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Wh@ = Th@


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya friends...Bill,Dog, Hazy, Mike and Tona.....

yea guys i know the odds are not always the same ...but you gotte admit its not a good ratio at all...i would of been happy with atleast 25 girls...that should not be to much to ask now is it?
Nhow...the dice are rolled.....luckely i have some nice cropped plants to inshure some quality :)

i hope you feel a bit better man :smile:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
painkillers got me faded...real loopy,other then that as good as can be expected.
thanks for the + vibes


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
NP if this is all i can do....sending some vibes :smile:...Nway i hope you will heal very soon Tonatiuh.!

i've decide to switch times on sunday......i realy need to take clones of the confirmed females....boring job 2 be honest...Like this morning,i woz picking seeds...these last few days actually...well my free time went init and got fed up with it....luckely the plants are't so big hehehe....they are in small limits..

Nway i'm addinga small update....
i found me 1 DC x PTK female...boy i woz wishing for that ....an i thought the ganja lord woz against me...hehe..
did't take pics of it as of yet....but i will ....but i brought a few others :smile:

here's a Martian haze

and this is one of the Kaua'i kush's..going very good

the upper ones are martian haze's and the lower bunch are DC's .....they lack in vigor big time....see the difrence?

and last but not least in any way...the neville's haze x mango haze's


Well-known member
Looking very nice CORE ,keeping ya busy i bet .mine keeps me so busy some times i got no time to get in trouble LOL
keepem green-n-girlie




hello core.
well i see your still doing very good for yourself as i knew you would, nice gear dude really like that crazy ass black plant you showed a few pages back.....looks like youve went the way of the sats/...
good work brother.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
so them mango x's are stretchin to the sky huh,i cant wait to flip my mangos gonna get loads of clones first though.they are just mango haze though,no cross.
lookin good as usual Core my man.that martians haze looks FANtastic with them long ole blades on them leafs.that kauis kush also has some real nice structure to it yo,dude i envy ur selection of goodies,so many things ive never even heard of bro...must be nice... :joint:
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yo brother

Looking good in here my man

That Kush is looking very indica, shirt be a thick one

I case you did not know, I flipped the lights, so I will post up some flowers when they start to show


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Thanks Chucky...
..same here man...seems to hold me out of trouble 2....not that i get into trouble much....these last few years.....lol
Nway thanks for comming in and say a few words...always nice to see you :smile:

heya Puma..thought you where MIA again,gladd you see you again my friend!
aaah yes i'm doing some nice things with them flowers....but i can't realy recall a black plant ??
i do love the sats though.?...very nice highs to find in that genepool...but i realy like both of'm also the indica's....just i can swich from time to time ..hehehe
thanks puma :respect:

yea Tonatiuh..they are the biggest ones under the lamps...gotte switch times quick realy....me to gotte take clones...it will be a work for sunday...it will take a bit to get everything done...incl...feeding/watering
and the Martians are doing quite well also....got a good ration F/M on them
hehe envy ...i to have that when i come over to yours

haaa Dogster...
2 be honest i've read it...did't post though....but i will later on...sleeping with the gf 2 night and thats why i'm posting so late....
Nway i 'll come bye to see the girls :wave:

thanks for the support ya'll !!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
so bro,at what height you recomend flippin my mangos, like a foot huh?
im just wating till i can get like five clones or so from each mango,thats when i'll even them out and pop atleast two into flower and mama the other one...i have to get to getting the mamas potted before they get lost in the sauce yo..lotta things getting shifted around and id hate to accidently fower out without gettin moom/clones from them all.took a bunch of cuts tonight too...
that martian haze ill be keeping my eye on,thats a purty chika.
one thing i really do wish i had of yours is the talent for makin them awesome ass lookin x's bro if i could do that..."HappyMofo"... would be my screen name LOL.peace yo-T-


Active member
That martian haze has some very nice looking thin sativa leaves.
You're going to be seeing through a haze for a while after you bring in all that haze.

Karma Genetics

Going good in there core. The Nevils x Mango is a proven winner. Realy looking forward to the Martian haze, Seeing how it turns out in your hands, and what your opinion is o them. They look promising tho...... Keep it green my southern neighbor

Sativa Soul

Hi there!
It's been a relatively long time since I came around the icmag to check what's going on. I've been very busy the last few weeks doing a lot of music production en meeting lots of new people. Didn't have a cam for weeks, and also couldn't get to any internet for 2 weeks. I downsized the grow a little until the end of december. When I will be seriously pimpin the closet. That's when the show starts!
Just came around lettin you know I'm still around and everything is looking killer. Can't wait to see some flowers!
Have a nice day!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hey Tonatiuh

realy would't know...but if you have headspace you should let'm get bigger....mine are already 50 cm high.....and i only have about 1.5 meter to work with...without pots that is....i just did that 2 night....boy it took me 4 hours + to clone and water....and i only took 2 of each....Nway stay tuned for them martians :smile:
thanks for the kind words bro !!

high hazy
yea mate i got 6 or 7 of'm...and they are topt or fimmed...that should give me some nice cola's....hehehe and last run i also had mostly sativa harvest....

hullo Karma ^^
mmmh thats nice to hear...did't see many reports on them though...must of missed them then....peter is running them 2 onhere...
and the martians are doing good....they got a hick up from the hot soil....so there not heavy feeders,that i know now...i woz told that by someone....Nway hope to give ya a good show :smile: thanks Karma !

heya B/R
yes i 2 am very curious what she will put out...very vigerous and the biggest of my indica dom plants...took some pics to add in a bit...
OGA rules :D

heya SS
no worries bro ...i'm happy you are lurkig from time to time...and you pimpin the closet is good news..if it happens drop us a link mate..i'm always in for a good thread :smile:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey brotha Core...been a while bro, u gotta stop by to see ur gear all dried up & ready to smoke...its all treatin me well bro, very good medicine for sure....one thing tho, could you give me the backround on them again!!!!i 4got, stoner memory...so yea, and ur stuff looks great as well...keepin up the good work bro, Ill be seein ya..Peace

- Z


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey core hows things friend ,i should stop bye more cause ur work is top
uve got some real intersting strains ,i can see u got a taste for the sativas
a nice little mix

Heya Core
Man that Martian Haze and the Kuai Kush both look spectacular!! I'd say if ya wanna see the difference between sati and indi~~~~~> look at those pix!
I'm back to :lurk: :D
:wave:, Low


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Zeus...hehehe already came by my friend.....did't say anything constructive...but i saw you had some nice buds overthere :yummy:

heya M@rg :wave:
no worries bro.....there's a time and place for everything....nice to see you drop in from time to time...i know there so many threads onhere is hard to follow'm all...

Thx esbe....that i have you to blame for ....hehehe..:wink:
i brought some pics of one DC female.....but they are't so vigerous...i almost wanne say it sucks...but then again it is't just that bad...
they are a bitxh to sex though...some of them Literally LOL

aaaha Maffe :wave:
you are very welcome here my friend...i always lurk in ya threads...
thanks for gracing us in this thread.....it nice to have you inhere :D..
hope you gonne like the show....take a seat my friend .....its almost gonne start :smile:

heya HLow
yea mate diffrence is very big on them ...this could be indeed a classic indica and sativa pic....well...sativa dominant that is :smile:
i'm hoping for some great buds of these....:yummy:

small update....brought some pics...gonne switch times 2 morrow morning
the still unsexed DC's are removed and put in the male section....i will grow them out and take clones for further discarding....i can say now for shure i will make some neville's x mango F2's....the price on these woz just crazy :crazy:....further plans will be written here or in a other thread...
Nhow the update....

i tagged all the females using the alfabet...here's 2 of the martians....
very vegierous growth...bit picky on the nutes ...in a sencetive way
hight is about 50 cm

then we have the Kaua'i kush's...very nice growing bunch...the biggest specimens of the indica dom plants...hight is also about 50 cm...

and her's 2 of the 4 remaining Neville's x mango..as you can see topt and fimmed....

and finally 1 DC x PTK........lucky me...:D

and a cropped SDv2.5[3

could't go without a PB.....:yummy: