlite looking stuff for a while because of her doin' so well. I pulled the tape down as far as I could just now, where I knew there was a problem earlier, and it was gone :D So things look good. The roots are still not in great shape though, quite brown. I need that stuff...I think it's called cannazyme.


Nothing I've heard about before :) but it sounds very interesting, looking forward to see how that works out for you.

Yes, the cannazym from canna.
BTW. What's your water temprature, and do you use a heater? Sorry if I missed it earlier in your thread.


Active member
Just wash it once - a few rinses in a goodly volume of water and pour off all the dust that floats. Then strain it. Makes a mess otherwise.


Grow like nobody is watching
I used 4000k all the way, Rhyo, veg & flower. I added a 23w daylight CFL while stretch was happening, but I could have lived without it. I got the new 10,000k to sort of serve the same purpose, as well as for propagation etc. If I had had daylight pll bulbs, I probably would have got faster veg. (edit) something I just remembered - she was living under sunlight and (5000k) CFLs when I got her.

Pedro, that made me laugh, lol. Lets just say that I've never thought to take the temp of the water :) It's just room temp I guess. Right now ambient is 81º f and 70rh. During lights on it gets to low/mid 80s (f) in the top of the cab.


I love my life
70% RH are you living in a swamp? I hope your new project is in the desert, you'll love the ZERO rh!

Peace, :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
Blubla wazza woo indeed :) (edit)

Hydro, it is actually a reclaimed swamp area, hah! There is very little humidity where I want to move ;) I've actually stopped seeing humidity as a problem now though. I mean, it sucks that it's uncomfortable, but it isn't the barrier to growing that people make out. Never had a serious mould problem indoors or out. I know people say it's related to growth but man, you see a plant roaring outside here, and humidity is not a problem, they love it. (totally anecdotal, unscientific opinion)
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Active member
Scrub let's just say I used to work in a wine store, and we had a case of the worst semillon ever. It came from a wet and swampy province that has no business even trying to grow wine grapes. So I learned why and ever since have always associated that province with swamps and bad wine. When you described your weather it popped right into my head. No worries I'm editing my post.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
Hehe, I enjoy the water curing process. Have you seen the ICmag video where gypsy and wally and the crew go make hash in Jamaica? Cracking television :D

I'll have to check it out when I get to some free wi-fi

wiki info
"Humulus lupulus (Common hop) is a species of Humulus in the Cannabaceae family.

Common hop is a dioecious, perennial herbaceous climbing plant which sends up new shoots in early spring and dies back to the cold-hardy rhizome in autumn. It is native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere.

The flower cones of the plant, known as hops, are used in the production of beer to impart bitterness and flavor, and for their preservative qualities. The extract is antimicrobial, which makes it useful for making natural deodorant"

"The genus Cannabis was formerly placed in the Nettle (Urticaceae) or Mulberry (Moraceae) family, but is now considered along with hops (Humulus sp.) to belong to the Hemp family (Cannabaceae)."


I believe you can graft cannabis to hops too. Just that there's no point. That's what I heard anyway.

Seems like it could be good for a stealth outdoors setup?


Active member
If you want to cover with hops just grow it next to it. And then brew your own! That shit will climb all over your house if you let it.