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Caligreens Candy Collection



----im lucky enough to have tried his green ice, and i will say it tastes better than virtually any sample of straight green crack ive tried(with one exception) now, this could have alot to do with cali's skills, but it is proof that grown well, she does not seem any less flavorful than green crack itself.

yeah man cali's green ice is on point

you got skills bro!

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
heya brother :wave: thanks for the visit :friends:
i did not even know you had a new thread DOH !!
now i do and your tagged up :yes:

that Green Ice sure is a pretty gal :respect:
and congrats on the upgrade as well :woohoo:

looking forward to the show my friend


Hey everyone! Wow totally awesome starting a new thread, and having all my friends come cheer me on!!! It's probably starting off a bit slow, but hopefully I'll start cloning more and have a filled box in a couple months.

Black Ra1n- What up buddy great to see you back in here! How is the bean biz going???

707Corridor-Sup mang, I like the plant success, but I will be using Great White from now on...It is supposed to be Plant Success + Subculture. Look into it I think it's going to work pretty well. I should stop by your thread soon as well. :dueling:

BobbleheadJed-Yo dude, so don't you have the other thread with the dual 400's?? I think I remember getting over there a day or two ago....If that is you, you should make a link to your thread in your signature area, it's a sweet way to get people into your show! EDIT-just saw you added that shit in lol ;) right on!

Old Soul-Hey friend, hows the coco been for ya? I noticed you have a coco cab I should go check it out if I haven't already, thanks for stoppin in ;)

icough2getoff-Yea me either bro, hopefully fatter nugs all around, I want coke can colas!! lol, duno how to get those though :wallbash:

subrob-Rob good to see you man! When we gonna have another get together?!?!? I should have some dank new shit comin up, like this sourwreck cindy! And I know you have a shitload of stuff going on right now with all the pollen your probably fuckin with. I wanna try to get away from so much LST, with bigger plants I hope to get thicker stalks so they hold themselves up haha. Hope all is well!

- Cool to see new faces(or names haha) around here, I love colors too, my box was 50 degrees last night BRRR!

hazy-I'm really glad you like the name hazy, I was wondering what it should be for so long! I had that name picked out like first, but wasn't sure if it was that good or not. Hope I can live up to having the tastiest candy around! HAH, I am trying to get away from those damn dvds and shit, they just gotta be in there at some point, I don't really lower or raise my lights too often. I can't wait to see your new thread bro, it will be off the hook! Gotta have a change or two though, remember that! Is it gettin hot out there?? Hows the Sour D?? I have my SourWreck Cindy bout halfway through flower and she might have some D-ness in her, but I will get back the real deal soon enough!

MysteryMachine-There's no real way to explain the taste, other than BOMB! Alright, maybe it's kind of like a hashy taste, after I cough my normal cough from a bongload I'll have a great after taste. I flush the SHIOT outta my girls too, so that helps!!

unta-For sure huh, there are so many nice crosses to work with, but I finally have one of my own!!! SourWreck Cindy will hopefully be a hit with the weed world! Only time will tell, bout 5 weeks left on her I'd say.

JeffSpicoli-Hey jeff, my bad about not having any FFA left, I know it was a while back but I still wish I could have smoked you out with her, soo dank. I'm sure you've smoked plenty though already ;). Yo I'm always biking down near your place, you know the jumps near the cliffs? I'll hit you up sometime and we should blaze a blunt down there. Oh yea man that Green Ice always makes me wonder if it's GC, maybe in the near future we can talk about how I can get me a real GC cut...

SMOKINGBUDDAH-Thanks dude glad to have you in here!

krushonkush-Right on bro! Good to see you back! There's plenty of room so stick around, it's about to get dank ;)

-Yea yea!! The one and only killaaaa!!! Dude you really got me started on some dankness here!! I used your Sour D X Trainwreck(a dominant indica, male) to cross my C99!!! Yes this it the first time I am flowering her, she looks so dank!!! Stretched out a good amount, but filled in everywhere, frosty as shit, and I can see some SD, TW, and C99 influence! I am so stoked to see her man. I bet your used to the feeling of seeing your own crosses grow, it really is freakin exciting. I didn't ever get any OG crosses, I remember seeing you grow one out though and it looked so dank. I tried to get some seeds from jlp too but no luck. Funny you mention textbooks, I am still in college and I AM using textbooks to hold some plants up atm hahaha. Great minds think alike!

UBER21-Hell yea good to have a bunch of icer's in this bitch!

Shan Diego-Hey shan what up! Do you move your plants around at all, to get them into different spectrums each day? I have to switch my plants from the left side to right everyday if I wanna really truly give them mixed spectums...I have been doing that a little bit, regaurdless they look great and I can tell they love the extra light. I had my flowering girls under MH the first two weeks, and then switched them to the hps side, now back and fourth.

greenatik-O FO SHO BRO! Glad to see you finally making comments then huh! Hope I can live up to all of your standards and expectations!

BobbleheadJed-Yo again! lol. Yea like I was just asking Shan I'm not sure what my plans are to get my ladies seeing both spectums more often. I might just shift them gradually as they need to be, then maybe once every two weeks just switch the plants up from side to side. I think you have a smart idea about exchanging bulbs from light to light maybe once a week? BUT make sure you have ballasts that are MH/HPS compatible!

Greyskull-Thanks grey! I need you to check out some pictures, tell me what you think they could be eh?

Brother Bear-Yea finally an upgrade! I can't wait to grow bigger plants man, it's always been bugging me with those little ones. I did avg. 23 grams or so per plant with the 6" sqaures though. I hope to see maybe 42 grams per plant now. Nice to see you come by!

hazy-It's working pretty well so far, can't tell if it's making a huge difference in buds yet. But everything looks super healthy and is getting tons of light. Right now I am using the MH to veg during the time the box is on, I have the Purple Kush's vegging under during the day and they love it! Super strong/thick stems and tight nodes! I will probably start flowering plants under the MH, then move them over to the HPS later in flower, makes sense right?


For now I am vegging some Purple Kush's in the 1 gallons, they seem to love it so far! Hardly any stretching, great amount of nodes, I am wondering when I should put them into flower; but judging by a PK I have in her 4th week of flower I should probably switch these new ladies soon.

Here's some shots of what was thought to be pre 98 bubba kush..She's actually Sour Diesel X Sour Bubble. Just transplanting. Holy shit, it's the ring!!! hahaha

I've got 3 ladies in flower that just hit the 4th week:Purple Kush, SourWreck Cindy, and SDXSB

you can see the purple coming through already on the PK! Is was 50 degrees in the box last night though, lol!

MY BABY!!!! SourWreck Cindy! ((Sour-D X Trainwreck) X C99)

Here's the SDXSB!!!! omg so dank!!!!

Sweet, hope I answered everyone! Make sure to check back, I'm sure the PK will be getting purple as shit in the next week or two, and I will putting those other PK's into flower this weekend. Then I've got two SDXSB's I will veg out fat and flower them after the PK's! Alright I'm out, have a sick day everyone! PEACE:joint:

ON A SIDE NOTE, are you all able to click the pictures and see them larger? Is it easy to do or would you rather I just made them large??? Thanks!


Dude looking good, you got those 400's puttin' in work, I'm impressed.

keep on truckin....


awesome pics Cali! Ive always wanted to try the sr71 PK, thats which PK you have right??
sourwreck cindy sounds very interesting. (i was about to say sourcindywreck)
The Bubba is no doubt the kill, i love the pre98... I might try and get my hands on the oc bubba and see if i can tell a difference.
That Green C is all yours if you wanna give her a run. Just let me know.

You still got my number? i think i was too baked that night and didnt save yours in my phone right or something, im not sure. But hit me up with a text so i got it

and ya, you can click the picture no problem and bring up bigger ones. I personally like it better when they already posted full size.. But i dunno, maybe people with small monitors or slow internet connections dont like it so much


lmao!! Cali that lighter looks sooo small. Looking good in here.:joint:
After I moved up from the 5in pots the plants got bigger and I use to mix per gallon(like u) but now I've moved to a 5gal bucket,more watering!~btw..I vote small,sorry Jeff!


hey cali I was wonderin if you could explain your lollipoppin/training techniques? It looks as if you veg then top and supercrop the branches out to keep the canopy even.. then remove ALL the lower shit before flower? beginning of flower? How long of a veg do you give them?

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Nice pics man, love that last plant, super dank indeed. Seed biz is going good, we're a month or two from the zombie release.... take care bro.


Registered Pothead
Looking great Cali. I have had my eye on coco for a while just too scared to hit it up. You running sr71 pk?


Active member
Now those are some roots. Nice healthy plants for transplanting.
Have you had any of that AD x SB before? Sounds good.

All the candy looks so good, I'll be back to browse your collection again later.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmh good thing i've seen this thread.......taggin it Cali...hell a other :kissass: thread....always topnotch so i will need to find new compliments this time around ...LOL
greetings from over the Pond :wave:

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
those are some very healthy roots brother :yes:
and the plants ain't to shabby neither LOL
bummer you got the bubba crossed with the
Sour Diesel X Sour Bubble
so far i have not mislabeled anything "crosses fingers"
but i remember reading stories of people who lost fav moms that way

good show !!! and way to be keeping them green :friends:


Greyskull-Check the SD X SB, or Sour Dubble ;) She lookin gooood! Staanky!

slackerbri-Thanks Slacker! I am glad I have 2 400's now, but I don't know if it will be like I have 800 watts now...It's more like I just have 2 separate 400's for each side of the room, but it's working.

JeffSpicoli-Sup bro, I am indeed fortunate enough to be running the SR71 PK now!!! She is smelling soo fruity and I know she's gonna be some of the tastiest smoke I've had in a long time, I love purple plants that actually have the purple taste you know?? The SourWreck Cindy is lookin like a big yielder, and NO DOUBT smelling like Pinapple DANKNESS. Way more pineapple scent than my original C99 clone. BUT, she is very leafy, so, I have more beans I will sprout later on hopefully to get a better pheno..although I am loving the smell of this girl so far. I called her SourWreck Cindy cuz the Sour D was crossed with the Trainwreck first off, then I mixed that strain (SourWreck) with my C99 and viola. Still don't have the bubba man! Thought I did but grey gave me the sour D X Sour bubble(Sour Dubble I am calling her) but she looks and smells dank as shit so no worries. I still got your number I'll hit you up when I harvest the sourwreck cindy and pk and shit, maybe pick up a GC.

krushonkush-Yo dude! Yea you should seem em now, look at the new shots of the PK they got huge!!! I am watering like twice daily at least right now. I hope to see some larger growth! Larger colas and just more bud overall.

greenatik-Yea I usually top my plants at least once in veg, I use dental floss and duct tape to tie down buds but I am really growing old of that cuz it is more work. It can definitely help your overall yield if your trying to maximize space, but I just don't wanna deal with it anymore so I added more light! My new plants are in 1 gallon containers and I am trying not to tie them at all, just grow them straight up and bush style. I do still lollipop, you can trim small useless buds off the lower branches up to like 3 weeks in flower just don't do a lot at once, trim some one day, some more the next.

Black Ra1n-Thanks bro, I am really diggin the Sour Dubble as well. So stinky, like sour D goodness pretty much, just very very strong. Good shit on the zombie, I liked those puple phenos you were shoing in your thread recently, is zombie normally a purple strain?? Whats the lineage if you could answer??

chubbynugs-Don't be scared, changing things up is difficult at first but it will be for the best. You will notice better growth I am sure of this. Yea I got that SR71 PK, sooo dank! Jealous?? lol :nanana:

hazy-You know what hazy my bro, I can let my coco dry out a fair amount and sometimes I like to becuase it helps kill gnats, but I've noticed if I keep my plants really wet the roots grow like crazy! I am trying to keep my plants pretty wet these days ;) Duno how you work with your coco, I just used to wet it down a lot then stopped, now I think more water is better even with the gnats. Anyways, I haven't tried the SD X SB yet but she is smelling sooo strong, super sour D smell man. Dude the Sourwreck Cindy made, smells like decent pineapples, I thought the C99 clone smelled like some type of fruit, but she bred to become serious pineapple stank. Crazy!

Core-haha, for sure your gonna have to come up with some new lines! :laughing: Thanks for stoppin in though, good to see ya!

Brother Bear-Thanks bear! Keep the coco wet and the roots grow super well! It was a bummer at first about the strain mix up, but I am actually more fortunate to have the SD X SB cuz I guess it wasn't supposed to be given out to many folks, I got lucky! I will most likely get bubba soon enough, but this SD X SB is smelling soooo great I can't wait. And the fact that it's a BOG genetic (Sour Bubble) I am stoked! Haven't tried his gear before.

Alright everyone on to the candy! :canabis:

First let's take a look at those 3 PK's in 1 gallon pots. HOLY SHIT THEY GREW!

Now well look at some SR71 Purple Kush, just purpling at the tips! only 35 days of flower, still got a long way :laughing:

here's the SourWreck Cindy :woohoo: On the good side she smells amazing, ripe pineapple smell. On the bad side, she seems pretty leafy. Does look like a decent yield though! 35 days flowering...

And last but not least in this set of 35 days flower is Sour Dubble (SD X SB) Smells so fucking dank, super sour D smell. She is really looking prime, an elite cut for sure in my mind already.

Alright I am spent man. Gonna go smoke some C99!!! PEACE OUT


hey dude those are looking mighty fine. greasy greasy goodness gracious.
how long do you think you'll let them go?
I just took down a crop at 55, but still have 2 up for what i plan to be 63 (but they may just get 60!)...rad colors.


Get work my friend. Yea mon them gal pots are going crazy! They going to put out.lol
OMG that Sour Dubble is just sick!:yoinks: is that yours grey?
keep it dank bro! summer time is just around the corner:woohoo:


FARK cali! things are looking ridiculous, looks like you are on youre way to a tasty harvest

That SD x SB is NO JOKE, i think it smell soooo much danker than sour d, fuck i wish i had some to smoke right now... I almost think i like the flavor of it better than og kush.
Not a bad clone to get as a mix up :p hahaha

You gotta cruise by sometime

Old Soul

Active member
Dude, shit is looking amazing for sure. Don't know what else to say but daaaaayyuuuuuuumn!!!

That Sourwreck Cindy may be leafy but that is some sugary leaf for sure!

They all look fantastic, Wow. Your SR71 Purple Kush is especially appealing to me, I need to come across some of that some day. Everything is awesome though, thanks.

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