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Lets hear it for the boys!

Lets hear it for the boys!

2 Amnesia Haze boys hopefully the third plant i left in veg is a girl

SFV x Chemd i was hoping these 2 were girls they were identical except the stalks were differnt colors, but both boys 1 more of these as well

Angels Breath one girl and one boy so far, will get pics of the girl later on

Kauai Kush one girl ad one boy pics of the girl later on as well

well here is a lil something to tide ya til later got to crack the whip on the wifey lol,,,peace


Bummer Ido,
Too bad about both the Amn being males, hopefully the one you have in veg will turn out to be a girl. Im hoping that I get atleast one female out the two Platinum haze I have going. After smoking all these Diesels, I am ready for some haze/sativa.



legal medical grower got my card & paper work 2 pr
yea broski i feel ya all these males i got a few my self

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
So what are trhe perks with the friends and freebies plan? free puffs for folks on the network or no fees for posting on the weekend?:party:
Sorry, I couldnt help myself!:D

oh yeah, now I remember why I was posting!
C'mon Ido, ya know ya wanna make some seeds, deep inside yo
I double dog dare ya!:yoinks:
It almost seems criminal to have that fresh stable of studs go without sex!
Amnesia,Kuaui, sfvCD, Angels Breath, maybe a BSH too?

Ido's friends and freebies mega mix, what a pollen chuck those studs would make.
Forgot to ask, are you going to make seeds with any of em?!:sasmokin:
Hopefully you've already found some nice to girls to take the place of those boys dropping your harem numbers. Anyway, just stopping by to jerk your chain as i lost the key to the asylum. Hopefully I'll find it soon before Bman smokes all the bubble in there!


u won't get me with peer pressure,,,i am telling you all i would love to make seeds and gift out but i am telling you for one i am npot to hip on it and i just don't have the room i have spaces i wish i had a room or enough space to have a breeding tent,,,
i did transplant everything tonight to 2 gallons of promix,,,fuck coco for now,,,i was fuckin up going from ffof to coco and just not getting good results from here on out i go clones in Rapid Rooters to straight coco,,,well stay tunes for an update,,,peace


ok here is a much neede update the wifey been slackin on her pic duty but got some good ones tonight better next time there will be buddage then,,,well heres half or so,,,peace
Cheese x Crit Mass very branchy last hope the other two were males i think this is my girl she is a beauty

a very stinky vegger kind of slow not what i expected out of it,,nice nonetheless

FOG a very tightly noded girl i think,,,the other 2 were killed in a light faling accident,,,glad i got this one,,

Lemon Skunk stinker and very serated leaves a nice plant,,,

retardo's haze,,i mean Brainstorm Haze,,,two girls out of 2 survivors of the light falling accident, very branchy going to be a dream i bet,,

the 2 Strawberry Diesel x chemdd stretchy lil stinkers they are,,,hope ones a girl



and the rest morning all,,,peace

I forgot lol,,,i love the loks of htis one i had 2 that i would have swore they were females but i was wrong so i hope i get my girl,,,

the second Brainstorm Haze,, a real looker as well i topped it tonight,,,,

hey this girl has the wierdest leaves and a nice smell,,,hope its a girl last hope,,,

this one takes ur breath away,,nice smell and great structure,,,

i lost a pic but you can see she is nice,,,last one left the other 2 were boys,,

this Kauai Kush is a beauty i am so excites about it,,,

well have a great day everyone,,peace and hairgrease


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
much as i hate gh ,i liked the lemon skunk,not super insane mega weed,but not bad,mine were pretty huge when finished.


this one is growing great responded real well to topping, i am going to flip her soon see what i get,,,stay tuned,,,peace


Sorry to hear about all the boy's.........will you be making seed's with any?All looking healthy as can be ;).

i wish i could but if started another project i would get divorced lol,,,peace


That fem ghs lemon skunk leaves look just like mine or very similair I topped her and am into the third or so week of flowering she really stretched and is going to be a beast Ill update my thread soon with a new pic. She has the cat piss smell but if you rub some trichs and then smell she has a very strong lemony starbust smell.


cool i will check yours out shoot me a link when u update,,peace


They are looking great Ido.
I just seen that you have a cheese cross going, I somehow missed that before. Can't wait to see how that turns out for you, I have a pack of (Fritillary) SSH X Cheese that I am thinking of running next. To the best of my knowledge, I have never tried any sort of cheese strain.

Keep up the good work bro!



yeah neither have i so i was so ready to try iti forgot i even had it til i was going thru my seeds so glad i popped it, it is going to be a good one i can just tell,,,peace

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