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Cannabutter In 7 Easy Steps!



OK, so I had two more sticks of butter and decided to run the last batch of brownies. I found some Nestle Cocoa powder in the baking aisle. On the back it had ingredients to make brownies from scratch. Most boxes of mix seem to call for a little vegetable oil, but I was going for max butter content so this was the trick...The recipe called for 1 and 3/4 stick of butter, I added two of my 4.5 oz 'sticks' and baked it at 325 for about 25 minutes. Jesus Harrison Christ!!!! I ate two, my girl ate one..we were glued to the couch for about 4 hours. Passed out, woke up at 7am...we each ate one more with some coffee on an empty stomach...It was about 3PM until we were functional again. I slept better last night then I have in years...where has my weekend gone? I still have about 13 brownies left for my camping trip in a few days.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
I have a list of recipes. I think there are many that dont require cooking.

I also Found some new butter(Irish butter) when you look at butter the one with the most amount of fat and saturated fats will make the butter hold more thc from the pot. Normal butter is rated like this normal serving size 14g or (1Tbsp) total fat 11g or 17%
saturated fat 7g or 36% per 1 Tablespoon,

The Irish butter was like
total fat 20g 30%
saturated fat 10g 40%

so it would hold a bit more thc and be more potent with less butter. Also this means less food in your tummy so it helps with the fasting aspect. Should be less food more high. :joint:
Would a coffee filter work in place of a cheese cloth? I really wanted to make some butter tonight but don't have a cheese cloth here. :-\


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
i use panty hoes lol I think u can use tea bags i think that is close to what u want if u cant get the real thing


samuraioro said:
Would a coffee filter work in place of a cheese cloth? I really wanted to make some butter tonight but don't have a cheese cloth here. :-\

I used an old t -shirt (white of course) Just drop that mess on the center and then wrap it up like a money bag, keep twisting until it's almost completely drained then let the liquid cool. It worked very well.
samuraioro said:
Would a coffee filter work in place of a cheese cloth? I really wanted to make some butter tonight but don't have a cheese cloth here. :-\

i tried using a coffee filter the other day. it absorbs a good amount of butter and to me isn't a good choice. i bought cheese cloth from the grocery store for $2. pantie hose or an old tshirt might be ok too from what everyone else is saying.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
I am not sure But I believe liptons ice'd tea bags are made with cheese cloth. OR something very similar to it. They wont dissolve or tear but not sure about them sucking up the butter. I will do a test after my outdoor grow this season and make a few batches and see what works best with the same pot.


Tried the cheesecloth on my second run and frankly I found it too porous, I had a lot of vegtable matter in my budda. I love the t shirt method and really prefer it. The thing I really like about it is you can twist it up and wring it REALLY hard to get out every last drop of goodness. I KNOW coffee filters wouldn't work in this way, and pretty sure they would clog up. I am pretty sure cheescloth would allow you to wring it out, but I am a cheap, lazy ass and didn't want to go to the store and spend $2.

PS-We went on the camping trip and I have to say---we got shitfaced. We covered about 25 miles over 4 days with 40-50 lb packs. The first day we hiked about 5-6 miles, got done and scarfed 2 brownies and 4 cookies each with some powdered whole milk (Nido? brand from WalMart, pretty good stuff actually). Since our metabolism was up from the hike and our stomachs were pretty empty, it's no exaggeration to say that we were feeling the effects inside of 30 minutes. It was very visual and giggly...the colors were amazing, and feel asleep about 4 hours later into a coma like state. I had awesome dreams....like watching a movie.

Oh yeah, and the shrooms rocked too. I grew 'em myself on horse shit with rye....a good time was had by all. I saw clouds boiling, trees breathing and came face to face with a small black bear...he KNEW I was tripping balls and we agreed not to fuck with each other. I had my knife and my whistle and decided not to use them, he sniffed around...ate some blueberries and then strolled off...seemingly disinterested in me, or my food which was pretty much strewn all over the place. It was all very weird.


otherwhitemeat said:
PS-We went on the camping trip and I have to say---we got shitfaced. We covered about 25 miles over 4 days with 40-50 lb packs. The first day we hiked about 5-6 miles, got done and scarfed 2 brownies and 4 cookies each with some powdered whole milk (Nido? brand from WalMart, pretty good stuff actually). Since our metabolism was up from the hike and our stomachs were pretty empty, it's no exaggeration to say that we were feeling the effects inside of 30 minutes. It was very visual and giggly...the colors were amazing, and feel asleep about 4 hours later into a coma like state. I had awesome dreams....like watching a movie.

Oh yeah, and the shrooms rocked too. I grew 'em myself on horse shit with rye....a good time was had by all. I saw clouds boiling, trees breathing and came face to face with a small black bear...he KNEW I was tripping balls and we agreed not to fuck with each other. I had my knife and my whistle and decided not to use them, he sniffed around...ate some blueberries and then strolled off...seemingly disinterested in me, or my food which was pretty much strewn all over the place. It was all very weird.

awsome!! howd you grow the shrooms?


tshirt/sheets work great. you can apply pressure and wring out the herb, they drain quickly, and cake up butter well too. Paper filters are WAY too slow.

Nylon mesh works well (panty hose, certain fabrics) too. I actually found a nylon curtain that is basically like a silk screen material, it makes great dry sift.


New member
so i went elaborate status on this and used a pot roast pot and 5 lbs of butter and 5 oz of trimmings. I was going to try to do more because i am impatient. But 5 lbs was a big enough mess.

I followed the directions exactly as ole boy explained.... only thing i modified was....

instead of using a tupperware container, i used those little plastic red cups like you get at fratboy parties. I stirred it up frequently and let it simmer for about 2.5 hours but i still stirred it when it was simmering..

Now i had some issues with the cheese cloth. I tried some coffee filters, and they tore up. I then tried some worn out boxer shorts. They worked fine, but.... The trick is, if you are impatient, instead of putting your cheesecloth, fabric, filter or whatever you use to civ the bud out tight across the top, press down so there is an indentation so more bud and material will fill at the top. Once you cift through the first pour, take the cloth off after you press it through as he explained. If you reuse the same piece of material, the second go around will be MUCH harder to drain. If you use a new piece each time, it is alot less of a pain.

I had the cloth deal rip on me when i had like a whole utz pretzel jug full of drained butter also and dunk about 1 oz of vomit trimmings into the butter. I ended up draining it out of the large jug into the cups as i explained earlier and was able to filter out the trimmings. Now if you do get them in there, they will be at the base of the butter, so you can easily cut that portion off and toss it.

i will tell you, DONT TRY TO DO THIS BIG. It makes a mess. it worked out for me, but honestly i dont see myself doing it again.

I had a few cups that turned out to have a solid block the entire cup. I guess when i poured it from the utz jar into the cups i was able to filter straight butter in the first 3 cups.

The one weighed 145g, the next 122, and the final 117.. the rest of the 10 cups, lol, were smaller pieces about 50-80g.

What to make now, and how much to use.. I didnt boil the stuff though, so im sure it will taste like dook. oh well.. Ill give you a report when im done, i smoke about 8-10 2 gram blunts a day, or whatever size that my blunt roller maxes out at, so im hoping this changes my high since i dont get really high anymore.... well maybe its i dont get sober anymore.. haha

thanks again guys!!!!


New member
im terminated right now. I made this about 30 mins after i posted that stuff.

Really recomend this to any habitual smokers.

I took a piece of my butter about the size of a starburst, and spread it onto a toasted warm raisin toast sandwich. Then i sprinkled liberally with cinnamon and sugar. Then smudged some more normal butter on top. Gulped it down, little to no vomit in mouth taste when you put enough sugar and cinnamon on there and as long as you dont have chunks of butter.

Whatever you do, do not eat that butter without spreading it onto something warm so there is no concentrated butter left over. That stuff tastes terrible when you dont wash the green out of it from the get go, and get a nice chunk in your mouth. I ate this stuff on a tostido when i was a teenager and i still remember the atrocious taste.

Mine were made from 5oz of Northern Lights5,Love Potion9, Purple Rhino/Bigbud,and LemonG heavy trich's fine trimmings, popcorn buds, and early light mold stage tidbits(whateva i do what i want its my body, whateva)
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Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
im making some canna butter with 1 stick and about 12g shake/buds. I used Afghoo, grand daddy purple, HOG, Train wreck, cantaloupe haze. I have about2 or 3 cups of water 1 stick +1 extra spoon full for what you lose in process and 12g of shakeleaf/buds. I think its gonna rock.

I found a recipe that call's for 1/2 a stick butter for brownie mix and 1/2 a stick for cookie mix then ball up cookie mix and place on top of brownie mix. Sounds wicked best of both worlds. :cuss:

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