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Gettin down with a 600 hps. Khaleel-style.



so wednesday night i got that high velocity fan in a christmas gift exchange (lol nice gift! i love it). this morning i went about actually mounting it where i wanted

here you can see it's positioning above the intake, and blowing directly under the light - where heat is most present.

the fan

i used the brackets that came with my ac

end result

sorry for the orange glow, but the girls have had a transplant and a lot of moving around so i'm trying to limit the stress factor of turning off the lights to take pics :dueling:

that's it for now, hope all is well! :wave:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lookin good brotha...nice ass gift yo,they knew what ya needed fasho ;)
the cabs lookin A+ brotha.you did a good job puttin that togather brotha.
lookin forward to seein it burstin with budz!


Active member
jesus lordy lord! wow ...!

my friend, hope you and family doing well brother.
sorry i dont get to come see ya here much... but gimmie a few months and ill be back badder than ever.

man, you are doing as awesome as we all expected you too with a HPS!!
beautiful stuff my friend..
once i get on my feet, i intend to send you and a select other good friends on here a nice couple gifts brother. miss chatting with ya man...
hope you have a safe New years mate..

take care!


nz!!! great to see you my friend, i often long for the days of yore when i think of you :D hope all is well, i can't wait til you are back online. should have a few buds by then. hehe

quazi: that's what i thought. the funny thing is that it was a deal with my sister-in-law's family, where everybody brings a $20 or so gift and puts it in the pile. we draw numbers, then pick a present. so it was pretty random, and even more random when i had to conceal my joy at what should have been an obscure present. lol

t: thanks my friend, always a pleasure to receive praise from the master p. :pimp3:

well everyone, i stopped by the grow store on the way home from the mountain today (my first time boarding this year, it was perfect :yes:). picked up a couple items

this stuff is money. great for bloom, in addition to the age old bloom and molasses. i just add a good layer to the top of the soil every couple weeks, and water as normal.

and i decided it was time to add the co2:

the co2bucket information can be found at : Co2boost.com

it definitely gives results in a small-type grow such as mine. here is the pump, which i had from my previous grow:

i only had to purchase a refill bucket today - $100. good for 3 months, so its worth it. just hook it up to the light timer so it pumps during light hours. i set the bucket on top of the box, and snaked the vinyl tubing right below it and into the cab

added some foil tape for "air-proofing"

lol it's not perfect, but a bit of passive exhaust is desired here. the set-up will work just fine. :smoke:

and speaking of working just fine, here's a shot of the vipers and B-52. let's see we are on day 17 of blooms, they were veg'd about 3 weeks from seed

five weeks from now things are gonna be crazy in there. :canabis:

the government mule sprouts are doing ok, but the root development hasn't taken off like the vipers did. they'll be staying in 4.5" square pots for another week or two until i can get a good transplantable root-mass. i've got time, i'd rather have then in good shape than rush it.

ok that does it for today. hope all is well my friends :wave:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
damn leel they look beautiful bro.them leaves are super fat brotha.they look nice and tight between layers too.
im really lookin forward to seen what they do for ya bro...seems like they gonna grow one bud all the way up.if so could be a bad ass sog plant for ya if everything else is on point about it....just gonna have to wait and see eh.
peace bro-T-


Hello Khaleel,
This is my first post in this thread and i wanted to congratulate you on those beautiful plants and also i would like yto ask you, what size are your pots ??


melon said:
Hello Khaleel,
This is my first post in this thread and i wanted to congratulate you on those beautiful plants and also i would like yto ask you, what size are your pots ??

hi melon, thanks for following and for the post and kind words :wave: the vipers are in 5 gallon grow "bags" right now - the same thing as pots, but very very cheap and you can use and throw away. i started the seedlings in 4.5" square pots, then after a few weeks to 2.5 gallon pots, then after another couple weeks to 5 gallon bags. it depends on how quickly your roots form up and are ready to move up but that's a general idea. :yes: good luck!

t: thanks bro. yup, i'm thinking she would be a fine SOG plant. my plans are to run the vipers this time through then be done with them... got the gov mule going in veg, and the moon shadow still to come. but who knows, if the viper is killer or a huge producer i may just reveg a plant.


here's a pic, about two hours after lights out. not quite complete droopage yet

i think i'm safe to cut out the nitrogen from here out. lol very healthy green, even the B-52 mama that was clone-raped a few weeks back. wormcastings are the bomb. :yes: you can see a little FIM'ing i did to the B-52 clones in 2.5 gallon pots. this is the first time i've run a clone directly into 12/12 after rooting, so it will be an experiment of sorts to see the progress..


wassup khaleel..them v-heads lookin good!!!!i'm still playin ogkushage!!!they are very sweet..but i want to get my hands on some purple genetics!!!maybe some real purplekush!!!!!or who knows maybe some venomhead, they are really colorful..i poked around mountain high seeds and saw some of your peeps there,,nz and eatshitake ....i'll blaze one for you and all the crew in here.. happy new year,,peace,,djxx


wassup khaleel..them v-heads lookin good!!!!... ... ...i poked around mountain high seeds and saw some of your peeps there,,nz and eatshitake ....i'll blaze one for you and all the crew in here.. happy new year,,peace,,djxx

hey dj, what's up brother :D oh yeah, the girls i have going now are vipers, not venomheads - i initially thought they were vh, and posted as such, then had to correct myself :bashhead: but the vipers are doing stellar, i am very surprised at how well they've done for being, in the purest sense of the word, bagseed. and 5/6 females? whew, i may be revegging at the end of this run.

"mountain high seeds" - what is that? is that some thread somewhere, or are you just using some form of easy-speak that i'm not hip to (damit i gotta stay in the loop lol)... nz and eatshitake are indeed both good friends of mine, but they aren't mountain growers like me. actually its kind of weird, now that you mention it. in over a year of posting on icmag i haven't hardly met anyone from the hood. or at least we're smart enough not to use icmag to exchange info such as location. haha i think it sucks that people have to worry about it. i've got my medical card, but then again there is always some asshole out there who will kill you for a couple thousand bucks, and a good deal more that will do it for much less. gotta be stealth, it's the only way. :bandit:

anyway, good luck with the purple search, there are many beautiful strains out there to choose from. and remember, keep the temps low at night (close to 60F) to bring out more color. if the more experienced guys tell you different, listen to them, but something about a chilly night seems to bring out the purps

this girl had a little purple, Grapefruit x Trainwreck

and this was Purple Urkle seed from the original clone... turned out to be a wonderful smoke and great plant - only started turning a shade purple towards the end when temps got lower

anyway good luck! :wave:

ok i saw this pic, so i'm posting it (memory lane hehe): here's an old pic of my closet-T5 grow last summer... those are assorted plants of Willijuana x Trainwreck, Grapefruit x Trainwreck, and probably some Chrystal and Superice...



Big Daddy 'Leel! :wave:

Belated Xmas wishes to ya mate! Got a call from a friend but I made an impromptu road trip outta town last weekend with a special friend of mine :D

Man, the box is looking great! The girls have really put on some new growth since I last checked in. Good score on the fan. I like the label system...sure beats the hell out of masking tape or plain sharpie and then remembering to writ everything down on a lost piece of paper...

Vipes are looking impressive. Nice similarities in the plants.

Best to you and the fam, holmes! I'll get atcha later.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sup leel,just poppin in to say wattup and blaze a piece of the White with ya.....mmmmm tasty!


wassup khaleel mountain high is under the seedbay sect way down in the forum jump..peace djxx


well here's a pic from an hour or so after lights out

i swear the co2 has already been effective. look at how tall the girl in the back is - her top part rose up about 1/2 inch in two days lol

hmm, as much as i love the high velocity fan mounted in my room, i think its just too much real-estate to sacrifice. i'm gonna go check out some wall-mounted oscilating fans online. if anyone has a good place to find them please pass it on :D


wassup khaleel mountain high is under the seedbay sect way down in the forum jump..peace djxx

word, thanks DJ good to know its there :muahaha:

eatshitake: no worries! :wave: i'm busy as hell too, i barely have time to post on my own thread than on others lol oh well, such is life

t: piiiiiimp :pimp3: haha


hello everyone and happy new year!!! :woohoo:

some updates...

here's B-52 on the right and a Viper on the left. (and Joey checking things out too :kitty:) - day 20 @ 12/12

the viper:


and the B-52

but first, a pic from november 30, 31 days ago, when i took "some" clones hehe

and today, day 20 of bloom

not bad :smoke:

and a bud shot of the b-52

the government mule (G13 x Deep Chunk) are doing well enough. i decided to transplant the four that are doing the best. i was pleasantly surprised by the root development - oh shit, i forgot to take a post-transplant pic yet :bashhead: here are the two i did take

i added a good dose of wormcastings in the new pots, i'm sure they'll green up pretty quickly over the next two weeks. i'll get some transplant pics tomorrow...

ok, hope everyone has a safe and happy new year :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
have a happy one mate...came by to check things out...Looks like everything is running like a train......good going!!