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Wanna Ask The Old Farts A Question?


PFMJ, it's great to hear that you're going to stick a toe back in the water again, I had to start back up with a microgrow myself. I wish that I could go bigger but it's nice just growing again. The worse problem that I've had dealing with a micro is heat buildup, when I was using CFLs it really wasn't a problem but I found out even a 150 HPS puts out a considerable amount of heat in a limited area. It's all good though and it's great to be smoking some of my own bud again.

Howdy Hempie! I gotta agree with you and your points on microgrows although I don't think the microgrow itself is the problem rather I think the problem lies with people having unreal expectations about yield in any space. Someone expecting a pound out of an area of one or two square feet has about as much chance of hitting that as someone who expects ten elbows out of a four by four area, there just isn't enough room to physically fit those goals in those size areas. If you could hit a pound a pop out of a microgrow everyone would be growing microgrows, lol.

I think that novice growers shouldn't try to project their yield anyhow. Just try to get whatever space that you have used to maximum efficency and worry about what you end up with after harvest. As me ole Granny used to tell me, never count your chickens before they are hatched.....


Active member
Hey Rude, good to see you again!
And thanks, I really did not think I would be able to grow again, but I started to think about it, and I figured that a micro-grow would be manageable, especially since only having a few plants in a small space can be moved, or gotten rid of easily if the need to do so would arise.

The two things I am worrying about a bit are heat, and smell...
The heat I think I can manage fairly well, but the smell will be a little harder to manage.
I know I can get activated charcoal, and make a DIY carbon scrubber, but I'd have to see some pics, and maybe a little tutorial, because I never really used a carbon scrubber before, I did not really need one due to a few reasons..

I'd like to use a couple of 120mm PC fans to exhaust out heat, but I do not know how I could actually use some sort of DIY scrubber with those.
I should not have too much heat in the flowering cab I plan to build because I plan on using CFL's, unless I add in the 150W HPS that I have.

As for yields, I have tried to guesstimate about what I may get in a little dresser modded, but that is all I can do is guess.
I figure I will have around 4-6 square feet, depending on how the mod goes.
So I am going to try to have 200w-300w of light, but I doubt I will yield 7-10 ounces, which would be a gram-a-watt..
I think I can pull around 3-6 ounces though for sure.
That would be around an ounce per each little plant, since I plan to have 4-6 little ladies.

Thinking along those lines I should be able to eventually get the grow perpetual, and be pulling an ounce around every 3 weeks, so I'd end up having a tad over a quarter of smoke a week.
That is a little low compared to what I used to smoke, hell I went through a quarter in like 2-3 days max. :eek:
That will get me by though, as I want to smoke again, but not as heavy as I used to, mainly because my lungs cannot take 3-5 fat blunts daily..


I`ve been lurking this thread here and there and I must give a BIG THANK YOU to all you peeps here willing to share knowledge and experience :respect:

Now I have a question:

I was wondering how much can I yield in a place 120x120x200 cm (approx. 3.9x3.9x6.5 feet)?
That is 1.4 square meters or approx. 15 square foot area.
With some indicas inside under 600W HPS?
How much can I increase production with SOG? Anythoughts, ideas, advices are welcome
Just wondering how much can I expect. At least approximately.

Thanks and much respect to ALL! :wave:
How long should you let plants that went hermi go when in week 7/8 of flowering before chop? These went about five days ago and have pretty much pollenated everything. Too late now to pick it apart just want to get what can be gotten before everything goes to seed. Large buds are starting to show seeding near tops today, but flush has not been started.

Should I start the week long flush now, or let it go another week and hope for fem seeds?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well, seeing as I am a semi-old fart I will make this post here.

This semi-old fart is really considering growing again soon, I went to my old place and salvaged all my old grow equipment that I had, so I will not have as much stuff to buy once I am able to afford the other things I need to get started.

I was able to get my old light sockets that I wired up in parallel for CFL's, as well as the 150W HPS that I modded like 6 years ago from an old home depot security light, funny the bulb still works, even though I sued it for 6 years, it is due a replacing though.

I also found my rooting powder, even though I never really used it, I used it for a few months, then discovered a bubble cloner & never looked back.

I also got a few of my small pots for transplanting established clones into...
Got a couple extension cords & some romex wiring, so here before too long hopefully I can once again marvel at the sexy little ladies doing their thing.

I will have to do a mini grow do to space, and I will also have to have it stealthy...
I have a post at opengrow that has the ideas I am going over in it, and I will copy the posts & post them here when I can so I can get more advice, right now the site is down though..

Stay high and stay safe everybody!!!

Sweet, I knew you couldn't stay away from growing too long. :D


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So with my projected chop date of Sept 18 I should be on the fine line to let them go to term then with little to no fully developed seeds?

Yeah pretty much. You'll have seeds but few if any will be usable as they won't be fully developed.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I`ve been lurking this thread here and there and I must give a BIG THANK YOU to all you peeps here willing to share knowledge and experience :respect:

Now I have a question:

I was wondering how much can I yield in a place 120x120x200 cm (approx. 3.9x3.9x6.5 feet)?
That is 1.4 square meters or approx. 15 square foot area.
With some indicas inside under 600W HPS?
How much can I increase production with SOG? Anythoughts, ideas, advices are welcome
Just wondering how much can I expect. At least approximately.

Thanks and much respect to ALL! :wave:

Well in a space about half as wide as that, under a 1000W I have yield 1.5lbs dried a couple of times using the SoG method. So theoretically you should be able to get more but not twice as much because you have a weaker light then what I used and 4x4 is a bit much for a 600W to cover. Now bigger yields should be doable. I'm new with actually doing SoG's and the strains I've tried so far just weren't the best choice for SoG because of the way they grew. With the right strain SoG's could yield even more.


Active member
I missed my sexy ladies, and I have also missed all you guys, but a break was good for me, it let me realize just what I want to be doing, which is growing, and helping others learn to grow.

It will be tough to get things as secure/stealthy as I want them, but once my money situation is better I should be able to have it almost impossible to tell I have anything growing.
There will always be a slight risk of course, but that is always the case, regardless I cannot let go of what I truly have a passion for.
Regardless of what the gov thinks about this harmless plant I will still find a way to grow it till the day I die!!! :D

I heard this somewhere a while back, and it is very true.... "the people get what the people want"

With that said maybe I need to start a thread here that would help me with my main concern, which is to find a way to keep a little dresser/cab as odor free as possible, while keeping it stealthy.
Odor control has never been my strong point, as I really never had to have much worry about containing it before.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
PFMJ, it's great to hear that you're going to stick a toe back in the water again, I had to start back up with a microgrow myself. I wish that I could go bigger but it's nice just growing again. The worse problem that I've had dealing with a micro is heat buildup, when I was using CFLs it really wasn't a problem but I found out even a 150 HPS puts out a considerable amount of heat in a limited area. It's all good though and it's great to be smoking some of my own bud again.

Howdy Hempie! I gotta agree with you and your points on microgrows although I don't think the microgrow itself is the problem rather I think the problem lies with people having unreal expectations about yield in any space. Someone expecting a pound out of an area of one or two square feet has about as much chance of hitting that as someone who expects ten elbows out of a four by four area, there just isn't enough room to physically fit those goals in those size areas. If you could hit a pound a pop out of a microgrow everyone would be growing microgrows, lol.

I think that novice growers shouldn't try to project their yield anyhow. Just try to get whatever space that you have used to maximum efficency and worry about what you end up with after harvest. As me ole Granny used to tell me, never count your chickens before they are hatched.....

Hey Rude :wave:

Yeah I'm not saying there's anything wrong per se with microgrows. Really I'm saying they're not the best choice for beginners. Also if you have the space and security isn't an issue then a larger grow will usually be more satisfying to a grower. That being said, thankfully we have microgrows for people like you and PFMJ who due to circumstances beyond your control. You both are experienced though so in your cases I would strongly support the notion of a micro grow.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I missed my sexy ladies, and I have also missed all you guys, but a break was good for me, it let me realize just what I want to be doing, which is growing, and helping others learn to grow.

It will be tough to get things as secure/stealthy as I want them, but once my money situation is better I should be able to have it almost impossible to tell I have anything growing.
There will always be a slight risk of course, but that is always the case, regardless I cannot let go of what I truly have a passion for.
Regardless of what the gov thinks about this harmless plant I will still find a way to grow it till the day I die!!! :D

I heard this somewhere a while back, and it is very true.... "the people get what the people want"

With that said maybe I need to start a thread here that would help me with my main concern, which is to find a way to keep a little dresser/cab as odor free as possible, while keeping it stealthy.
Odor control has never been my strong point, as I really never had to have much worry about containing it before.

Well starting a thread sure couldn't hurt. Likely though it'll help not just you but many others who will later stumble across the thread and read it.


Well in a space about half as wide as that, under a 1000W I have yield 1.5lbs dried a couple of times using the SoG method. So theoretically you should be able to get more but not twice as much because you have a weaker light then what I used and 4x4 is a bit much for a 600W to cover. Now bigger yields should be doable. I'm new with actually doing SoG's and the strains I've tried so far just weren't the best choice for SoG because of the way they grew. With the right strain SoG's could yield even more.

4x4 is a bit much for a 600W to cover?
I was thinking that 600 W would be too much. So... how many Watts can I fit into this space? 1000W? Or even more?
But with more wattage I would need more fans and better colling system as my logic tells me. True?

What about growing normaly without SoG? From seed to "tree". How much can I expect?

Thanks for everything you do!



Active member
Well starting a thread sure couldn't hurt. Likely though it'll help not just you but many others who will later stumble across the thread and read it.

Very true, I will get one started today, or tomorrow at latest, I started it on OPG, but due to the site being still fairly new there are not many responses....


Active member
4x4 is a bit much for a 600W to cover?
I was thinking that 600 W would be too much. So... how many Watts can I fit into this space? 1000W? Or even more?
But with more wattage I would need more fans and better colling system as my logic tells me. True?

What about growing normaly without SoG? From seed to "tree". How much can I expect?

Thanks for everything you do!


You'd most likely need better cooling if you upped the wattage, what are your average temps during lights on now?

Your 4x4 space is 16 square feet, so that equates to 37.5w per square foot, which is adequate.
You could go bigger in that space, but at most I'd go with would be a total of 800w, any higher and you'd most likely have some serious heat issues, unless you have really good ventilation.

Maybe you could add 200W of warm CFL lighting for some supplemental lighting, that would put you at 50w per square feet, which to me is optimal as long as heat is not a concern.

When I say optimal I mean a bit above average recommendations, but not too much as to consider it overboard for your space.

As for trying to calculate your projected yields, that is really tough to due because there are so many variables to take account for.
How healthy the plants are kept, how well they are fed, how well temps are maintained, also depends on the strain, and that is just to name a few...

I will try to make a slight guess though, with the 600w light, and if you have around 6 healthy "trees" in that space. then I would expect to around 2 ounces per plant.
Which if so then you'd have around 12 ounces (336 grams).
Which would be around .5 grams per watt...
It is possible if all conditions are optimal that you could very well see a gram per watt, but I still think you will see closer to a half a gram per watt...

I find if you have not done too many grows, and have not gotten your plants well dialed in, then you are going to have a tough time projecting yields...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
4x4 is a bit much for a 600W to cover?
I was thinking that 600 W would be too much. So... how many Watts can I fit into this space? 1000W? Or even more?
But with more wattage I would need more fans and better colling system as my logic tells me. True?

What about growing normaly without SoG? From seed to "tree". How much can I expect?

Thanks for everything you do!


Well growing normally doesn't make great use of the space where as SOG does. Typically growing a plant tree or bush style the plant will need approximately 2' squared. So you're looking at 4 plants when fully grown. How much 4 plants will give you depends on the strain, 2 to 4 ounces is typical for an indoor plant grown this way. That's anywhere from one half to one pound. As for coverage with a 600W I'm thinking 3'x3' or maybe 3'x4'. Like I said, 4'x4' is just a bit much. I'm not saying it's not doable but the outer edges probably won't get much good growth.

Ultimately it sounds like you want to maximize your space. If your space is limited then you got three choices.

1) SoG
2) ScrOG
3) LST

I have these listed in my order of preference.

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