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OG Kush

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When I came back home from jail I bought an oz of that shit around thanksgiving (must be the same cut cause it looked almost exactly the same). I know what you mean about being able to smell it for days, I smoked a joint like 3 hours before thanksgiving dinner and my entire extended family could smell it on me hehe.

Good shots bro, thats some dank.


Active member
IMHO Ograskal should have never given that clone out to anybody :noway: Especially no 'internet buddies' that he does non face to face "business" with. Terrible play, but ograskal seems like a good dude so i wish him the best :2cents:


Active member
Also, if the Fire cut is supposedly the ONE og that does not suffer from viney, spindly, stems - then it's definitely not the fcut :biglaugh: F cut is a pain in the ass and not for the novice grower
I've never seen any point in hording cuts aside from greed. Saying a cut should have never been passed out is ridiculous. We're talking about medicine in case someone has forgotten.....


Active member
Things aren't black and white. If i don't share a clone it doesen't always mean i'm Greedy. On the flipside, if i give it out freely, it doesen't mean i'm an idiot. Altho, depending on the Truth, your pov, and level of understanding - both outcomes are possible ;)

I've never seen any point in hording cuts aside from greed. Saying a cut should have never been passed out is ridiculous. We're talking about medicine in case someone has forgotten.....


Also, if the Fire cut is supposedly the ONE og that does not suffer from viney, spindly, stems - then it's definitely not the fcut :biglaugh: F cut is a pain in the ass and not for the novice grower

The raskal is still viney and lanky like the other ogks, it just seems to branch out and support itself much stronger than others. I dont know how well it does in flower, but it definitely is stronger in veg, and doesnt need as much staking up/support. But she is still a lanky bitch and can be a pain in the ass :nanana:


sup M0neymike, how goez it mang! do we need to get orgolio on here wit some dank ass woody kush pix? i know he got em..hehe

funny u mentioned that one, remember him raving bout the sandlewood incensce, i luv a good kush or true kush..that LvPk cutting will give most a good idea of what a proper kush should taste like. i remember Soulie saying this. dont mean to off topic, carry on mates



Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
YEAh!what the fuck is up bro!u gotta hit me up...u still got digit's?....yeah we gotta spit...


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
i got dry shot's somewhere...i think?....lemme see.....brb...ok nevermind just some other dank nugg's...sorry jeff........maby someone else will chime in shortly...


no worries Mike, so its got a full Kushy taste? like the socal master ishh in a way? definitely wayyy different than the Sr71 PK i imagine...

ALSO, just wanted to make it clear... Just cause i said i have the fire cut, doesnt mean im giving it out. So no PM's please.
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Things aren't black and white. If i don't share a clone it doesen't always mean i'm Greedy. On the flipside, if i give it out freely, it doesen't mean i'm an idiot. Altho, depending on the Truth, your pov, and level of understanding - both outcomes are possible ;)

I dunno, I've never been presented with a reason that was not fueled by greed why someone would not share a cut. I've never had a problem sharing, but then again I was never in it to make money. The ONLY reason I can see someone hording a cut is simply an attempt to monopolize and keep the number of hands in the cookie jar to a minimum. Hence, greed.

But that's just me. Feel free to share one of these "circumstances" you're talking about so perhaps I may understand better.......


i think free sharing of elusive/elite strains in the long run FUCKS THEM UP.... If you whore out a bomb strain, shitty growers start to grow it... Then instead of having a hard time finding nugs of that bomb ass strain, youre gonna have a hard time finding good quality nugs of that bomb ass strain... As well as when all these shitty growers start growing it, you get hermies and people start growing out the bagseed, take clones/ circulate those bagseed/s1 clones...

I would already say both Sour Diesel and OG Kush are FUCKED UP, in terms of the strains are so dilluted and so many fakes... If it was kept on super lockdown like it was 10years ago, we wouldnt have all these different cuts.
But then at the same time, when its on lockdown like that it in a way makes it that much more likely for people to start labeling fakes as the real thing....


The ONLY reason I can see someone hording a cut is simply an attempt to monopolize and keep the number of hands in the cookie jar to a minimum.

whats wrong with that? why is that so bad?

i have never understood why people complain about not having access to certain cuts. i understand "its just a plant" and sharing with others can be very rewarding (I have shared cuts with many members of this and other boards so please don't go off calling me a hoarder folks because you are way wrong).

what if you got a plant from a friend as a gift, but you could only accept as long as you promised to keep the plant to yourself (the motive is the giver's - not the recievers)... does that make the reciever of plant as much of a "hoarder" as the person who gifted it with the restrictions? And in keeping with ones word by not distributing the plant further, is that the makings of a "hoarder"?

if one was in the business of exchanging cannabis as a means of living it would not be in his/her best interest to openly give out thier "secret recipe"? is being in the business of exchanging cannabis as a means of living a bad thing? i understand some plants that are used for ones own financial purposes - i accept that and view it the same way i do women & marriage. i love looking at pictures of marissa miller & adriana lima, but those gals are married - should I be able to just ask their husbands "hey let me bang your lady, because sharing is caring?"

please help me understand what exactly is wrong?
other than "its just a plant"


i think free sharing of elusive/elite strains in the long run FUCKS THEM UP.... If you whore out a bomb strain, shitty growers start to grow it... Then instead of having a hard time finding nugs of that bomb ass strain, youre gonna have a hard time finding good quality nugs of that bomb ass strain... As well as when all these shitty growers start growing it, you get hermies and people start growing out the bagseed, take clones/ circulate those bagseed/s1 clones...

I would already say both Sour Diesel and OG Kush are FUCKED UP, in terms of the strains are so dilluted and so many fakes... If it was kept on super lockdown like it was 10years ago, we wouldnt have all these different cuts.
But then at the same time, when its on lockdown like that it in a way makes it that much more likely for people to start labeling fakes as the real thing....

thats awesome jeff!
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I'm not complaining, and I have access to all the cuts I desire. I was just making an observation. ;)

If I were gifted a cut under the stipulation I would not be able to gift cuts to others I would probably turn down the offer. Depends on how long I would have to sit on it...... and even then.... Long enough for them to make their seeds and cash in would just feel dirty to me. lol

The gift would sure be nice, but it would put me in a position to refuse it to others.... and I could never refuse medicine to anyone. No thanks. Plus by avoiding it I would be avoiding future drama. Nobody would be accusing me of passing it around once it did leak (and it always does) and other childish BS. I like to avoid drama when given the opportunity to do so and no cut is worth a headache. :)

There are many many more out there, and I'm a patient man. Eventually everything gets out there. Sure it may be watered down, but its up to any consumer seeking quality to search for the supply closest to a confirmed\legitimate source. If they spend no time doing a bit of research into finding that legitimate source than obviously they are going to get a sub-par product. Buyer beware, etc. etc. etc.

I see both sides of the coin, I just don't agree with monopolizing medicine. Especially when its near impossible to obtain, dangerous, and quite illegal for many of us out there. I would love to work with a cut like OG, and recently tried to purchase SFV OG beans but I think there was a problem with the transaction. Perhaps I'll get a chance in the future. I've got plenty of things to keep me occupied till then :)

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
As far as spindley growth...I used to have to stake up the SFV something awful but rarely use stakes for the Fire and if I do it is only one stake right down the middle and no need to pull up and tie branches like most other OGK's..
Just a lot stronger IMO...And more odorous,flavorful and potent as well...
I will take some good branch-stem pics of the same plant today and you can see how thick they are for such a small plant...

I would have to admit that Raskal is one of the best growers on the boards period...I also think it's easier to grow perfect plant when growing only 20 or 30 as opposed to 200 or 300...You just do not have the time to feed individual plants individual mixes and have to cover many plants with a mix down the middle and this is not going to give you the most perfect results with every plant...
More pics today or tomorrow..................CC
Remember the Fire cut does all of her serious buisness towards the end of flower and you might even think there is something wrong up until she takes off in overdrive.....


. The ONLY reason I can see someone hording a cut is simply an attempt to monopolize and keep the number of hands in the cookie jar to a minimum. Hence, greed.

sorry dude, your perspective is way off as most closet growers are....my fave cut(not og) was selected by me from 300 seeds under many lights, it survived raids, robberies and i still got it. so really how does that entitle anyone to my property? greed, no its not greed,im protecting her from ever getting into greedy peoples hands


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


sorry dude, your perspective is way off as most closet growers are....my fave cut(not og) was selected by me from 300 seeds under many lights, it survived raids, robberies and i still got it. so really how does that entitle anyone to my property? greed, no its not greed,im protecting her from ever getting into greedy peoples hands

Cool hopefully you get back exactly what you put out :)
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