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3rd I's Outdoor 09'


classy grass

Excellent work bro, they all look great, agree though on biddys sister lookin super dank and fat. Miss mud...all so chronic. You're doin it right :joint:

try comb

Active member
great to see such a variety of genetics..........beautiful shots on your ride home too.........gettin close :)

3rd I

coxswain...thanks for checking in bud

Bedouin...no problem bro...looking good...love that thread in the Poland forum...:D

THC123...thanks man...dude you grow properly :joint:


fisher15...thanks bud...yeah the biddy's are raging...spent yesterday putting bamboo stakes in to support them...big buds, thin stems

try comb...thanks bro...yeah the rainbow and the sunset were a nice treat


Active member
hehe thx but i meant to say that my climate doens't cooperate :fsu:, for decent outdoor harvest i need early finishers or use the greenhouse


I have some Williams Wonder this year. They are a little farther along. Have you grown it before? Mine was supposed to be Blueberry Headband but I can't complain. i really want a SSH for next year. I am trying to find just a few main strains with different finishing times. The SSh would be the late finisher.

3rd I

Hey HL...yeah the ones of have outside are clones of a pheno i found in a pack of Rez's WW IX...reeks of minty lime...here's some pics of her






Hash Man

that vanilla moon spider pic is tight... you know he was "stuck" lol...
and damn that WW is some heat. i just finished some wonderfuck indoors and goat a ww phenoi and its heady..... how was the yield


3rd I

JOE CHRONIC...thanks bud...right back at ya ;)

deltronZER0...nope no spice...but it's on the shopping in list, well all shantis's strains are...hehehe

HM....yeah he was just chillin' on the Willies waiting for a meal...last time a grew WW inside was in 10 gallons of coco, Rez's old recipe with Kbloom powder at day 14 and 28, no co2, a week veg...6+ oz. per plant @ 63 days...the potential is there for a total cash cropper....Nice wonderfuck...any thunderfuck phenos in there also?...what's the smell of your WW pheno? pungent minty citrusy cleaner?...i got some bottle rocket (Killer Queen X Grimm's Durban/Thai~C99) in the frig...i love rez's older work with grimm's and Super Sativa Seed Club's stock...I also so have a pheno of Willy Haze out...just one and i don't think she'll finish by the first frost...she just started flowering last week...



I hope my willies turns out like yours. Those are some gorgeous bud shots. Was that indoor?

3rd I

dyr...thanks bud...healthy happy harvest to you too ;)

HL...yeah those shots are indoors from Januaury 09'...if you go into my gallery you can see them from seed to bud, filter my old gallery by name and all the WW_1 (#1 is the one i kept) will be together...i think those were in 3 gallons...smaller plants and bunch of strains at the time picking the best phenos

Hash Man

right on man i have 20 ww seeds as of now and i miay have to some searching... i have deep chunk and killer chemdog coming tho so we will c... its nice to see it look so bomb.. i had 2 ww phenos, both of which looked the same. one was more tart and citrus and the other was more skunky... and the TF was there in 1 pheno... it was bomb if you like that stuff... i was on the ww phenos tho...

man i agree with you on rez stock. his shit is bomb... i have a SSSDH going indoors too

hows that vanilla moon smokewise?

3rd I

Hey HM...sweet you should be able to find something stellar outta 20 seeds...yeah just got a pack of Killer Chem and Super Silver Chem Haze a few weeks back...sitting in the frig...bummed though i order some Neville's Skunk and Crictical Haze from shanit at the same time and they have yet to arrive :mad:...i haven't smoked any thunderfuck since the mid 90s...don't even remember how it was...how is your SSSDH looking?...post some pics in your thread, i'd like to see those...i think rez is making a newer version of those soon...gotta snag a pack or two of those for sure...the vanilluna when done is a creamy hashy tobacco with an underlying vanilla bean aroma with a long cure

Puffed out of this for the first time in a long time...so i snapped a pic...packed w/ Chem DD

3rd I

trycomb...thanks bro...yeah not to into pipes anymore but occassionally i like to break em out...bong and club caberet's mostly :joint:

Well, been a busy week..the powerhouses were beginning to show serious signs of bud rot from cat activity after we got an inch over the weekend, and got the chop...little fuckers just attacked the PH's, haven't really touch anybody else besides a few budsites here and there...inspected a lot of budsites...did a light spray with a Serenade and Spinosad combo, probably 10 gallons...i wasn't really prepared to cut them but if i didn't i know i would have lost all of them...have a game plan for harvest and this wasn't in it...long drive back...stench of citrusy hash...but went well...major pain in the ass trimming/inspecting/cleaning them...oh so much easier when there is no rot...not going to get into yield but i probably lost a half p+ to rot...i'll do a full update sometime next week...everyone else is looking stellar...here's a good ph nug, a bad one, and a bunch of ph on a california king...:)





I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
3rd i
Howzit brother..?? nice lil updates, sorry to hear about the losses to rot.. Its been raining like a mofo here and i have two left outside... sendin ya good vibes for a killer finish peace.



Active member
I know the feeling, last year I lost 30 10 footers to mold ouch ;/ this year greencure is saving my ass im impressed to say the least.

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