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What is your 'Zombie Apocalypse' plan??


Now I know most of you guys have thought about this at least once! Let's imagine the world has suddenly been overtaken by the living dead, what would you do? Is your home 'zombie resistant'? Do you have enough armaments? Do you have enough food to survive? Would you try to rescue family members? Or would you just pack it up and flee somewhere? I'm curious how people here would react. And be as honest as you can, considering this question is absurd:):)

Ps. I grew up in Pittsburgh, right by the mall they filmed 'Dawn of the Dead' in. In fact I worked at Monroeville Mall for 5 years, so maybe zombies hit home a little more for me. But since the movies have become so popular world wide, I'm hoping a few of you have thought this out! I'll post my plans a bit later:):)


Resident evil: the extinction
the only hope is to pack it up and go to alaska


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Ummm, I'd GTFO of town, with my dog, my son, supplies and weapons all loaded up in the SUV. Go try to find a more fortified position. Crazy question. :)

h^2 O

well the first thing anyone should have is a sword - because you don't have to reload a sword and it doesn't run out of ammunition. Other things should be wind-up lantern/radio, first aid kit and MREs.
If I knew that there was actually a vial in some lab that was a zombie virus I would steal it


Active member
Well I'm heavily armed, and I know not to waste bullets on body shots.
I guess it depends what kind of zombie where talking about here, I mean the dawn of the dead ones were real slow and jerky, I think a fixed position shooter with enough ammo could handle hoards of that type, now those 28 days later zombies were a different deal, they were fast as hell, and would over run a fixed position pretty quick I would think.

I think I would head for my family's property, big house on a hill, good sight lines on all sides, 3-4 people could hold off a good sized zombie force from there indefinitely I would think, plus my Dad worries about big disasters and stuff, so he has a shit load of guns, ammo, and long term stored food.
I think it would be kind of fun actually


Active member
Here they come people.....GET READY

Here they come people.....GET READY

Awwww shit!!!!
These zombie films are great!!!!

I will post up in a better location for sure.
My current location sucks for the coming Zombie wars.
I could hide in my grow room but its not "ZOMBIE" proof.
Actually I know where there is a bomb shelter that can hold about 150 people, its an old hospital that is now a medical office.
I always sneak a toke around the building and I found it a few years ago. Clean and abandoned.
Get enough water and food for about 5-6 months, radio, flashlights, 2-3 elbows of some greeny greens, my guns and a few swords cause Aquaman makes sense, swords dont run out of bullets.

Its also next to major freeways and such so easy to move forward just in case.

I have more ideas but then people would know how sane I am.

Lolololol, CRAZY THREAD!!!!

Lune TNS


I know some small islands around here where I could stash supplies...


Active member
I live in a major "sportsman" state, sportsman means people with a lot of guns.
I have an suv if the roads clog, just drop it in high 4 and head off road.
Half my family is 1000 miles away and unarmed in a major metropolitan area, I think they would be screwed and beyond the reach of any rescue the rest of us could mount.
Head to my fathers and wait it out there, I think it would be under control fairly quick in my state with all the hunting buffs.
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Shit, I typed a huge response and somehow accidentally hit backpage and erased the whole fucking thing!!! Damn it!! I'll retype later:(
i battle zombies everyday...lol. all i need is a fat bowl of some medicinals and an automatic. saving with world one zombie at a time!




go to my dealer kill him take all the weed take a ship to the states and hide with the AF team in mossy super anti zombie bunker .... right after we took the best bubblers and bongs from the local headshops then we will snipe their heads off till we got no weed then i will go suicide before the zombies will get me XD

also we will get those ninja throwing stars we cal pin blunts on the zombies heads XD
look up max brooks zombie survival guide on youtube.
-no swords. they dull easy and are awkward to use in enclosed places.
-no shotguns, not enough ammo plus to loud.all the zombie will swarm on your position. plus not ideal for headshots past a certain range.
-no guns in general.unless your in a car on the move you will draw to much attention and will eventually be overrun , you wont have enough bullets. gotta think solid snake stealth.
-no small islands millions of other people with boats will think the same thing, suddenly your island becomes a death trap.

id personally have a nice metal bat and a couple of heavy duty hammers and a machete( made for cutting through thick bush, wont dull as easy).we would have to assume that the zombies would be runners because how else would the virus spread? in real life you arent going to let a creature 20 yards away from you slowly stumble up to you and bite you. the rate of infection wouldnt be high enough to cause any serious problems.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Well we basically live in a bunker, the walls are 2' thick. I guess I'd dig a nice deep trench around the house cause you know those suckers are going to make great fertilizer after you pop their head off.

Other than that, I guess we'd probably want to stock up on chocolate.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Shotguns, not enough ammo? Look up streetsweepers. Hopefully by the time you run out of shells, you'll have cleared the way and can reload and shit.

My friend owns a boarded up warehouse within dead smack of the city, so there's all sorts of grocery stores and gas stations within walking distance. It has a loft, but you have to climb up like a 30 foot ladder to get up to it. It's furnished and shit so it's pretty nice up there, and he also has like a small stockpile of guns in a safe. On top of that, there's a mini ramp along with fun boxes and shit. We always smoke and play out the zombie apocalypse scenario. I'd use a metal bat for sure, but man, you're gonna need some guns along with some type of explosives. I'd try to save all the people close to me, along with others that are hopelessly fucked. But yeah, I'm not going to be one of those idiots that are like "Oh my god, the horror", and get bit and stuff.

We'd throw some generators up on the roof and grow herb up there too. Anytime we'd need to clear the way on the street level to get supplies or whatever, we'd just throw some pipe bombs or moltovs down there, along with some head shots. Yeah, the simple life. In the lower level, some kind of anti zombie vehicle is gonna definitely have to be constructed. I don't think I'd be content with being cooped up in a warehouse for the rest of my life. Sailing the seas sounds pretty chill, but there's a risk in that as well.

Romero's new movie is coming out this month. I guess World War Z is supposed to be pretty good too. If you can't tell, I dig the living dead, we're surrounded by them anyways. Never got into the Resident Evil shit though.

We're all boned if zombies can run.
Excellent question, too many people worry about trivial things like living wills, when in fact a good Zombie Apocalypse Plan is often overlooked.

Well, there's no way to beat them - they've got the numbers, so I'd have to join them.

I'd allow myself to become infected by zombie juice, BUT - I'd stick myself on a life support system to keep my brain active during the transformation (avoiding brain death, and thus avoiding zombie stuipidification syndrome).

Sure, I'd develop a taste for living flesh, but at least I would maintain the ability to enjoy MST3K AND I wouldn't be appetizing to the zombie horde, so I wouldn't have to spend all my time at war with them.

I'd just have to make sure the rest of the human race becomes zombified so I wouldn't have to battle the human horde either...

What can I say, I'm a pacifist.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I would go to the closest all female college, in zombie movies there is always hot ass college girls running around naked. I would go and "protect" them in my "secret safe spot" lol....

"Look ladies, if we open up the doors we will odds are be killed by the zombies so lets just stay in here together (remaining naked of course because they can run faster JUST IN CASE) and make the best of it"


zombies always get girls to take off their clothes and so far I have noticed that only HOT girls go naked and the chubby checkers keep theirs on.

I would personally thank the zombies for allowing my ulimate fantasy to come true!


lol I'd go loot a gun store, and start pickin em off one by one... it worked with the mice... LoL

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