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Why Did Nirvana California Orange Change?


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Why did Nirvana California Orange Bud change from a really nice fast growing sativa, to what now looks like a pure indica with big fat leaves.

I liked the older version better. I will try to get some photos up.


I think you never know what you get with Nirvana.
Can be all Sativa, All indica/ all green,all purple every time you buy a new pack of seeds of the same strain.

You realy think Nirvana does selections?



i know what you mean .me and wallyduck was talking about how we love the old version better. and i was looking at my seeds the other day and i forgot i made some seeds from the old version .i am glade i did .i went and took one seed out to test it and bam it poped fast .its been in the fridge . i plan on doing a all cali-o one day. the pheno i had was very skunk smelling .ther is a phenom that is xmas tree it looks like
a indaca .short stocky and smells like orenges and has a very nice sativa high.
why i made seeds was it was the first strain i had grew that smells like fruit. and me and my brother loved the high.we never new pot could smell like that.


Smokey#1 said:
I think you never know what you get with Nirvana.
Can be all Sativa, All indica/ all green,all purple every time you buy a new pack of seeds of the same strain.

You realy think Nirvana does selections?


you really needed to bash something just to bash it huh?

how many packs of nirvana have you grown?


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
The sativa version was really nice. It was a happy buzz that reminded me of herb from the 70's. Seemed to enhance colors too.


yea it had that old weed kinda high and the flavor was greet. it was the frostiest plant i had to date .very resin coated buds. the high would be great on a bright day. you could tell it was a good skunk cross.after that they started using a different skunk that gave off colorful buds. like Purple phenoms. and i think the strength of the 2nd skunk to give it color is not as strong as the one they use to use .i guess trying to cash in on the Purple thing.

i am glad i found these seeds i was looking for a good skunk for crossing .and shit i think cali-o would be a good start.to me cali-o looked like a skunk#1.but with that orange flavor and smell.its like a mix of orange and skunk. and its strong too.

this has given me the idea of going through the seeds to find a good male and female.
and using it in some crosses.


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Hang on to those genetics. You could make some great crosses. I made a bunch of Nirvana Bubblicious seeds from a pheno that is very frosty and has the old baseball card powdery bubblegum taste, but the buds have a nice skunky smell to them.


hansel said:
the old baseball card powdery bubblegum taste.
Oh, man - my taste buds just sent a message to my brain...

I love that taste...


New member
I had nirvana cali-o last year and had both indica and sativa phenos. Almost no stretch on the indica pheno, sativa pheno went something like 2 weeks longer and yielded much better and more sativa high. All plants had same kind of fruity taste, with some variation more citrus bite to more spicy and one more of orange-vanilla-yoghurt.

Would grow and will grow someday just for the taste.
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Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Here is a fat-leaved lady posing for her photo. This is from a recent pack of Nirvana California Orange Bud.

I guess I really cannot say that I like the sativa version better because I have never tried the indica version. It smells really nice.



Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Has anyone grown this newer, more indica version of Nirvana California Orange Bud recently.


Here's the one I'm growing right now. Sorry the pic is sideways!

And here's her children!

She smells pretty orangey! My fingers smelled like oranges after cloning her for hours!

She roots Super fast and easy


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Hey, the recent version of the Nirvana California Orange turned out really nice. Orange skin type of aroma with 70's Jamaican mixed in. I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone.



So...what's the dividing line between the new version and the old version? I bought a pack of Nirvana Cali-O about 3 years ago, they've been in the fridge since then.
Hey guys, I smoked some Cali-O the other day for the first time. Some decent outdoor. Nice light green fat chunky buds covered in bright orange hairs with a nice sweet candy orange aroma. But not very strong aroma unfortunately. I was pleasantly surprised. Good tasting potent pot with a nice Sativa buzz and a some Indica body. Very little Indica comedown. I always heard it was an Indica dom strain with weak potency so I stayed away. No idea what seedbank the seeds originally came from but I kept some nice healthy seeds for later. Sad to see it looks like Nirvanas new version is more Indi..... Cheers, Ah.


Active member
Nirvana buy seeds from all over the place, they recently bought a kilo or two from reeferman, god knows what packs they will end up in. They call themselves a collective to cover the fact they will sell any old seeds they can get their hands on!


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Nirvana buy seeds from all over the place, they recently bought a kilo or two from reeferman, god knows what packs they will end up in. They call themselves a collective to cover the fact they will sell any old seeds they can get their hands on!

I heard it was the other way around that Reeferman bought them from Nirvana.

I have about as much evidence about that as you do about your statement.

How many Nirvana strains have you grown. None by the looks of you gallery.

If you want to bash, go somewhere else. Nirvana genetics are excellent.



I distinctly remember the nirvana cali-o being very sativa dominant as well. Gave me a respectable harvest, real easy to grow and a great smell. Here a pic of it while growing under fluoros...

Not sure why they would want to change a good thing...


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Hi Shifty,

It is still good, but it is different in growth, very indica while the older version is sativa like you said. I swear the sativa made everything appear brighter and more colorful. Watching the Sun rise was a religious experience. he..he.. The buzz reminded me of good Mexican herb back in the mid 70's.

Even though I was dissapointed at first because it was a fat indica, but it is very flavorful with a sweet orange skin/hashy flavor and smell. It has a very good yeild and virtually grows itself. It also has a flavor that reminds me of the Jamaican weed we used to get in the 70's. Don't hesitate to try it.

I guess if you get a strain that you enjoy, make seeds from it or keep a mama.

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