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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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Querkle or Widow?

Querkle or Widow?





This is completely relavant to this thread as you people need to be informed what this criminal is trying to pull


Initiatives in California have 150 days to gather signatures. The signatures must be validated 131 days before the election and it takes at least a month to validate them. The other three initiatives that would legalize marijuana in California have already begun their signature drives.

In recent weeks Dennis Peron (author of Proposition 215), Ed Rosenthal, and Green Cross of San Francisco have announced their opposition to taxing medical marijuana and the Regulate Control and Tax Cannabis 2010 Initiative (ROT 2010). Proponent Richard Lee of Oaksterdam U and Blue Sky coffee shop in Oakland has stated he will spend a million dollars on gathering signatures.

Steve DeAngelo, of Harborside medical marijuana dispensary in Oakland, has also announced his opposition to the Oaksterdam U initiative, but his stated reasons have more to do with the lack of a well-defined distribution system than any ethical qualms over taxing medicine.

It is questionable whether the other initiatives, including Jack's, will be able to gather enough signatures to qualify for the ballot as they do not have the proceeds from the sale of marijuana to medical marijuana patients to pay signature gatherers.


*Sale of the proceeds of mmj to pay for...* his plan to eliminate our rights and his competition

What part of this dont you understand, its HUGE DEAL.

Stop giving him your money. PERIOD


Active member
Stop spaming its 420. Why do you feel the need to post this daily? I agree with you but dam.

MrBomDiggitty - How long did you veg that plant for???? I hate to say it, but that does look more like qurkle than WW. Anybody else have an opinion on this??? Karmical maybe???


Active member
Vegged for less than a month, that's for sure. Topped her just before 12/12.

She smells so fruity I don't see how it could be mistaken for a citrus lime at all. Maybe in her early days of vegging/flower she smelled kinda lemony, but now, no way.


People!!! How is it you dont get the enormity of this situation.

Richard Lee wants to make it so WE CANT GROW OUR OWN MEDICINE

Excuse me for getting upset!!!!!!!!

BOYCOTT BLUESKY and OAKSTERDAM U - he is using his FOR PROFIT business to fund ROT 2010

you people still talking about their strains and their shop need to WAKE UP

You wont be able to grow them if he gets his way.


Active member
Dude, I got my Blue Sky cuttings from somewhere that was not Blue Sky. Do you know how much work they have done to get cuttings into the hands of the consumer? If I generated millions of dollars of revenue, then I would be trying to pass public policy to keep the money funneling into my operation, too. Doesn't mean its gonna happen. Boycotting his political motivations is completely separate from asking for tips and tricks to get the most out of what you paid for. Stop spamming. It's not gonna make any difference the messages you are posting here.


Active member
Border Patrol Agent huh trybud? Does that make you the enemy? J/K

It's 420 - First off, nobody tells me if I can grow or not. I don't give a fuck what law is passed. Second, I believe everybody here agrees with you, and I commend you for fighting. I just didn't want to see the same post over and over and over. Not sure what to call that, but spaming was the wrong word, and I take that back and give you my appology.

It's 420 is right people. Instead of just telling people not to vote for Richard's measure then what should we be doing??? I know I will be voting come 2010 and my vote will go against Richards measure, but the question is what can we vote for that will help everybody out?? I know there are other measures out there but who knows if they will receive the signatures?


Active member

looks like well done odyssey if you ask me.

Still don't know why medical patients are so up n arms about a not affectng medical patients initiative.

So much misinformation about this thing, mix that up with an ongoing hatered and you get most of the bullshit I read on this site.
California's largest cash crop is not a bail out for the deep shit we are in.

The underground economy is the last thing we have,(an economic buffer zone)that the government has not already completely fucked up!

Why would we trust them with our business?

When they clearly can't run the one they already have.

Regulating cannabis means putting it in the same hands that regulate tobacco and alcohol.(Firearms Too)

Those hands have always cared for us and nurtured us,haven't they?

How can I trust my friends? If they sleep with my enemies?

Accountability will be had. Our brothers who betray us will fall by the wayside!!!

Greed is the enemy and will corrupt the weakest of these great men of virtue!

Benedict Arnolds one and all. Pot Patriots.lol

Who can I trust? Myself that's it!

So sign a petition to make rich men richer! It won't benefit you in the least.

California's politicians can't even control water, and you think they can handle weed?

Fucking hilarious, the blind leading the blind.

These Greedy Bitches don't give a fuck about your freedom!

California's school system is perfect now thanks to all the lottery money it receives annually!lol

That's my 2 cents, tax the fuck out of that,but leave my weed alone!!

We always get screwed by the people who have our best interests in mind.
Fascist Mother Fuckers !

Peace My Brothers and Sisters
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Active member
I think I would trust Karmical on this. He is the house expert. I agree to an extent, let me explain. Qurkle without over a month veg wouldn't be that big. WW would be that big, however it looks nothing like the pic you have showed. I haven't ever grown out the Odyssey before, but I would trust Karmical. Hope this helps.


Active member
The place I got the clone from goes up to Blue Sky on a regular basis and brings trays down to SoCal.

I bought this cutting of "White Widow" as one of the last on the tray.

Then went back a week later to same spot and they had all these new trays. I ask what they have and they point to new "White Widow" clones which looked COMPLETELY different from the supposedly "White Widow" clone I bought a week before. So I'm pretty sure its not White Widow. We can all agree on this, no?

The reason I'm considering its Querkle over Odyssey is because there was no Querkle in the Blue Sky catalog which they also bring down when they go to Blue Sky...

Would it be possible they picked up Odyssey from Blue Sky in the last 3 months? I thought Odyssey was discontinued.


Active member
Definately this plant has a fruity smell... like candy. So that puts Odyssey and Querkle at possibilities. BUT this plant has not turned purple in the least. Does the Querkle always purple?


Just Call me Urkle!!
I would say that for surely is not Querkle at least not like any of the batches I've seen or the pheno I grew....


Just Call me Urkle!!
And Its420 not making a difference by posting that so much is bullshit! I hadn't heard anything about this until I saw his post and link in this thread and I AM PISSED!! FUCK BLUE SKY AND ANYONE BACKING THEM CUZ THEY WANT TO STOP ME FROM PROVIDING MY OWN MEDS!!! That is SO ridiculous Richard!! Talk about greedy my GOD dude is it not enough having Oaksterdam University and the dispensaries he already owns and makes TONS of money from? Why fuck with my life? Unfortunately I can't hold a regular job and MMJ is going to be my bread and butter putting food in my stomach and clothes on my back while helping people feel better..... From here on out I will make sure NONE of my friends run BS gear or buy anything from them or the people the work with..... Thanks Its420! Shit between me and Its420 we have a strain list that shits all over anything they carry and I will be getting cuts out this spring and cheap too! Did I mention they are elite top shelf shit that you don't see at every club in Cali...


Active member
so mmj is ur bread and butter yet you grow under fluoros? must be pretty scant on the butter around ur place ;) j/k man.... and yeah; i think the person who drafted that bill was only thinking of how they could continue to make $$ in the face of the federal gov't... sux cuz other counties are outlawing dispensaries all together... if things go the way they're going then there will be NO over the counter sales anywhere.... clones might be all that is left to be sold... of course if you think that they'll be no under the counter sells i want what you're smoking

speaking of which.... does bluesky have like a regular stock of the new flavors or is it more hit and miss?

Is casey jones there a lot? The Green Crush?

It's funny... in the last two years i think blue sky has advertised more strains in their catalogs that've never seen the counter than strains they sell but don't advertise in the catalog... i just remember the blueberry nug shot on the cover of the winter 09 catalog; too bad they never carried it

and mr bomdiggity... it does look like odyssey... or even a hindu skunk but if its sweet it's odyssey... which finishes fast... so i might start flushing... sux cuz u missed the bulking window for the strain as it occurred earlier in flowering... ur near the end now
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