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Nirvana Master Kush, Reveg & Clones. One big ol' Cluster Fuck!



Yeah, I just think of it like the "pain is good" thing, I like it. It's fun and gives me something to do and gets all those side shoots up and out into the light.


yeah i just started abusing them and this next round will definately will pay tthe dividends,,,peace


I try to start out w/ some sort of vague plan then it usually turns into....some kind of clusterfuck. This time I am just trying to do the bare minimum, really just main shoots, then trimming out what doesn't make it to the top, we'll see what happens. I know this, I do not want as much popcorn and shit that I got last time! Would rather see that in the flowers the good ones. We'll see what happens, these clones are pretty small at the moment. It'll be interesting to see how they finish.


Just keeping track, moved the flower tent around, got the other light on and temps were decent, high up to 82 so I can live w/ that.
I may be able to get a swamp cooler for 30 bucks, what do you all think? I know it will raise my humidity, but pros and cons, just thinking about using it to get some additional cooling.
What say you?


you can live with 82 for sure,,,i am not familiar with a swamp cooler but humidity in the 30-40's is ok for flowering and as long as you have good circulation i am sure you can push it,,,good luck bro,,peace


3 girls keep chuggin' along, looking even better than last time. Much closer nodes, been training and will continue to train them for another week or so until they kind of slow down on the growing part, at this point the 3 of them are spread so that they occupy the footprint under one of my 400w HPS completely. All the tops seem to be getting great exposure, and the lower growth is pretty scarce because of the way I trained them. The lower growth is also getting good even exposure. These are going to be fun to watch. Probably won't yeild much, but they will look cool. Even though I am trying to have them follow the mandala way as far as feeding, they are still really green like last time. But the fans look so tiny compared to those mandala plants. One of these girls may get some hashberry and or satori and or both pollen depending on how soon I can get it outta my males that are starting to show now. Don't know if I will have enough time to polinate and let the seeds develope between the time I get the pollen and the plants are done so we will see what happens there. But that would be very excitiing for me, these hashberry males are studly to say the least! That's it for now.


Day 10 Flower

Day 10 Flower

Okey Dokely, all 3 KS clones tonight, RO w/ 5ml/gallon Calmag and LK, that's it, ph'd to 6.5.
Basically, it's just plain water. No nutes to speak of. So that's it, they are spreading out nicely, pistols abound everywhere.
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New member
KS huh

KS huh

im loving mine best i got from nir in a while

Looks good! I am in the same area of the US bout to move to Rockies! I also have some of the same genetics. I am using all led lighting though. expensive but if you work it right it is worth it. I have new pics to post on my grow soon. Good luck. I know I will need it!

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
high ...KUSH...:headbange

can't grow now...my hands are tied...I watch, you grow. It's better than nothing...Rock On!


Looks good! I am in the same area of the US bout to move to Rockies! I also have some of the same genetics. I am using all led lighting though. expensive but if you work it right it is worth it. I have new pics to post on my grow soon. Good luck. I know I will need it!

Thanks! I am actually in southern california, but from Kansas. I figured since Nirvana seeds can call it "Master Kush" then I'm gonna call it whatever the hell I want lol, plus had to represent for back home. Your pictures look familar. Nice stuff, have fun here.

high ...KUSH...:headbange

can't grow now...my hands are tied...I watch, you grow. It's better than nothing...Rock On!

Ah, man sorry to hear that. Hope you got plenty of smoke to hold you over at least! Again, sorry to hear that hope you get back in the saddle soon bro! Rock on, I'm gonna try my best to rock it here!


LOL, no wonder they looked familar LOL! Just realized you quoted moses there! Good luck w/ your stuff green smack, seems to be plenty of variation w/ those beans, hope you find a good one.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard

Ah, man sorry to hear that. Hope you got plenty of smoke to hold you over at least! Again, sorry to hear that hope you get back in the saddle soon bro! Rock on, I'm gonna try my best to rock it here!

I get by...with a little help from my friends...


Well, as long as you are getting by that's good, can't ask for more than that eh. I look forward to seeing you go at it, I should have laid off this summer but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Surely you gotta have something kicking around, a mum veggin' somewhere or some clones working. HOpe that your time out isn't long term.


Day 12 Flower

Day 12 Flower

HEy, just logging this for my own records so's I don't forget. I think I have missed a watering here or there.

Last night, all 3 KS clones recieved, 5ml PBPBLOOM, CM, and 10ml LK //gallon. Fed to just a light runoff, 3 red cups. These things are looking pretty alright so far, pretty green just like last time, but at a much more significant lower cost as far as the amount of nutes I am using. I really jacked up my nute levels last round w/ this strain, it can tolerate quite alot to say the least. This time, w/ the Mandala tech I am gonna see how low I can go and compare the results. I DO need to get some sweet or molasses or hi-brix soon though. Ran out right at the end of last round and never re-up'd.

I am wondering, I know that when I use the sweet for example, it adds quite a bit to the ppm, but, is that relevant when looking at the overall strength of what you are feeding plants? Should I take what the sweet or molasses, or whatever adds to the total ppm into consideration when trying to give low strength doses of feeding? Or, since they aren't "nutes", should I not really take that into account when judging the total strength of what I feed? That make sense to anyone?

So for example, for the sake of argument, let's say I wanna only get up to 8-900ppm max, and w/ 5ml/gallon CM, PBPB, and 10ml/ LK, I am at 750ppm. Adding 15ml/gallon of sweet let's say gets me up to 1000ppm. That's over my limit, or do I not take the sugary stuff into account when figuring the "strength" of my feeding? Or, should I just water the sweet in w/ the plain water feedings? Guess that would make more sense.

I dunno, anyway, I will be posting some pictures as soon as the rest of the crew in the flower tent show sex and I get the males out, and add a few gallons of fresh dirt to the clones. That's about it I s'pose, later.:joint:

Just to add, I do realize that the molasses, sweet, what have you all contain trace amounts of some micro nutes, so I dunno. Still wondering about that though. Just looking down the road and wondering.


try cutting the LK in half,,,but the sweet with the fresh waterings are cool since you use RO i use Tapwater so i always have a lilnutes in mineit comes 140 to 150 and a ph of 7.6,,,i buy distilled water for the last week of flush...good plan of attack, ithinkk either way is fine but i would say it is relevent to the ppm scale you are trying to stay in,,,but there are more people more knowledgable than me here to help you...peace bro


LOL, Promise gonna get some pictures up soon. I haven't broke anything yet on the KS clones, the 3 are now about maybe 4 or 5 inches high off the dirt, but the 3 of them easily fill the footprint for 1 of my 400watters by themselves. Lot's of tops, everything looks so mini right now. Maybe I can get those pictures tonight. I kinda need to get those re-potted (stacked onto 2 or 3 gallon bags) because I am running out of places to push the wires into. I love LST, it's very intimate w/ the plants. I also enjoy bending them to my will. Haven't been brave enough to try super cropping yet. I would also like to try a scrog style, but still working out some stuff w/ that. I like the modular individual scrog screens that you can keep all together, but still move plants out and around individually. For now though the rubber coated copper wires will do the trick, they are really easy to use, much better than string and chopsticks! (What I used to use.)

IDO, I think my best bet is to use the sweeteners stand alone w/ plain water. You are so damn lucky you can use tap. Mine comes out at almost 400ppm, at about 8.5! I think the LK will be the first one to get cut if I do need to make some room in the nute profile down the road. Still undecided if I am gonna use any boosters or finishers, I may w/ these clones, but I may hold off on the mandala stuff and stick to the basics w/ them this time, we'll see.


Day 16 Flower

Day 16 Flower

All righty, lots of pictures here. Try to keep this straight. First off, I have been training these 3 clones since I put them into flower. I did some topping prior to and right at the beginning of flower, as well as some selective pruning here and there 86ing some shoots that would never make it. Here we go, watered all three tonight w/ 5ml/gallon of calmag and 10ml/gallon LK ph'd to 6.5. 3 red cups each. All 3 of these are going to be stacked into a 2 gallon bag sometime in the next week or so. Give them some fresh to get them through flower. Remember I am trying not to use very strong nutes when feeding these. Once I hit day 21, I am going to use some hydroplex, and probably start to alternate in molasses or sweet or ej hi brix, in for the calmag. Then end of week 5, maybe six, I will completely 86 the calmag from the feeding and stick to the whatever shit I use. Anyway, check this out.
Here's some overall shots. Any one guess where the HB female is in the orange pics lol. It really makes the Kansas clones look "micro-sized" w/ her ginormous fans.lol

Here's the first one,

THe next one I think

And the last one, basically you can see the how they look when left to their own will for a few days, then at the end of these, (the ones above as well) you will see them BEND TO MY WILL MUWHAHHAHAHHA! It is kinda looking like they are shooting out everywhere at a good rate now so it will likely be that the end of this week 3 will be the last time I do any training, I may leave a few wires on, but won't be messing w/ them much anymore, they are getting a little more woodier every day. ANyway here's the last one.

And there ya go. I am fairly sure that I didn't get that straight at all and mixed up my pics but fuck it. I am sure yous guys get the idea. Later taters.:joint:

Oh yeah, a picture of some from the last go round getting ready to meditate prior to training these bitches.

These are from the hermie bitch that I no longer am fucking with. Real tight dense little nugs, that taste like shit IMO, others think I am nutz, but I am picky. The other one that I am running now is waaay better all around, but nobody know he he he!