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is anyone getting ready for IC Mag 420 in 2009 ???


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
too fucking stoned to be a cop bro, I don't think they'd let me sign up... hehehe :smile:

and my hands smell of mildew rememdy - a sure sign of a gardener if ever there was one :wink:

(edit - a bad gardener at that... or I wouldnt have mold would I...hmmm)


lives on planet 4:20

was just wondering with the financial crisis and all, anyone have any good ideas, how to
save some money on accomodations, so there is more money left to buy:canabis:

I will be in the Netherlands from 19th to the 27th of April, and was wondering
if anyone wants to share a living space to save $$$


Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
good call....
I will sit and smoke with any of you to see who whiteys up first......LOL...

Only 2 products had the power to make me really high in the Dam,,,,,make that 3 as the stuff Delta9 brought,(CO2 extracted) was potent candy....Also Somas gear(Jelly) and the Whackistani that Haze procured for me....Those 3 could level you otherwise it's all better at home.....

But damn,,if I had to smoke those 3 only I would never leave my seat.....

Potent goodies can be found if you know where to look...............................................CC

Karma Genetics

I am up for that capt. crip And a good wake and bake with a good breackfast.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
ok youre on... I'll whitey first... but i still wanna see some of thet crazy gear youre talking about :wink:


lives on planet 4:20
I can whitey on half a joint of Amnesia Haze, so I'll just sit back, and let
the experts battle it out...lol

will have to work on my tolerance two weeks before icmag, by toking daily

so that I can at least take one toke of some good ice hash :yoinks:



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmmh nice to know all you guys are not scared from a joint hahahaha...just had a tryout session yesterday with Karma, on 3:21...i think he would of loved it to be on 3:20 and start a new one ROFLOL....ohw yea you guys will be in for a treat on 4:20!
see you all soon :wave:


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
I am up for that capt. crip And a good wake and bake with a good breackfast.

I'm up for that W & B breakfast, and make sure to put enough fats and sugars in there, coz I know I'll be needing them to handle the industrial doses of THC being rolled around :abduct:

... Less than a month to go :woohoo:

Talking about whiteys, be VERY careful if a guy comes to you, introduces himself as Core as gives you some SSSH :laughing:

See you there folks! :wave:


Life is one big grow........
will have to work on my tolerance two weeks before icmag, by toking daily

so that I can at least take one toke of some good ice hash :yoinks:


i am in training since years............. now i am ready for the Olympics:dueling:

see u in 4 weeks:woohoo:


lives on planet 4:20

Gypsy posted that the cup might be free for attendees, because the
donation with the seeds is working out well

I will be arriving in the afternoon on the 19th, so the first day I will miss,
but I am hoping to make it up, in the evening after arrival :woohoo:

...GOOD LUCK to everyone who enters that cup, and good luck to the judges
with making up your minds, I am sure that is not an easy task :smoker:

look forward to meeting everyone, and I really do hope that the situation in the
Netherlands will turn out to be acceptable so that I can move there as soon
as possible



H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Gypsy posted that the cup might be free for attendees, because the donation with the seeds is working out well

Where was that posted?! Very good news in any case, but as Mr. H says, those of us there (and many others around the world) will be having a blast at 420 :joint:

What I'm curious about is the judge passes. Last year I got a free "VIP" pass that I never had to show but still made a nice souvenir :D

Any chance that donors/supporters get a special price for normal/VIP/judges passes? :yeahthats


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
in official cup info thread B...but there's 2 ....not the 1 with '09 in the title