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Why doesn't my plant appear frosty ? Week 10 of flowering



Brother, I only read the first 2 pages, and think you shoot right past your most likely answer. Robby said it first, you must have a light leak. Slow onset of fruits, extended flowering times and most importantly single finger leafs are sure give aways.
If I was a betting man I would place my bet on that :smile:


Owl Mirror

Active member
From post #49 - what is the N/P/K of the feed?

There's several posts pointing to excess N and you haven't answered one of them

Hello, I thought I did address the question.
The only possible source of N would be a very low amount from the micro-nutrient I added. It's like 0.001 and I thought the other ingredients were more important than the minor amount of N.
Other than that, I have a bag of 0-46-0 which I take a teaspoon of the granules, soak in a gallon of water for 24 hours and swirl the water to lift the silt. Then I pour that in to quart pop bottles and dilute 50/50 before watering.

That was the only thing I could think of given my local and selection.
Everything else had some ratio of NPK.

I guess I should order one of the products mentioned in this thread over the Internet.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Brother, I only read the first 2 pages, and think you shoot right past your most likely answer. Robby said it first, you must have a light leak. Slow onset of fruits, extended flowering times and most importantly single finger leafs are sure give aways.
If I was a betting man I would place my bet on that :smile:


Thanks, I haven't shot by that. I addressed what I could see as best as I could. I am going to build an actual grow room now that I got permission from my landlord.
Right now I'm inside a clothes closet which wasn't built for growing ;.}
I did put wood strips around the frame so the slight gap would be covered over. I took her out of the closet this morning to give her a real good flush.
I poured over 25 gallons of water through her. I did notice, after I had poured about 10 gallons and, allowed the pot to drain to a trickle, then started up again that the second round of flush forced air bubbles to the top of the soil. Is that normal or could that be a signal of something going on ?
I took some better pictures while she was outside the closet and will post them up asap.

Owl Mirror

Active member
https://www.seedboutique.com/store/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=15&products_id=157 ive read alot of your posts and stuff owl and how all this bad stuff has happened to you, ^^^ this is 25 dollars, 30 with shipping or so, and is one of the heaviest indicas i can recommend, especially on a budget,

EDIT: for a great nute of flower, look for schultz i find it at fleet and home depot http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41+o3HH9sJL._SL500_AA280_.jpg, it just a couple drops per gallon , use the stuff you have right now for vegetating plants, and that schultz for flower

Thanks for the tip.
I noticed the plant food is 10-15-10 NPK
I thought I'm not suppose to use any product that has even the tiniest amount of N ?

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
There's enough N in them that you can run them on P/K 13/14 for the next few weeks and they'll give whatever floral growth you're going to get

The K is as important as the P in producing floral growth

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
The bubbles thing gives me a scare. I've seen that in other peoples grows when they had putrid soil from too much nutrients and lack of oxygen. The bubbles are small and sort of foamy looking though. Don't want to scare you. Yours could just be trapped bubbles of air that got forced out when you managed to the the pot truly well watered (perhaps for the first time in a long while?).
...most times I'm able to just tell she needs a drink. In these last weeks that has been one gallon every day.
As for nutes, I don't have anything fancy, just stuff from the local hardware store. I don't have a ventilation system yet
Here's your problem, no time to dry out, improper nutes for MJ, No temperature control.:2cents:

Owl Mirror

Active member
As I mentioned earlier this morning, I took some photo's of Lilith while I was giving her a bath.
I hope these will give a better picture of what I'm working with in these last weeks of flowering.

Please comment on what you see and any suggestions.


  • 1Lilith 07-29-09.jpg
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Owl Mirror

Active member
The bubbles thing gives me a scare. I've seen that in other peoples grows when they had putrid soil from too much nutrients and lack of oxygen. The bubbles are small and sort of foamy looking though. Don't want to scare you. Yours could just be trapped bubbles of air that got forced out when you managed to the the pot truly well watered (perhaps for the first time in a long while?).

No foamy thing going on just an air bubble coming up along the side wall.
Giveadogabone mentions no time to dry out but, she drinks it up (1 gal a day) with no excess coming from the bottom.
It could be that the interior was bone dry and only the edges were receiving water.
After this flush, I'm certain the entire contents of the pot is moist.
I won't water her for the next week, unless I see she is thirsty.


Grower of fine herbs...
Whats happening OWL Mirror.. Good to see you here at IC..

First off No. you are not doing everything wrong..

Sorry to hear about your problems man, good to know that you got yourself up and running now that the laws are in place..

I would say just switch to another strain.. First of all this one takes a really long time to flower.. You would probably do well with a more indica hybrid.. one that finishes in about 8-9 weeks instead of 13... That will keep your harvests two months apart, instead of 3 or more months apart..

Also what I think a lot of people are missing about this is that the strain you are running seems to be a lot more sativa than the genetics you described.. That means that it was probobly from bagseed anyway which is always going to be a question until you grow it... Freezerboy said another thing thats true, if you have a really sativa strain a lot of the time it wont really frost until the last couple weeks of flowering..

As far as the nutes go.. I think they would have liked to have a flower specific fert, meaning one that is low in N but high in P and K.. So even though you have not been feeding them ideally, it most likly has more to do with genetics than your situation..

Also I must stress how important it is to have an exhaust fan evacuating air, and replacing stale air in the growing area.. I like you started from scratch in a closet in my rental apartment.. If you have your walls are plaster.. I am sorry that really sucks because its hard as fuck to cut through and I wouldn't recommend it at a rental.. If the rental has walls that are drywall, You can confidently cut through that to to make a hole for a 6" exhaust fan.. Patching the hole after with spackle and a small amount of drywall is really easy... If that is still not an option.. I would buy the cheapest door you can find that will fit your closet.. On the new door, Cut a hole for exhaust at the top, and a larger one for intake at the bottom, then hang the new door on the closet run your ducting and whammo bammo your closet will be a ready grow room.. But I suppose now that you have permission to make a larger area why not? (sorry bout the rant)

But anyway As to the topic of this thread, it has to do more with genetics than care.. Its not true to say that a plant shouldnt have N after the first two weeks of flower, because all strains are different and like diff things.. I have a strain now that likes a lot of N all the way until the end of almost week 5.. Then hit her hard with PK and drop the N to around 1.. Anyway you should PM me about maybe finding some good genetics closer to home..

Oh and you have to let the plant dry the soil out almost completely before you water again.. easy thing to forget at first..



IMO ventilation is one of the most important things to growing right behind having lights. At least your learning.

All plants are different but for me I grow alot of Indica/Indica hybrids and as a general rule I don't feed nitrogen after week two of flower. Just a good starting point not an iron rule.

The door idea is a good one that i've used in the past. You can find a cheap used door at alot of places and it'll do wonders. You MUST exhaust the air of the grow room and replace it with fresh CO2 filled air. Plants need this fresh CO2 to fuel it's photosyntisis. Also have a strong fan blowing on your plant at all times. If the leaves/plant are swaying in the wind it's a good sign.

Pretend your grow room is a sunny cool spring meadow with a nice breeze and work acordingly. Your goal is to replicate and perfect variables indoors to act like the perfect spot outdoors for your plants. Plants thrive on two things light and fresh air.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Whats happening OWL Mirror.. Good to see you here at IC..

First off No. you are not doing everything wrong..

Sorry to hear about your problems man, good to know that you got yourself up and running now that the laws are in place..

I would say just switch to another strain.. First of all this one takes a really long time to flower.. You would probably do well with a more indica hybrid.. one that finishes in about 8-9 weeks instead of 13... That will keep your harvests two months apart, instead of 3 or more months apart..

Also what I think a lot of people are missing about this is that the strain you are running seems to be a lot more sativa than the genetics you described.. That means that it was probably from bagseed anyway which is always going to be a question until you grow it... Freezerboy said another thing that's true, if you have a really sativa strain a lot of the time it wont really frost until the last couple weeks of flowering..

As far as the nutes go.. I think they would have liked to have a flower specific fert, meaning one that is low in N but high in P and K.. So even though you have not been feeding them ideally, it most likely has more to do with genetics than your situation..

Also I must stress how important it is to have an exhaust fan evacuating air, and replacing stale air in the growing area.. I like you started from scratch in a closet in my rental apartment.. If you have your walls are plaster.. I am sorry that really sucks because its hard as fuck to cut through and I wouldn't recommend it at a rental.. If the rental has walls that are drywall, You can confidently cut through that to to make a hole for a 6" exhaust fan.. Patching the hole after with spackle and a small amount of drywall is really easy... If that is still not an option.. I would buy the cheapest door you can find that will fit your closet.. On the new door, Cut a hole for exhaust at the top, and a larger one for intake at the bottom, then hang the new door on the closet run your ducting and whammo bammo your closet will be a ready grow room.. But I suppose now that you have permission to make a larger area why not? (sorry bout the rant)

But anyway As to the topic of this thread, it has to do more with genetics than care.. Its not true to say that a plant shouldn't have N after the first two weeks of flower, because all strains are different and like diff things.. I have a strain now that likes a lot of N all the way until the end of almost week 5.. Then hit her hard with PK and drop the N to around 1.. Anyway you should PM me about maybe finding some good genetics closer to home..

Oh and you have to let the plant dry the soil out almost completely before you water again.. easy thing to forget at first..


Hi good to see you again

Yeah I had some false starts and my not wanting to be in violation of any of our new rules, it took time to recover from the disasters.
My landlord knows about my growing legally and is going to help me build the new room. I should be better able to make all the needed corrections from growing inside a closet.
As for the soil drying out, I check the top 2-3 inches and it's bone dry. I know that doesn't mean the rest of the soil lower is dry but, ........ I'll try and restrain my mothering nature more in the future ;>}
The first strain I tried was a pure Indica but, that was a bust so I got these seeds and here I am.
I'm hopeful to get some better, more specific strain in the near future.
As for fertilizers, I got so confused by all the commercial available products on the net and everyone's varied opinions, I tried to duplicate what I thought I needed from the hardware store.
I've gotten some good recommendations in this thread and I'll have to pick one and order it over the net.

Thanks for all the info and support, I'll PM you soon.

Owl Mirror

Active member
IMO ventilation is one of the most important things to growing right behind having lights. At least your learning.

All plants are different but for me I grow alot of Indica/Indica hybrids and as a general rule I don't feed nitrogen after week two of flower. Just a good starting point not an iron rule.

The door idea is a good one that i've used in the past. You can find a cheap used door at alot of places and it'll do wonders. You MUST exhaust the air of the grow room and replace it with fresh CO2 filled air. Plants need this fresh CO2 to fuel it's photosyntisis. Also have a strong fan blowing on your plant at all times. If the leaves/plant are swaying in the wind it's a good sign.

Pretend your grow room is a sunny cool spring meadow with a nice breeze and work acordingly. Your goal is to replicate and perfect variables indoors to act like the perfect spot outdoors for your plants. Plants thrive on two things light and fresh air.

Thanks, yes I agree about the air exchange. I just couldn't do much about my situation so, I kept the door open with a fan sometimes blowing outward and other times blowing in to the closet.
I am learning a lot and hopefully can apply what I'm learning in the near future.
Being sick and financially under the poverty line poses it's own limitations on how much I can do. For instance, I literally starved for a few weeks just so I could buy the proper lights.
I've been watching craigslist.com for any items I could use for free but, being isolated in the northern woods, not much is available.

Let me ask this question about air exchange.
Would it be OK to use one of those installed bathroom fans mounted in the ceiling? That is a much cheaper solution. I have seen one at the hardware store for $20. I would imagine it might burn out quicker, running full time.
I also found these and was considering mounting them on the door.
Adorama Darkroom Light Tight Louvers, 8"X8"
Would these be a good idea ?


Gypsy has some land race beans that go into the 120+ days of flowering for some not to good looking buds. This plant and yours were grow indoors. Some plants just need to be outside and it's bad that you picked crazy sativas to start growing.

NEXT TIME pick a 100% indica, Nirvana has cheap beans, Mandala, cheap seeds are all over do some research and pick whats right for you.

Agree with this entirely, 100%. I started my grow out with some bagseeds. the bud was killer...but grew weird. If you let it, it would just grow and grow and grow...turning all the N it could into big leaves. I was able to tame it by completely ELIMINATING 24/0 veg and just sending the clones to 12/12 when they were 5 inches tall. Just not suitable for a cab grow. I now have mostly Indicas from Gypsy and have composted these mothers long ago. If I had to grow outside, they would have given me POUNDS of sativa, I just can't go there.

Do these look familiar?

Owl Mirror

Active member
Agree with this entirely, 100%. I started my grow out with some bagseeds. the bud was killer...but grew weird. If you let it, it would just grow and grow and grow...turning all the N it could into big leaves. I was able to tame it by completely ELIMINATING 24/0 veg and just sending the clones to 12/12 when they were 5 inches tall. Just not suitable for a cab grow. I now have mostly Indicas from Gypsy and have composted these mothers long ago. If I had to grow outside, they would have given me POUNDS of sativa, I just can't go there.

Do these look familiar?

Oh my !

Those do look almost exactly like what I've got going on !
How long did those take to eventually finish and was it worth it ?


A Stanley blower costs $30-40 @ walmart and can be modified quickly and cheaply to an air cooled hood/carbon scrubber or what ever. I think they suck close to 500CFM on high. Get a $15 box fan to blow on the plant at all times and you've already done alot in the ventilation department


plant pimp
When it comes down to it,you can add all the ventilation in the world and give the plant supreme conditions and if the genetics are inferior then your product will be inferior! Order some supreme genetics(spend that extra money)grow out all the seeds and find a keeper. Clone on! Mr.Nice,Reservoir,Serious Seeds,Sensi Seeds....just a few with supreme genetics!
Good luck to you! Keep it GreeN!


Oh my !

Those do look almost exactly like what I've got going on !
How long did those take to eventually finish and was it worth it ?

If I remember correctly, I finally chopped them down at day 100 or thereabouts. It definately was NOT worth it for me, the bud was OK, but it made better BHO and cookies...too much leaf material and for the scale of my self sufficiency operation, I need faster finishers.

I would love to have Sativas growing in my home, but Indicas are MUCH more practical.

Owl Mirror

Active member
When it comes down to it,you can add all the ventilation in the world and give the plant supreme conditions and if the genetics are inferior then your product will be inferior! Order some supreme genetics(spend that extra money)grow out all the seeds and find a keeper. Clone on! Mr.Nice,Reservoir,Serious Seeds,Sensi Seeds....just a few with supreme genetics!
Good luck to you! Keep it GreeN!

I do appreciate your advice, unfortunately ...

Order some supreme genetics (spend that extra money)
Easy to say, harder to accomplish on my income.
I have no extra money, in fact I don't have enough period.
I have looked and, found that Mr.Nice,Reservoir,Serious Seeds,Sensi Seeds refuse to ship the my home ;>}

I know your advice is sound and in my best interest.
Frankly, I'm to poor to grow my own and definitely to poor to afford 'caregiver prices'.
What's a guy to do ?