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Ed RoSeNtHaL: SuPeR BuD



I think there is Shiva skunk on this strain. not a surprise with sensi seed.

for sensiseed there is a lot of sativa infuence ont it and when we look finally it is like an Indica sativa 50/50 !!!


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Dr. Snow: Looking nice...glad you liked your ERSB.
Dr. Longbottom: Got nothing but respect for ya. You're practically an institution unto yourself in these forums. From your assessment it appears you either had ERSB and weren't impressed or you've moved onto much better strains. I'd have to respectfully disagree. I think this one is spot on. The taste has developed more fully. Whereas I thought it leaned more to the "berry" side earlier in the flowering cycle, the odor and flavor has turned more "cantaloupe". Someone else said "mango" when they tasted it. The high is an immediate shift in consciousness with two hits. I certainly would say that the first hour is "uplifting" and at the same time "spacey". You could easily forget your keys or something important if you were going out, but you're not dysfunctional. As the high develops, it becomes more of a physical stone. I noticed that I have "perma-grin" while I'm baked off this stuff. It makes you smirk and curls up the edges of your face non-volitionally. The physical stone makes you want to sink back into your chair or couch with some good entertainment. Within 2 hours you're voraciously hungry and ready to eat anything that moves.
Even after eating, there's an afterglow affect that can last for awhile. You're still stoned. Usually when I smoke and eat, I come down and need to smoke again.
I ripped 3 large tubes of this stuff at about 1:00PM. It's about quarter to four and I'm still feeling the buzz after eating lunch and doing a couple of errands.
I would say this Doc: if you thought this strain was weak I'd like to hear about your primary choices. I'm sure they're doozies.
Farmer John: thanks for hitting the thread also. For me this gal is a keeper. And that's saying something because I'm tanking a few others that I didn't think had the "right stuff". Sensi might not be the "most exotic" or the "newest and best", but they've always done right by me. This one I was on the fence about because of the dubious marketing, the statements from people that Ed just slapped his name on this and honestly because the guy at Sensi didn't say too many good things about it. His opinion weighed heavy on my mind because they should know what they're talking about. Nontheless, I'm glad I followed my own path on this one because I'm really pleased with the end product. Of course, I'm now waiting to see how the more fully developed and longer veg. time gals will do. A few more batches will iron out the wrinkles. For now, I'm totally psyched and fully baked.
Nelumbo: thanks for hitting the thread also. Not entirely sure what's in Ed. I know it's supposedly a 4 way cross that's got a wide range of genetics. For me it comes down to taste, smell and head. It's got all of 'em. Nothing bland or typical about it. And I'm loving every tube, joint and bowl.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I tryed to grow these but with no success all 10 beans got 0% Germ rates. I cant try it again at 180$.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..

Breaking out a piece for a well deserved session...

Just covered in orange hairs...

The aroma is over the top, makes you want to keep inhaling the nugs.

Nice and frosty...

If I had to describe the smell and flavor after a brief curing session, I'd say it's reminiscent of ripe cantaloupe. 2 bong hits and your entire brain shifts into another gear. The smoke is cool, sweet and defnitely expansile when it hits your lungs. Instead of a crushing high that brings you into a stupor, this is more of an elevating and uplifting high for the first hour. It's hard to execute tasks without deliberately focusing your attention, which is prone to wander with the giddy effects. A rush of energy similar to an espresso or a small bump occurs immediately upon puffing. I noticed when I smoke this stuff that I develop a non-volitional smile. My gal asked me what's funny...I didn't have an answer, I didn't realize I was even smiling that much. I guess she thought I was up to something mischievious after smoking a few hits of this nug.
About 2 hours into the high the body effects tend to take over making you shuffle towards your favorite couch or recliner. Any kind of entertainment will do. I don't always get munchies when smoking, in fact some varieties suppress my appetite. I noticed that this particular smoke gets you nice and hungry. If you smoke this stuff right after a meal it's like you ate nothing at all and you're voracious again within hours. Overall I'm really, really happy with this strain. It's not exactly what I expected. It's fruitier, and the high is rather novel. Defnitely a keeper. This plant's on mom lockdown permanently. Thanks Ed! The next joint's burning for ya!​


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
well.sounds like a keeper to me.
that baby looks like lucille ball with so many red hairs!
im also anxious to see how the others do.
tagged and chillin.peace.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Farmer: I can only answer your question by stating that this strain was only grown 1 time to completion so far. I like to grow a strain out a few times to see general characteristics that develop and so I know where to "tweak" things for optimum performance. I started flowering it when it was smaller than my hand just to see how it would turn out. The dry weight was almost 15 grams and it was all nice. Most of it grew into a central cola (about 8.5 grams)...Just a bit more than a half oz....
To boot, this gal was in the shade of the 250 HPS I'm using...not too much direct light until she sprang up.
IMO that's more than I was expecting on such a small gal. The other ones that are developing now were markedly larger.
We'll see how the larger ones perform.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
It's that time again!!!

It's that time again!!!

It's been awhile since I posted some new pictures of this gal. I thought the prior development was sufficient enough to demonstrate her growth pattern. This time the flowering was affected by an application of Purple Maxx....I was using this additive to see if I could increase crystalization or change the coloration....when I noticed that it was causing what appeared to be nutrient burn...I put the kibosh on it. Of course, the end product looks just as wonderful as the last gal did. Only this time, I have alot more to show for my efforts. These buxom gals had the luxury of a more extended veg. time whereas the first test subject was flowered at a markedly smaller height. I think you'll like these gals:

Well, take me back down where cool water flow, yeh.
Let me remember things I love...

Stoppin' at the log where catfish bite,
Walkin' along the river road at night,
Barefoot girls dancin' in the moonlight...

I can hear the bull frog callin' me...
Wonder if my rope's still hangin' to the tree?

Love to kick my feet way down the shallow water...

Shoe fly, dragon fly, get back to your mother...

Pick up a flat rock, skip it across Green River...

Up at Cody's camp I spent my days, oh...
With flat car riders and cross-tie walkers...

Old Cody, Junior took me over,
Said, you're gonna find the world is smould'rin...

An' if you get lost come on home to Green River.
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I gave ERSB a run and got 2 females from the 5 seeds I started.
they were looking good until about week 4 of flowering and then they started with some odd growth, they grew in a nice tight compact bush, they were very indica looking and then about the 4th week they started to stretch again and spread out in some odd growth so I culled them.
Based this experience with ERSB I'll most likely not try the rest of them.
Good luck to all that try ERSB.



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Sorry to hear that DSL. I guess they didn't look anything like mine. The only strange thing I noticed was during my initial germination: a larger percentage of males than I anticipated. The only thing I regret was not keeping one of those guys around for pollen capture. I certainly would like to breed this strain together with some others.
It's unfortunate people are having a hard time with this variety, but I'm certainly happy I found one I love...
Generally: Sensi Seedbank has excellent genetics with excellent rates of germination and very substantial hybrid vigor. Of course there are always the occasional issues...but not nearly as many as I've seen with some other seedbanks.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
very nice lookin gals ya got there.ur roght they are much bigger this time.should be a few zips atleast.
im glad ur happy with the end product bro,you seem to be in a crowd a few when it comes to finding the keeper with this one.kinda the same thing i hear about the black domina,while shes a medium yield the smoke is off the charts bro,kicks ass everytime 4 years later and she still gets me blowed everytime...these new strains are bumpin for herspot but this bitch has senority in here so the better come correct;)
even if i lay off on flowering her for a bit i'll keep a small bonzai mama of her for future use...never know i might get some pollen and fling it on her from somethin that yields heavy...gotta try it sooner or later.
great job in here bro,imma get out...this bubbleberry gots me talkin like a mofo...peace


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Dunno what just happened to my picture gallery....I looked at my previous post with the ERSB harvest. There were two "perspective" & size photos with a cordless phone in the picture....
Now one of those pictures was replaced with another shot from my gallery of Ice Cream.

I like to keep my pix. distinct from one another so I can look back later and see their prior development.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

Edit: fixed that by re-uploading the original image. Gotta keep the Ed thread straight...LOL.
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"The aroma is over the top, makes you want to keep inhaling the nugs."

Thats is how all weed sould smell...Impressive Budshotsill come back for more smoke reports great job


ya know, I just dont make it out to all my friends threads as often as I would like..so I figured I would just stop in and High!
peacers bro..


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Thought I'd drop the pictures here as well as in the F.U.C.K.E.M. thread in case people don't get out in 'dem dar...parts...LOL:

Ed's still doing great. Lovin' it more and more each cycle I grow it out. I'm learning about its' likes and dislikes...what makes it thrive and how big they need to be to get a decent yield...bascially tweaking work. Nonetheless, under my 250 HPs that provides lighting for 8 gals...I finished 2 ERSBs....the total dry weight was 47.9 grams of solid nice bud. I'm not including the fact that I liberally cut off any popcorn pieces on the bottom of the plants weeks ago for fresh combustibles...or the fact that I get a bit eager to taste the fully developed gals and probably dip a bit before I actually get to weighin'. So she's averaging about 23.95 grams a gal. One plant was 19.9 grams bone dry and the other 28. Mostly all from the development of the topmost cola and closely associated nugs. There's alot of lateral branching with this gal, but each one produces a nice golf ball or space capsule shaped nuglet that's just great to start off a session with. Without more pomp an circumstance I give you ERSB dry shots:



that ERSB looks real yummy..

so I did some reading about this:

very interesting read.
where does the flux capaciter go again??