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Fertilizer and Yield


classy grass
Hamstring, I'd say you have a few options:

-topdress or foliar with guanos. Foliar feeding will make more efficient use of the guano because less is needed to produce the same results.

-soil soak/foliar with a liquid organic nute (I like age old). A quart bottle will make 32 gallons at full strength or at least twice that when used as a foliar. Is it not possible to stash a gallon out there somewhere?


a true guerilla often finds oneself in new territory of often less than ideal soil. i'm referring to ditches, fence rows, edges of woods, etc. where weeds and assorted grasses have had their way for years. unfortunately perhaps, chems are the only way for a quick turn around for this type of grow and i defy you organic lovers to prove different. and please do not misinterpret as i know organics are the route to really bring out the flavors and aromas and as a whole are healthier for peeps and the soil, but in these cases even the chems are a boost to the land and the results are instant.

and btw, mg is taking a whipping. try scotts 20-20-20 for a jolt.



Personally, I like a synergy of organic/synthetic. I like to bury wood ash and charcoal directly into the soil with a small portion of compost. Then just feed water until flower time and switch over to a great fertilizer. I like to use "soul synthetics" from the makers of roots organics. Really great stuff lots of molesasses, yucca extracts, soy extracts(the stuff smells like coffee!) things the plant really needs plus a few of the chemicals that help the plant explode. A good flush and its like 100% organic delicious!


Im interested in the contention that chemical nutes kill natural nutes. Can somebody offer reading suggestions for that?

I grow the same way as hamstring so just ditto everything he said.

We need a whole nother thread to talk about harsh smoke, but i honestly have come to the conclusion that variety is critical in the degree of harshness. For example, i havent smoked any variety containing nepalese genes that is harsh and Ive smoked several. Most of the BB ive smoked was smooth and ive smoked it grown and cured different ways.

Hk, i think you are in part right, but ive fed high nitro before to plants of different varieties and then have them have differing degrees of harshness. Just last year i grew HimG and Aurora In. in the same spot. I fed them both heavy. The aurora would choke you to death and the HG was like air. they cured side by side. what do you think?

Hey fisher15, you have to answer man, does that liquid compost act immediately. If i pour it on today, do i see the plant green up and take off tommorow as with water solubles?

Istill use peters but only for my Rododendrens.

For this pumpkin grower its a question of results. Im sure the organicers grow nice pumpkins for pie and jackolanterns but i dont see any of them at the fair entering their giant pumpkins.

I have a challenge: I currently have a plant that is 8' in height with a girth of 14' as of July 1. Ill go take a pic of it but she didnt' get that size with poop. She'll finish up at 12' with 2+ pounds of smoke on her. Can the organic growers post up anything to match her growth rate?


Here's her stem about 3 weeks ago. Ive had to start tying her down to get her out of the wind..




Active member
I have a challenge: I currently have a plant that is 8' in height with a girth of 14' as of July 1. Ill go take a pic of it but she didnt' get that size with poop. She'll finish up at 12' with 2+ pounds of smoke on her. Some contend that an eqivallent growth is possible ith organics. Lets see. Somebody show me a big organically grown plant that's in her category.

I can't speak for myself, cuz I am not completely organic. But I feel like I could go 100% organic and, with my sized pots, quality dirt and the best organic nutes, I am sure that somebody could pull 3lbs...easy. 5 or 6 if they are good. I know guys pulling down 1.5lbs off a plant in a light dep... THIS WEEK. totally organic.

The only valid paradigm for your challenge would be to grow the same plant side by side with the MG plant. I think you should challenge yourself.

If it wasn't my first year, and I didn't already have my hands and head full, I'd do it for sure. I have two very large Blue Mystery's that would be perfect for the comaprison.



I'd rather puff on my tiny little organic buds then chem buds the size of my VW.

Love ya silverback...

(all in good fun right?)


Eugene Oregon
Id say for medical patients out there that suffer from anxiety and panic attacks to stick with organic.. stuff like MG (Miracle Grow) has pesticides put straight into there nutrients.

In a personal test I prefer organic buds more then chemical grown ones because they don't change the compounds in the plant but deffiantly change the effects they bring on.

For instance in two plants.
1 organically grown
1 chemically grown
The organic one had no anxiety in the high
The chemically one did.
These plants were the same cut.

I like everything organic in my life, shop locally and organically!

Keep money in your community and not other ones that are wasteful and not green. :D

Thats my two cents!


Active member
oh boy ... what a retarded challenge there are guys that pull 6-10 lb plants all organic .. but there in California so that is not really fair is it? grow a plant that finishes in September or grow a plant that finishes in November I don't care if you grow it organically or chemically, just grow something you like to grow and grow it the way you want to..
I have a challenge: I currently have a plant that is 8' in height with a girth of 14' as of July 1. Ill go take a pic of it but she didnt' get that size with poop. She'll finish up at 12' with 2+ pounds of smoke on her. Can the organic growers post up anything to match her growth rate?

Last year's Candy Shiva (and my b/f). Outdoor, organic. Only about 5.5'-6' tall and 15'-16' around at harvest, but we got almost 5 pounds of bud from her.

Granddaddy Purple/Romulan pic taken 6/20/09

Same plant 2 weeks later

.........The only valid paradigm for your challenge would be to grow the same plant side by side with the MG plant. I think you should challenge yourself........
It would probably be too difficult for a guerilla grower but someone really should try this. I would love to know the results from start to finish. It's not accurate comparing guerilla grows to big open legal grows like here in nor cali. I think they would turn out pretty equal.

I'd rather puff on my tiny little organic buds then chem buds the size of my VW.

Love ya silverback...

(all in good fun right?)

pic of "tiny little organic buds" from the above Candy Shiva plant. The bud being measured was 14.5"
The above Candy Shiva outdoor organic plant had 27 top buds.
Also, last year's garden was good soil with organics tilled in before planting, one good dose of fish emulsion about 6 weeks into veg, then a good dose of Earth Juice Bloom once when they started to flower.
All organic. Only had to add nutes twice during the entire season. I'm not even sure it was needed.
This year we are feeding them (organics) all season to see if it makes a difference.
It sounds like a lot more speculation and hear say, than actual science is going on around here. i dont claim to know anything, but im curious as to how the plant knows the difference between the source of its nitrogen or phosphorus or any of the elements it uses to grow. I thought nitrogen was nitrogen and phosphorus was phosphorus and as long as the plant had everything it needed it doesnt really matter to much how you accomplish getting it there. That said i grow as organically as possible as far as trying to keep the medium alive but, i also use chemical ferts, and i was under the impression that they dont kill the micro organisms in my medium, just what i was told by someone much more educated than me, dont shoot the messenger.

Hmmm, i had a point to all that rambling. I think its all about whatever floats your boat. I think chemical ferts have there place and it is important to stay open minded rather than being all about organic or all about chemical ferts, there both good, just different, and you need the right tool for the job.


Active member
Thanks for the pics GG. Here's to hopin we all get a harvest like that one this year.

I will be so stoked if I get five-pounder my first time out of the gate. I think its entirely possible.


Active member
.... mango haze in full sun - taken a week or so ago - - -

all organic, havent fed her yet.....i was actually debating this issue at the nursery today as i was browsing thru the fertz.....i need something i can top dress with as filling a 50 gal bucket everytime i wanna feed is just ridiculous for me......i would def. have to hand water 25 huge plants.....anyways - - - i ended up with Dr. earth 4-4-4 (organic 7) - - - it seemed the only thing without sketchy shit in it....i have heard good things about MaxSea, Maxicrop and Diachtaemous Earth (plants jumping 1ft a day in veg outside in the cali sun) - but as i read the ingredients it just sketchs me out.....what is everyones general consensus on quick availability nutes for outdoors, i.e. top-dressing.

i personally was going to make a dr.earth 4-4-4, peruvian seabird guano, powdered seaweed, and trace mineral top dressing ....whats everyone's take??

i am just shootin for a 1lb to 2lb a plant, as the 25 plants are being split b/w few people (co-op thing), so i am hoping everyone has enough smoke for the entire year.....and we obviously wanted to keep costs down while being the healthiest and most organic way possible....but cutting corners would be considered if things could be flushed or no organisms in soil are being toasted....


Non Conformist
I have a challenge: I currently have a plant that is 8' in height with a girth of 14' as of July 1. Ill go take a pic of it but she didnt' get that size with poop. She'll finish up at 12' with 2+ pounds of smoke on her. Can the organic growers post up anything to match her growth rate?

Really SB? Really?!?!? is this what this has came down to? a pee-wee meassuring contest? lol! You have been shown that organics can grow big plants. Yuv been shown an organic water soluble fert that can do it, as well. There's more than that too, IF YOU JUS LOOK! But you wont, yul continue watering in MG, when it would be just as easy to have an organic fert in that water that will work just as well. :YaRight:

It was apparent that yer knowledge of organics was lacking in the beginning of this thread when you said only chem ferts could keep up with a plants needs. Now, after reading yer other posts pretaining to organics, it's obvious you don't really have a clue how it works, much less how quick it can be. I get the feeling you have no desire to learn either, and that's ok. :ying: Jus trying to show you another way to skin a cat. Maybe some one else that reads this thread will find the info usefull....

Yup, to each there own I spose. I know I wouldn't want to smoke a plant that's been fed like a fat hog on MG though. :noway: Yuck! But then again, it wouldn't be "cash cropping" if you used quality ferts, huh. LOL! :sasmokin:

Oh! btw Charlie Brown, the greatest pumpkin of them all was grown with organics. The world record of pumpkins, several times too. Imagine that...organics.... :yoinks: POOP, SB! almost 2000 pounds of pumpkin, grown in 5 months with organics. That's very quick heavy feeding. Are ya sure this won't work on bud SB? lol... I'm glad you reminded me of the pumpkin thing, it was a good example, and another chance ta raz ya! lol Take care... BC


Active member
oh and making teas is impossible for me at the moment, i am off the grid and only have electricity when i turn the generator on....so...


classy grass
Headie, you need a Honda eu series genny- makes many things possible doin it off tha grid...

And silverhack, you've been owned enough here I think so I won't write a book, but yes, I'm looking at neon green boostie foilage that 36 hours ago was dull and needing fed. Soil soak with age old at reccomended rates. You're lucky we're in different counties, else it'd be no contest at the fair...haha


Active member
owwwkaaayyy then , i was beginning to think i was one of the few organic growers here , apparently not:yeahthats

In the positronic sthey also did everything organic

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