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400W DWC Scrog White Widow



MacGyver420- Thanks so much man!

TEERCSIdbREEDER- thanx for stopping in... I've enjoyed your thread

pontiac- Your DIY link is so helpful man... thanx for doing that. Glad you like the canopy!

stickyickyicky- thanks for dropping in... glad you like it

BioMechanical- I bought this cab at lowes. It's like 48X19.5. It didn't come with a back so I had to cut it. The only problem I'm having with this cab is finding a reflector that will be airtight and put out a footprint that will encourage side growth on the screen.

She's looking good. Not stretching as much as I thought she would have.:joint:


Ioni Botani

Chuned In!

Chuned In!

I got some ghs ww seeds popped....cant wait! Love the scrog man...she's gunna blow the fuck up! I love how vigorous the GHS white widow looks...Keep us posted!:joint:





Hey Ioni!

Haven't tried Lemon Skunk yet... but I'm lookin forward to trying this WW out! I have tried White Rhino before... actually, the only time in my life I've ever felt 'too stoned to drive' was off of GHS white rhino years ago. I'm hearing good things about the lemon haze, that's next so we'll see. Good luck with your widows! I'm loving how she grows :laughing:

Oh yeah... I wanted to ask you guys... I read somewhere that it's not so good to spray your plant in flower. Is that true? I love spraying her with clean water... do it all the time! Should I stop doing that now that she's budding?

its not that bad during the first two weeks id say but once you have some flower clusters your just asking for molds and mildew. also in flowering you want a lower %RH, some say it helps increase trichome production.

IMO i would stop, otherwise you maybe spraying the rest of her life with organicide to treat molds etc.

she looks beautiful keep up the great work and we all cant wait to see the show!


TEERCSIdbREEDER- thanks for the words... I quit spraying her (i miss it!) and put a fan underneath the canopy blowing up as well to encourage more air circulation throughout the canopy.

MacGyver420- give me a few hours and your wish is my command!

Stay Safe


Active member
Very, very nice. I expect that root ball is taking over your tote by now. :)

I love the patient one plant scrogs! :respect:


Hey Ioni...

I've been mixing GH 3 part. I'll admit my system is with much flaw... i'm educating myself right now on Lucas and will do a FNB only run next time. I'm currently running a 1-2 ration of micro-bloom. I have HORRIBLE tap water (so i've come to learn) and have had a hell of a time keeping pH in check. I'm doing pretty close to lucas 0-8-16... but a lil less since I think my tap water sux/is full of crap. Also, I'm noticing some red spots and yellowing that looks like (as far as my inexperience can tell) deficiencies. I'll try to get pics up soon of that.

As far as the buds are looking... SWEET!!! I mean it's crystal central in there right now. I can tell already that this will be much danker bud than the unknown bag seed I did on my other grow.

I'm definitely having some problems. I'm done with DWC in this hot environment I live in. It's just too much work/stress. Until I'm in a situation where a completely stealth attic/basement type thing can be done with a CHILLER I'm just done with it. Also... RO water filter. I feel in my tap water it's just not a good idea to grow. I'm gonna bite the big one and just buy a decent $200 system I saw recently. I did a test the other day.

DI from bottle: 4ppm on my scale
Spring Water from bottle: 30-35ppm on my scale
my TAP: almost 400ppm

I use HM pen on PPM in a 442 scale <----- and I have no idea wtf that means.

Stay Safe


Active member
my water is difficult for me, too...

you are doing very well!!

bring it on home!!!

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