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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Here's a couple picture of what I am working with. This is my first time trying a perpetual grow. The White Widow was start 6 weeks ago from seeds I produced from a NRS breeder pack. I have 4 3.5 foot females. The NRS ICE were started 2 weeks after the WW started flowering, from seeds directly for an NRS breeder pack. I currently have 5.

NRS ICE seedlings at 1 week:

White Widow from seed 3 weeks into flower:

I have been growing for personal and recreational use since September 2003. Since these are my 1st photo's with a new camera, they are a bit on the blurry side. I don't think it was me. It's a cheap camera.

Mt Toaker

Hey guys, those of you who live in Michigan should go register at www.MichiganMedicalMarijuana.org if you haven't already. All the legal information for prop 1 is there and they update about once a week. I've already seen a couple people there from over here, I'm belli1bm if it interests any one. The Michigan MMJ community is young and growing so check it out!

And that Querkle looks very enticing poke!


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
Budz still curing....

Budz still curing....

Bababooey said:
PC: thanks for the photos on the jelly hash! i have enough material for a run, but im thinking ill wait until the next round of harvests, maybe late Jan...
that's a lot of good looking kief from your screen box. what do you do with the kiefed buds, cook with them? or do they go into the butane tube?
whats the ratio of bud to BHO to kief? ive read that most people use a ratio of one part BHO to 2-3 parts kief.
its nice that you have a room you can hangdry in. when i chop, i trim immediately and put them into a rubbermaid tub that i made into a dryer box (cut a couple holes in, installed a pc fan...). when they're dry, i trim the individual buds from the stems and bag them.
you'll like this:
im using your pink foam insulation board to hold my clones in place in the netpots! works very well, so far. i think, because there's no hydroton filling up the space, the roots may even grow faster..

the pink foam will work, soon u'll be ditching the hyroton...as far as the honey oil i just use enough to bind everything together, dont want it too sticky..here's some pix...Hope this helps.

ten more days b4 the chop

Strawberry Cough mom..washed the soil off and put it in my flower room in hydro

all bonsai moms...washed the soil off and all are now in hydro...i used to just throw my bonsai moms away in the trash but the past 2 yrs. i've been putting them in ziplock bags with soil instead of trashin it.

remember the northern whites...OVERGROWN..gots this to almost sit and roll over..ha ha.. but seriously tho, this mofo is huge and I gots the buds trained away from the lamps...also pollenated this with my vietnam black pollen...:asskick:

Ms. O'wreck 2 decided to keep this pheno and give the Ms.O'wreck 1 pheno to the less fortunate.......:asskick:
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Active member
What up all, things are looking tasty around here.

Pokerman, that querkle looks tasty. What's in that strain?

Phil, same ? to you, what's in that sexy Ms. O'?wreck


dank pokerman. can't wait to run her...

phil - who's cough is that? i can get you a better cut if you are running DP. from pics and reports, it doesn't seem as dank. i've got the S1's from raskal and most say it is pretty damn close to the mom except slightly more indica.


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
This S-cough is fine bro....

This S-cough is fine bro....

rootfingers said:
Phil, same ? to you, what's in that sexy Ms. O'?wreck
lc00p4 said:
phil - who's cough is that? i can get you a better cut if you are running DP. from pics and reports, it doesn't seem as dank. i've got the S1's from raskal and most say it is pretty damn close to the mom except slightly more indica.
Root....this is Ms.O'wreck...

? x Ogre(clone only) = Ms. Ogress
Ms.Ogress x Train Wreck = Ms.O'wreck

Ic....got it from an Og buddy its the real deal...my OG clone trading buddies and i are very meticulous when it comes to clone trading...very happy with this one, it's also very potent even when its seeded...Hope this helps.

^^^^this is pure Ogre...this is how i like my plants to look like when it comes to chopping down...:asskick:

this pix was from a grow a long time ago...notice i was still using lava rocks in my net cup..it was ok but a pain in the ass to clean. does the Ogre strain still exist???? i lost mine 2yrs ago.:asskick:
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Mt Toaker

How long has that plant been going? By the looks of the fan leaves for a long time. As always you are growing beautiful flowers!


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
70 days.....

70 days.....

but after 50 days of flower all it gots was plain water...the plant took the nitrogen from the fan leaves that why its yellow & dying...its indica.

train wreck from tron at 70 days same thing, nothing but water till harvest. i think it could've gone another 10 days, IMHO.

i dont really care bout the fan/secondary leaves being green...i dont smokes them..to me they are good for something tho...warning indicators....u gots to be able to read yo plants if u know what i means & u needs them for that reason, at least to me. when u over nute yo fan leaves will let u know first b4 the budz...Hope this helps.:asskick:
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Problems in MI .. From MPP:

On December 5, the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH)
issued draft rules for Michigan's new medical marijuana law, Proposal

The draft rules ( http://www.state.mi.us/orr/emi/rules.asp?type=Numeric&id=2008&subId=2008-051+CH&subCat=Revision+Text ) go much further than the department's role under Proposal 1 and in several areas conflict with it. The MDCH has a comment period, and based on the comments will consider revising the rules. We need your help to make sure they do.

Please take the time to write and submit a comment urging the MDCH to
bring the rules in line with the law by going to https://ssl.capwiz.com/mpp/issues/alert/?alertid=12322521
. Be sure to be respectful and polite in your letters, which are due
by 5:00 p.m. on January 9.

Proposal 1 tasked the MDCH with issuing state registry ID cards to
qualifying patients, which will protect them from arrest. It gave the
MDCH authority to issue rules about processing applications, adding
additional qualifying conditions, and setting fees. But these draft
rules go much further and seek to rewrite new and unreasonable
requirements into the voter-enacted law. Here are some of the
provisions of the draft rules that conflict with Proposal 1 and need
to be revised:

* The draft rules would require patients and caregivers to submit
inventory reports on their marijuana cultivation each year. The law
does not require any such records, and the department does not have
the authority to require them. Inventory reports would be self-
incriminating since they would document violations of federal law.

* The draft rules indicate that all marijuana must be kept in an
enclosed locked facility, when the law only requires that marijuana
plants be stored in an enclosed, locked facility. There is no similar
restriction for potentially deadly medications like prescription
morphine, oxycontin, or

* The draft rules provide for monitoring, inspections, and reporting
by the department that is not provided for in the act.

* The draft rules seek to define a "public place" where marijuana
cannot be used to include anywhere "visible to the public." This could
include a front porch or the inside of a patient's house, if the
patient is near the window.

* Go to http://www.mpp.org/assets/pdfs/states/DraftRulesNeedRevision.pdf
for a longer list of draft rules that need revision.

The MDCH will also be holding a public hearing on January 5 at 9:00
a.m. in Lansing (for more details, go to http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdch/Public_Hearing_Notice-Medical_Marihuana_258956_7.pdf
). Please let me know at [email protected] if you are interested and
able to attend. It is particularly important that qualifying patients,
doctors, and attorneys speak out at the hearing. If you are able to
attend, please remember to be respectful and polite and to dress
appropriately for a government hearing.

Thank you for supporting the Marijuana Policy Project. Please pass
this message on to other supporters of Proposal 1 by going to http://control.mpp.org/site/TellAFriend?msgId=23981.0&devId=0
so we can ensure that the law is implemented faithfully.


Karen O'Keefe
Director of State Campaigns
Marijuana Policy Project


Horse-toothed Jackass
B5: I been out to Iowa a few times. cool enough place. not much nightlife, but the strip clubs are pretty decent.
2 600s and a 1k sounds like a good amount. if u had to do it over, would u rather have 4 600's?
a conversion to hydro is a lot of work. how do u like it so far? im using the GH Flora series, its been working for me, they're strong though so its easy to overnute.

MT: thanks for the words of support. my next harvests wont be till late Jan, so it'll be a bit...

RF: i knew that looked hazy! is it real noia-inducing, or real racy (makes ur heart rate go up)? weed like that can be good if u know how to handle it.
do u typically take it at 90 days? are the trichs cloudy at all at 90? i hope my thai stick is real electric-type weed.

FL: widow and ice, thats a solid duo. so this is the first time youre keeping moms?

P2: that Querkle looks exquisite, perfectly grown. the flavor of the bud really comes out when it's well flushed and well trimmed like that. what does it taste like?

PC: looking good, as always. a 3 week flush sounds very thorough. do u think ur plants lose vigor during the starve, maybe causing a loss in bud swelling and/or resin production? ive wanted to nute my plants all the way up to harvest and then water cure, but the last batch was flushed decently and the buds tasted a lot better, more sweet, chocolately. ive never been one to smoke buds based on taste, but i guess being a connoisseur means appreciating the subtle qualities of something more than the sheer effectiveness of it.
hows ur buddy's room, is it set up yet?


some scientists said flushing reduces the thc i think it was northen lights with a 3 week flush


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
the sourdogs have started rooting. 40% so far after 9 days in rapid rooters...

can't wait to get these transplanted and take some more cuts!


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
I agree....

I agree....

Bababooey said:
do u think ur plants lose vigor during the starve, maybe causing a loss in bud swelling and/or resin production? hows ur buddy's room, is it set up yet?

that the budz wont swell as big but its also not loaded with nutes by the time u chop the plant thus making ur smoke taste better, IMHO..but as far as the resin production...there's tons of resins in every cracks & crevices bro as u can see, i have to disagree with u on that. There something unnatural chopping down a perfectly green plant if u ask me, i want my plants to look like the pot plants outside in the Autumn.

My buddy's in Spain for the holidays so he left me the keys to the house. im still trying to get a few more items for the the grow room. i did go to brew & grow to get nutes yesterday $230 just for nutes & mylar..Hope this helps. :asskick:

Ps, Im a non-conformist. ever since i got me my phototrons. so many ppl have told me that trons sux and i gots ripped off. well to me it sounded like a challenge folks. this is b4 i even started growing my 1st. plant in the tron. I wanted to prove evryone wrong which i did....Once u give up u admit defeat. bottom line i didnt give up and now i have my own style/way of growing which works for me. i grow for myself and my taste....I dont grow for frank, rosenthal or cerventes, to me they are just pot growers who wrote informative books...not putting them or the books down I have them & read them but in the end I had to do my own experiments...what works for them doesn't really mean its gonna work for me, IMHO.

Babs...btw, incoming!!! :joint:
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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Peanubutter, I don;t live in Michigan and there's not much i can do to assist in keep out unfair encroachments of medical records privacy.

The inventory reports are out of line and totally useless. Anyone in possession of more than the law allows would not report the excesses.

The inspections are borderline. Pharmacies, hospitals, and doctor's offices are subject to inspections of the equipment and facility. I understand privacy is the major issue for both caregiver and patient.

I agree that marijuana and marijuana plants be stored in a locked enclosed facility be it a cabinet, computer case, or rubbermaid container. Prescription meds are in child proof containers and it's a good idea to keep them away from the long arms of children.

Defining a public place is nitpicking. Common sense says not to smoke out in public. And the question of whether or not a backyard of a private home is a public place within eye shot of neighbors.

You make some valid points, and at the same time, a couple of the refinements are not too out of line. I would not submit to a search myself even if I am inline with the laws. For me, it's about being left alone. A common tort for privacy. Along with going about ones own business.

Good Luck!


Buteo Jamaicensis
coming to a DIY thread near you...

coming to a DIY thread near you...

the birdbox :joint: nah im just being dumb with the name, but ive been working on some numbers and have designed a sog box that get 72w psf :nono: this will be my perpetusal baby when finished, should hold about 40-50 clones at maximum capacity :laughing:


Big problem.

My blower went out. It was in daylight mode, and the 400W hps cooked the top of my poor little NLXBB. The poor little emerging buds are fried. I cut them off, and put another blower on it, but the temps are still too high. :fsu:

I'm thinking of Pulling this beauty out, taking a bunch of clones, and put it into veg. :cuss:

Any suggestions? :badday:

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