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Bag seeds are awesome

Bag seeds are awesome

Bagseed, Day 61 of 12/12, Day 100 from seed.

Whoa, now that's cool. I've never seen a plant that looks quite like that one. I kinda want to slap my self for growing for 3 years and only giving bag seeds one attempt. I'm going to start cracking every single bag seed I own until I find something I love lol. It actually brings excitement back to growing, such a mystery of what you might get, it's either gonna be good or bad but you have to wait and see! so fun :)


You're saying the plants in the pic was shitty? Lol it looks amazing though, damn nice buds :smile:

Did you cut it down at 42 days or what?
bonus bag-really nice nugs-i ve been saveing seeds 4 the past year from reg bud that looks really special great job 2 u n everyone-oga keep doing ya ll thang i c yall boys
i ll be posting pix of my bagseed-18 of em

33 Degrees

New member
I love bag seeds

I love bag seeds

I have so many bag seeds now that I want to grow out. I have good luck with them. Sometimes I get some not so great, but Hey, last time I bought seeds, they were the worst I ever grew (Capricorn Seeds C99 f2's in 2002). Haven't bought any since. It's all brick but I am choosy about what I pop. I usually go through a Z or QP and inspect the buds. I look at the trichs and the size of the bud. I like seeds from big buds. I get bigger plants this way. I believe runts tend to come from lower popcorn buds. Works for me. Then I grow from 9 or 10 different selections at one time. I like variety. I see what turns out good for future grows. I do find some gems this way.







I have some mite damage showing. I used one of those No Pest Strips and it really worked. Killed them in about a week and a half.
ive never herd of any correlation between final plant size, or vigor, and the location of the bud it came from with respect to the tree. sorry but i dont think thats a viable claim

33 Degrees

New member
It's not a claim, just seems to hold true for me from my 35 years of experience. I did say "I believe" and not that it is fact. Genetically, it would seem to be that a seed from any part of the plant would have equal potential. I read something in the late 70's or early 80's about production of various grain crops and their yield based on where on the plant that the seed originated. The top seed statistically produced higher yields. Generally, the most productive part of the plant is the terminal kola. Why couldn't it make the best seeds? When I make seeds, I like to use pollen from the uppermost part of the male flower bud and to pollinate the terminal bud and upper buds of my females. It may not make any difference but I do not experience a decline in potency or vigor in my strains. Many people do experience this in continuing their lines after some generations. Just trying to explain my opinions and not stating this as fact. I also have no problem with smoking seeded bud. Potency is not diminished by the fact that the plant produced seeds. The only drawback is that the plant will not flower as long as it has reached its destiny of wanting to produce seed.


Throbbing Member
Thanks for posting your observations :D I have not seen this topic explored very much on the cannaboards. Very interesting.

It's not a claim, just seems to hold true for me from my 35 years of experience. I did say "I believe" and not that it is fact. Genetically, it would seem to be that a seed from any part of the plant would have equal potential. I read something in the late 70's or early 80's about production of various grain crops and their yield based on where on the plant that the seed originated. The top seed statistically produced higher yields. Generally, the most productive part of the plant is the terminal kola. Why couldn't it make the best seeds? When I make seeds, I like to use pollen from the uppermost part of the male flower bud and to pollinate the terminal bud and upper buds of my females. It may not make any difference but I do not experience a decline in potency or vigor in my strains. Many people do experience this in continuing their lines after some generations. Just trying to explain my opinions and not stating this as fact. I also have no problem with smoking seeded bud. Potency is not diminished by the fact that the plant produced seeds. The only drawback is that the plant will not flower as long as it has reached its destiny of wanting to produce seed.


Active member
The top cola gets more growth hormone. That makes it bulk up. That might make a bigger seed, but there is no reason to think that it will change the genetics of the seed. It would be interesting to test your hypothesis scientifically.

When most mj farmers want to make some seeds, they usually pollenate the lowest buds because they don't end up worth anything anyway. That saves the top cola for sin semilla.


the Revenant
The top cola gets more growth hormone. That makes it bulk up. That might make a bigger seed, but there is no reason to think that it will change the genetics of the seed. It would be interesting to test your hypothesis scientifically.

When most mj farmers want to make some seeds, they usually pollenate the lowest buds because they don't end up worth anything anyway. That saves the top cola for sin semilla.

Exactly, well put. There is no validity to popcorn seeds making runts.


Active member
Exactly, well put. There is no validity to popcorn seeds making runts.

Well, I can't say that there isn't any validity to it, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence out there either. I usually like to follow the common practices until I find substantial evidence to the contrary.
My Hawaiian Punch Light was from a bagseed. Unfortunately I've only been able to grow with CFL. I think it turned out smelling and looking better than ANYTHING I have ever purchased to smoke. The taste was a little lacking, but I'm a n00b. Somewhat similar to a bubba clone I purchased in many aspects... looks like some of the blockhead pics I've seen here on IC mag. Is it possible to get blockhead bagseed?


Active member
I think this thread is ace!

Definately don't throw away your bagseed!
Like a lot of people, my first experience of growing was with a good ole pick n mix of bagseeds collected over the years.

1 particular plant stood out and I can only wish I had been knowledgeable enough to take cuttings or reveg back then... I did take pics but they are still on an old roll of film somewhere... if I ever dig them out and get em developed I'll head straight back to this thread!

I am growing seedbank seeds right now, but have recently been lucky enough to...

A. find a stash of bagseeds I had forgotten about, about 30 seeds from a half of some crazy African sativa I got a few years back... looking forward to popping a few and seeing if I can succesfully tie down what I suspect will be big lanky ladies!

B. Also got some seeds in an 1/8th I purchased last week... nice skunky stuff... have got 2 showing taproots the usual saucer/toilet paper deal right now... hope for a girl or 2 and away we go!

Bagseeds rule!!



awessome thread awesome pics guys its true bag seed is good grown out some keepers no pics to show thought unfortunately .

still got a half a cup full of bag seed to go ive been gifting heaps though maybe i should keep the rest :)

cya ezzy