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Your First Time

As the title suggests, this thread is to describe in detail your first experience with Cannabis. When was it, and who were you with? How did it come about? How long had you been curious about it? What did you end up doing after you were high?

Here's mine:

I was 13, and it was the summer after 7th grade. One of my good friends and I were starting a band over the summer. He was two years older than me.

But let me back track. I've known about weed since I was around 7, because one of my friends gave me his dads Dr. Dre The Chronic cd, and the cd itself is a marijuana leaf, and my mom explained it to me, plus you learn about it in school etc...

Well anyway, when I was 11 at Ozzfest 01, there was a stand, that was a head shop, and they gave me two free High Times magazines, so I read them then, and then forgot about it.

Anyway, back to the summer after 7th grade. I had found those magazines, and had started to read them again, and thought how it will be amazing when I get the chance to smoke it, but I didn't think it would happen until I was like 18 or something, as I didn't know anyone who smoked, or so I thought.

Anyway, one evening I was on the phone with my friend, discussing band practice, and he asked me what I was doing, and I was reading those high times magazines, so I told him, and he told me he could get me high and that he smokes all the time, but not to tell anyone, if he smokes with me, etc... he was real paranoid, and said that there's some unwritten law that you never mention who smokes, etc... and after I agreed to all of that bullshit, he said that in a few days, he would come over for practice and bring some.

I believe it was a Friday evening when I was on the phone with him, and we made the plans for Monday, because my dad (RIP) wouldn't get home until around 6pm and my Mom wouldn't get home until around 4, so the plan was for them to come over around 10:30 in the morning, and we'd have all morning and afternoon to get high and practice.

I remember I had everything set up, as far as not smelling like it when my parents got home. I had my shower all set up, and an extra set of clothes, and everything.

Anyway, I remember Monday morning arrived, and I woke up early, and my mom left me a note asking me to please cut the grass. I thought, "well, I'll be smoking the grass", lol.

Anyway, my friend and our guitarist arrived at my house as planned, and I immediately asked them if they had it. He told me no, and I got really pissed as it ruined my plans, and I told them they had to leave, and they could forget about practicing today. lol...

Then, he's like "Dude chill out, I was just kidding, I've got it." and I was like "prove it." and he reached into his pocket and pulled out an Altoids Tin, labeled Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll, because it had a condom, a guitar pic, a joint, and a little cigarette cellophane with some weed in it. I looked at the joint, and smelled it, but it didn't really smell, and I saw that it was green. I was excited.

We walked to this wooded area behind a church, where he assured me was a good spot as he smokes there often. It was the middle of July and a beautiful day. There was not one cloud in the sky. Anyway, we made it to the woods, in this perfect clearing, and we lit the joint, and after he got it lit, he let me take the first hit.

I had never smoked a cigarette yet, but I knew how to inhale deep, because as a child I had really bad asthma, and was prescribed all these inhalers. And, one of my inhalers, you had to take a really deep breath, and hold it in for a minute, so I was confident that I'd be able to inhale.

Well needless to say, lol... I got an extremely huge hit. After holding it in for as long as I could, I blew out this HUGE cloud of smoke, that just stood in the air for a while. They all started laughing, that it was such a big hit.

We passed the joint around, and I kept taking deep inhales, but I think I was taking too big of puffs, because it expanded in my lungs a lot and I remember thinking it hurt my lungs each time I got a puff.

My friend then pulled out a pretty thick metal chillum, with a really deep bowl. It was already fully packed. You would then screw on this metal top, on the chillum, and light it through the hole. It whistled when you hit it, and my friend introduced it as The Whistler. I took a few hits off of that, and it really hurt my lungs, but I wanted to make sure I'd be high.

We then put it away, and stood around in the woods for a second. I wasn't feeling any different at all, except we all started laughing at things that wouldn't be funny. Like, one of us would say something we'd normally say, about the band or something, but then after someone would say something, we'd laugh, as if they told a joke. I thought this is all there was too it, it simply makes things more comedic, but I was soon to be wrong, lol.

I noticed that there was some sort of pressure/tingling on the right side of my brain, but other than that, I felt pretty much normal, just in a good mood.

We then decided to walk back to my house, and begin practicing.

AS SOON as I exited the woods, into the bright open field it hit me all of a sudden. I was suddenly in a completely different world. I pondered if I died, and if I was now in heaven or something. Walking felt so weird, as if I was walking on the moon or something. Each step I took felt all bouncy. But it was freaking me out, because I'd be talking to my friend like normal, and then my voice would sound all weird in my head, and it would seem all weird, like I wondered if we really were just talking.

Looking towards my house, it looked like the normal distance away, and then it would all of a sudden look REALLY far away, and weird. I was trying to explain this to them, but they were just laughing hysterically, enjoying their high. I was getting pissed, because they weren't paying attention, lol.

Anyway, all the colors of everything were so vibrant and enhanced. The sky, was so blue, and the grass was so green. The trees looked weird as fuck, because they would look so big, and then back to normal.

Playing drums was really weird, because it didn't feel like I was playing them. It was as if I was watching myself in my mind play them. Anyway, we also ate a lot of food and watched concert DVDs. We smoked at around 11, and I was completely blazed until around 3:30, when I started to come down. I enjoyed that part more, because it was less intense. I definitely smoked WAY too much for a first time smoker, and it was definitely some Sativa.



Lammen Gorthaur
I was 17 years-old. I was the world's leading redneck. Hated black people (it's how we grew up)... Hated dopers so bad I'd go out of my way to bust one...

Then my older brother came home on leave...

One day I was sitting in our kitchen drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. For some reason I cannot remember, neither of our parents were home. Just my oldest sister (who is a year younger than me), my brother and me.

My brother was upstairs in the bedroom above the kitchen. It was an old farmhouse so there was not a lot of sound insulation. If you were thinking dirty thoughts everyone else could hear them. Even the mice had it hard...

I kept hearing this noise. It sounded like bubbling water and the longer it went on, the more irritating it became. It seemed to be coming from above me, as if the pipes were leaking in the walls or something. I decided I better do something about it and headed quietly upstairs to try and isolate the sound and fix the problem.

It soon became apparent that the noise was coming from the bedroom where my brother was staying (having given up his bedroom when he went into the Navy). I tried the door, but it was locked.

Now the fat was in the fire. Why was the door locked? What was he doing up there?

So, being the naive dunce that I was, I began beating on the door demanding to be let into the room. First my brother told me to go away and then when I wouldn't, I could hear rustling around the room, zippers being zipped and some kind of scraping sounds and then something spraying in the air. I thought he was getting dressed and the spray was deodorant (we still used sprays in those days folks).

Finally, the door opened and there stood my brother, stoned to the bone with a vacant look in his eye. He was not happy, but then I wasn't either. I had seen marijuana twice before. One of my girlfriends smoked the stuff and though I would not touch it, I knew what it smelled like - or at least the ditchweed that she smoked - what junk!

So, here's my redneck brother standing there making excuses and trying to cover up for that which cannot be covered up. I eventually got it all out of him and made him show it all.

Then he said we had to go for a ride. The only way to judge this matter was to smoke some pot and then see for myself.

We got into my car - a classic 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass 4-4-2 - and went cruising around the countryside while my brother packed a bowl for me to smoke. It was actually a dugout and one-hitter that he brought along for the ride. I found it interesting that people actually made things to use in the consumption of illegal drugs. Wow! What guts and what risks!

So, I smoked it. It didn't do anything. I did another hit and another and another. We kept driving and smoking until I felt this pressure in the front of my head. Unusual, I thought. It feels like someone is pressing against my forehead. This is a buzz? This is the excitement? Pressing against my head? What's wrong with these stupid fucking dope heads? Man, I couldn't believe this is what all the excitement is about.

And then some time passed. I was listening to Boston on the cassette deck (I had 100 watt speakers then, real power!) and remember that I suddenly felt confused. Sort of hazy as I listened to what my brother was talking about but I kept thinking about what my brother was talking about because I was thinking about what my brother was talking about. Oh God! I'm over-processing everything. Is this it? Why are the lights on the gauges so interesting?

At this point my brother noticed the speed of the vehicle had dropped from around 50MPH to around 25MPH and suggested I let him drive because I was baked. I didn't feel "baked" - well I did, but I felt as if my head was somehow not part of me. It had taken on its own identity and was somehow unconnected and differentiated from the rest of me. I remember feeling a bit calmer and the first joke cracked by my brother sent me into hysterics. I had always enjoyed a real good laugh (I have a unique laugh that really attracts women - it's a wonder I ever got married) but I could be prone to fits of hysterical laughter that was somehow inappropriate and I had been released on parole from the House For The Chronically Strange and was hoping to become "normal".

The pot changed that. My growth stopped that day. I stopped caring about school and everything else. Only the drugs mattered. More, different and more again. I became a terrible drug addict.

You see, marijuana is a gateway drug. It led me right to myself...


I was 17 years-old. I was the world's leading redneck. Hated black people (it's how we grew up)... Hated dopers so bad I'd go out of my way to bust one...

Then my older brother came home on leave...

One day I was sitting in our kitchen drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. For some reason I cannot remember, neither of our parents were home. Just my oldest sister (who is a year younger than me), my brother and me.

My brother was upstairs in the bedroom above the kitchen. It was an old farmhouse so there was not a lot of sound insulation. If you were thinking dirty thoughts everyone else could hear them. Even the mice had it hard...

I kept hearing this noise. It sounded like bubbling water and the longer it went on, the more irritating it became. It seemed to be coming from above me, as if the pipes were leaking in the walls or something. I decided I better do something about it and headed quietly upstairs to try and isolate the sound and fix the problem.

It soon became apparent that the noise was coming from the bedroom where my brother was staying (having given up his bedroom when he went into the Navy). I tried the door, but it was locked.

Now the fat was in the fire. Why was the door locked? What was he doing up there?

So, being the naive dunce that I was, I began beating on the door demanding to be let into the room. First my brother told me to go away and then when I wouldn't, I could hear rustling around the room, zippers being zipped and some kind of scraping sounds and then something spraying in the air. I thought he was getting dressed and the spray was deodorant (we still used sprays in those days folks).

Finally, the door opened and there stood my brother, stoned to the bone with a vacant look in his eye. He was not happy, but then I wasn't either. I had seen marijuana twice before. One of my girlfriends smoked the stuff and though I would not touch it, I knew what it smelled like - or at least the ditchweed that she smoked - what junk!

So, here's my redneck brother standing there making excuses and trying to cover up for that which cannot be covered up. I eventually got it all out of him and made him show it all.

Then he said we had to go for a ride. The only way to judge this matter was to smoke some pot and then see for myself.

We got into my car - a classic 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass 4-4-2 - and went cruising around the countryside while my brother packed a bowl for me to smoke. It was actually a dugout and one-hitter that he brought along for the ride. I found it interesting that people actually made things to use in the consumption of illegal drugs. Wow! What guts and what risks!

So, I smoked it. It didn't do anything. I did another hit and another and another. We kept driving and smoking until I felt this pressure in the front of my head. Unusual, I thought. It feels like someone is pressing against my forehead. This is a buzz? This is the excitement? Pressing against my head? What's wrong with these stupid fucking dope heads? Man, I couldn't believe this is what all the excitement is about.

And then some time passed. I was listening to Boston on the cassette deck (I had 100 watt speakers then, real power!) and remember that I suddenly felt confused. Sort of hazy as I listened to what my brother was talking about but I kept thinking about what my brother was talking about because I was thinking about what my brother was talking about. Oh God! I'm over-processing everything. Is this it? Why are the lights on the gauges so interesting?

At this point my brother noticed the speed of the vehicle had dropped from around 50MPH to around 25MPH and suggested I let him drive because I was baked. I didn't feel "baked" - well I did, but I felt as if my head was somehow not part of me. It had taken on its own identity and was somehow unconnected and differentiated from the rest of me. I remember feeling a bit calmer and the first joke cracked by my brother sent me into hysterics. I had always enjoyed a real good laugh (I have a unique laugh that really attracts women - it's a wonder I ever got married) but I could be prone to fits of hysterical laughter that was somehow inappropriate and I had been released on parole from the House For The Chronically Strange and was hoping to become "normal".

The pot changed that. My growth stopped that day. I stopped caring about school and everything else. Only the drugs mattered. More, different and more again. I became a terrible drug addict.

You see, marijuana is a gateway drug. It led me right to myself...

I don't know whether to LOL or WTF
first time i ever blazed was in high school.

i had just gotten the boot from a private catholic school and had never smoked before and never wanted to...

let me tell you..the POWER of pussy.

some fine ass blondie asked me to blaze and i went right along with her.

we blazed. later hooked up.

thee end :joint:

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Hmmmmm ,,,,,,,,I'LL let you know when i remember:abduct:

And i did not inhale


I was in 8th grade got a free bag from an older friend, smoked it after school at my afternoon job with some friends. I look back now and what we used to do was pretty stupid, the customers must have known we've been smoking, reeking of shi!tty regs all the time, not good for business. At my age now I love marijuana like people love fine wine, back then I pretty much just used to do it to fit in with my friends, young and dumb.


just do it
15, pepsi bottle bong, in friends garage upstairs, got all high and walked off wrong side of stair hole thru stairs onto pile of rusty bikes, my friends thought i was dead till they heard "duh,huh,huh"

Sweet Inc.

I a dry riverbed in Africa round ten years ago, surrounded by darkness and scary people. It didn't even work, had to smoke a few times before I actually discovered the high.:abduct:

Guest 26753

The very first time I tried any form of cannabis was when I was 23. I had just been released from Sagmalicar Prison in Istanbul, Turkey, and left Turkey 5 days later for Montreal, carrying a half kilo of premium un-pressed Turkish hash with me. When I eventually got to Montreal, I smoked some of the hash I had smuggled out of Turkey. I was in the Youth Hostel in Aylmer Street, sitting in the lounge. I rolled what I guess must have been a gram into a joint and smoked it with another Aussie called Jerry Jablonski. Well, the earth slipped away from under me and I lost it badly. I got the spins and ended up puking on the floor in the lounge at the hostel. I didn't touch any form of cannabis for a year or two after that.


Active member
I was 13 years old, it was the summer after 7th grade. A friend offered to share a joint with me on the side of our local community center. Who was I to refuse such a generous offer?
It was the summer going into my senior year in high school, I was 17 and had just worked all summer as a counselor at a catholic camp (I know, lol). I had been wanting to try it since DARE (all that did was spark my curiousity) but didn't know where to get it. So I met this chick who was in college and she took me to her house for the weekend after camp and she smoked me out in her dad's backyard in Chico. I remember her giving me detailed verbal instructions and, being the natural-born-stoner that I am, I picked it up right away and haven't looked back since! After we were high we watched a low-budget astronomy show on TV and ate starbucks icecream bars.


14 years old... I was in Scouts (and I am still proudly for more than 14 years)... couple of friends were already smokin for quite a time and so eventualy I tried it sooner or later. I remember that I was surprised how much more dense the smoke was compared to cigarettes... but I wasnt HIGH... or at least I didnt knew at that time.

I found the real joy of smoking weed after 3 years when I stopped smoking almost everything I got and started to pay more attention to smell, taste, type of high.

Now it has become my constant part of living, my muse.... and I think... that it could not be better!



14 yrs old, a hash joint with tobacco. i got a headrush from the tobacco and walked into a lampost. took me a few more goes to get to know the cannabis buzz, but that was 24 yrs ago and i think i've almost got the hang of it! still trying...


For me it was January break freshman year at college, but it was hash not pot. 1972. I was in love right away, been pretty much a daily occurrence since then. Still married to the woman I did it with too!

As it turned out, it was my best friend from Long Island who came back with the stuff. He's still my best friend, but he stopped getting high. Actually I hadn't been much curious about it at all. We sat around and listened to whatever Yes album was current at the time, or maybe it was King Crimson; for some reason, I FORGET!



i was 4 and my parents forced me to and put a video of it on you tube!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
i was in 3rd grade,stole a J from my dad...dad always had the bomb stash.
so i went to school the next morning and found a buddy that i am still cool with today.
we walked down the ally and smoked the joint then around the block to get the smell off of us...it was winter time and the snow was up to my knees atleast,idk how long it took us to get around that block but by time we got back to school,both classes,mine and his and the teachers and principal were outside in the playground and all over yellin for us LMAO...i remember being in the office waiting to see what they were gonna do thinkin,man im too young for this stuff LMAO...
they didnt do nothin not even a call to home...the good ole days hehehe...
the next time i smoked after that was the summer between 5th and 6th grade and its been daily ever since....-T-


Active member
was 20 or 21 ish....at a college type party and well the hot ass chik i had my eye on asked me to smoke w/ her.
(i was str8 edge hardcore up til this point in life and never had weed or LQ or cigs)

6 weeks later i was growing weed, drinking 40's, and still aint touched a cig.

...i dont remember her name, or how me and my bro got home w/ me driving...but it changed my life.


smoked out of a pop can.
30 before the football game. me and my friend when off into a field to drink a bottle of robitusen. (One of the dumbest things i have ever done) when i shit you not, 2 girls come out of the wood work and where like hay guys we have some weed do you want to smoke it? I guess they didn't want to or something. Now every time im in a field im looking around for the magical field girls who want me to smoke their weed.


livin my way the high way
really yukon i wouldnt have guessed u were XXX type o person, thats a cool and quick transformation. good job without touching the cig, thats an accomplishment.

my first time. first off i was a career private school kid and never seen anything, till i went to public HS. i had study hall my sophmore year a few years back and there was a obvious stoner/druggie in there with me. well i had heard both sides about pot and saw it all the time so i wondered why people said it was soo bad. one day i asked him to bring me 2 joints the next day, 5 bux.

the day i got them i drove home and then told my mom i was goin on a bike ride thru a nature preserve, which was true. when i got back in the woods i smoked a whole J to the dome. Nothing. about 10 minutes later on my way home, i had the most overwhelming sense of paranoia ive ever felt. like i thought everything was a cop, my bike , the road, EVERYTHING. haha.

that night when my mom was asleep i snuck out and smoked the roach and the other J. JON BLAZED. i had a fun time walking back downstairs to my room. just layed in bed and had so many realizations, i was amazed at the power of a natural occuring plant. that night was the last time i ever believed anything i was told, without facts to back it up. i took a video of myself and watched it the next day and it was hilarious.

like yukon within a few months i had a garden and was a new person.


* insert hazy memory here*

10 or 11, being babysat by a family member.

nuff said..