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NEW.BOG Preservation Project.

Care Free 1

Active member
You know im not sure but, I think unless you are growing prue seeds from long ago that we are all growing strains that are related. Cousins you might say. I think if you really want that super duppa pheno, then pain staking selection is required. I am for one thankful that i am a blessed person and have the stains i do have. I know a ton of people who couldnt find strains like these if it was right in front of them.


No doubt selection is key. Sour Bubble is a very potent Bubblegum pheno found in BogBubble, which came from White Label Bubblegum. BOG found the Sour B and was able to isolate it, and the rest is history. Nice selection!!!!

Also I think if you read it a little closer, BOG claims that Bubba Kush is Bubblegum.


That's a nice mix...Hmmm Ive seen it somerwhere before....:chin:

Do you use the same mix for veg and flo?
Is it difficult to keep the ph stable at 6.5? How?

Care Free 1

Active member
Yeah, where have we seen that before. Holds true today as it did more than 5 years ago. The old saying, if it's not broke, dont fix it.

I use straight soil and perlite for seedlings, and the hotter mixture is the same for veg an flower.

Keeping the soil PH stable was worked out years ago, and I have no need to worry about it these days. By investing in a good soil lab many years ago, I was able to send samples in for testing, and I found that the PH remains rather stable with the soil mix, and keeping the water PH under 6.5 helps balance it out. When you add lime and Bone Meal, it has a tendancy to raise the PH, so you sort of balance it out by 6.0 - 6.3 for the water.

I run into the most trouble with PH and other issues when I try to delay transplant, and the roots get rather tight in the container, so there is little room for error. Nothing like giving your plant lots of fresh soil to play in at the right time.

Care Free 1

Active member
I am sure most of you know the old cannabis gardeners rule of thumb for container plants.

One gallon of soil for every month the plant will be in it. So 2 gallon pot is good for 2 months, and so on......

5 gallon is a perfect finish pot for 60-90 day flowering cannabis plant. Veg in 2 gallon, and finish in 5 gallon. Works for me.


I used to use this mix and don't know why I changed....only thing I can remember is something about trying to keep up with the vigorous growth. I would have too many big bushes while waiting for a spot in flowering room. I think it is time to go back to the basics as it were.
You got more pics of that giant bubble tester?

Care Free 1

Active member
I just tried to upload the latest shots, but the upload failed. Been happening several times lately. I'll get some up as soon as it's fixed.

I can tell you they are about 15 inches tall, and they are just over 4 weeks old. Still doing well, but we have had no sun in the last 6 days. I fell like I live in Washington state right now.


lol...Today was actually pretty sunny for a change. What's funny today is that I cannot do anything productive at all on my winxp maching, but I am flying on my Win7. WTF Microsuck...

Care Free 1

Active member
Yeah OD, modern technology, dont you love it?

Uploads are back, so here are a couple Sour Bubble testers at just over 4 weeks. Still have not been fed. A couple more weeks in these pots, then the real show begins.

The Sour Bubble in natural growth allows many plants to be stacked into the flower room when growing them indoors.


Care Free 1

Active member
Those plants could either be turned into mothers and be cloned out now, or I could force flower them soon in order to keep them short.

I will do my best to finish these under 6 feet tall.

Care Free 1

Active member
That is BX3 x BX4.

The testers have grown 4 inchs in the last couple of days, and some are near 20 inches tall. We have sun again and perfect growing conditions. The big question for me is if I will clone these out, or just send them into flower.

It's been far from a perfect grow. Since the plants are outside during the day, and in the barn at night, I have to wage a daily battle against bugs. Because there is an increased amount of handling, I have dropped a pot or 3 along the way, but no plants have been hurt badly.

With over 15 hours of light outside right now, I need a light tight area to flower these, yet with the summer heat coming up, I need to keep them comfortable during the dark period.

Lots of challanges coming up with the summer heat, but I'm up for it. Time to setup a big Homebox for flowering dark period.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Hi guys,

Just read the first 10 pages of this thread and then read the last 10.

I have a quick question and mean absolutely no disrespect by it in any way to you the growers and BOG the breeder.

If you want to preserve BOG's strains then why isn't anybody here selling F2's or mailing out clones left, right and center.

Thanks guys,

I most definitely respect everybody here trying to preserve these awesome strains.

Care Free 1

Active member
Hi VagPuncher

The first incross of Sour Bubble was just finished a few months ago, and the testers from that incross are being run right now by me and some local testers, You are watching it live in this thread. All extra product from the first run was distibuted to my local community for med users. So in effect, preservation of the first run has been accomplished.

I will not distribute these to the canna community until these have been fully tested for product quality. My local people dont really care about that, cuz they just want the meds, but I will not be finished with my preservation goals until the end of this year, and I never claimed otherwise.

Honestly, it takes a good year or more to get a breeding program up and running when starting from scratch. I normally dont run plants during the summer months, but I am doing so this year to accelerate the completion of my goals.

Doing a pollen chuck just to get untested seeds out is not wise IMO, and I would be pissed at myself if I allowed that to occur.

I would also seek permission from BOG before these will be distributed also. He lives right down the freeway from me, but I have never met him.

All I can say is be patient, cuz things are happening. I wish I could snap my fingers, and it was all done right now. When I am sitting on a pile of tested seeds, then we will all find out what will happen with them. I am taking the risk even reporting this operation to the public, so sit back and watch, and someday you all might be testing these yourselfs.

Care Free 1

Active member

Good luck getting anything from that asshole!


Hi Brother Monk.

BOG is doing a great job in my home state right now. Many people will benefit from this project, so I would only seek permission from BOG to sell the seeds in areas that he cannot.

This project is not about making money though. Hopefully operating costs can be recouped, but there will be no profit involved. Just preservation.


would love to get hold of some of these genetics but im in the uk any ideas?
all help appreciated