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Dam cellar dont u die before i have smoket a big ganja stick whit u irl main :) Hope u soon be fine again i jump to you thread


Btw my friends grow is my own Xmas breed its a poly hybrid dad is hollands hope the rest is Leb27 or hindukush/bubblegum,afghan ,royal dane, early durban i took all the seeds and mix it so its a xmas mix :)


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya cellard hope you get better soon my friend.....you ain't done growing just yet !!!


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Dam Cella, I will put you in my prayer basket from now on.

As said by all, you need to stay around alot longer there are many who
like what you do and you attitude towards life.
So that being said brother, start taking care of that body and it will take care of you.

Stay safe and high.


you guys have put a tear in my eye for real.
Thank you all for the positive thinking.


Active member
wow man,

sorry to hear that happened to ya. have to chill up on the drinking for sure. a wake up call to start taking better care of yourself no doubt. if you have stomach issues i've heard about connections between nexium and prilosec and heart attacks, but FDA says its unfounded. so be careful with those.

just healthy up a bit, "hello salad".

hope you feel better and it doesn't become a chronic thing. if i knew you in person, i really would have to say to you alcohol is DONE, caffine is DONE, if you smoke cigs, DONE, no more............good luck man.

herb, well, you know, what can i say, lol. but think about a vape because smoke can irritate linings and aggrevate shit.



Active member
damn homie, hope all gets better for ya, n like the others have said.. its a wake up call. You still got a long ways to go so take care of ya self :joint:


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cellardweller again. i feel for you man, i was in the hospital for 10 days with something similar last year, i know how you feel man, look at it this way. AT least it WASNT a heart attack. Did they put you on any food restrictions? Feel better, good vibes your way.


Again, Thanks guys for your concern.
It is truly nice to know that even though you guys dont really know me, you still care. Thats a huge thing for me right now as I spoke with my boss today and asked him to retro my bennies to Sept 1 (when I shoulda got em) and I was let go. I called in on Sunday afternoon because I was arguing with wifey and just wasnt feeling right and didnt think I would be able to maintain so I called out. So, by calling out, I lost my job. Thats ok though cause they just didnt pay.
right in the mouth.


You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
thats for anyone I may have missed.


Its crazy man that just last nite was over at the loonybin with the fellas and we talked about how were not kidz anymore and really need to watch what goes into our gutz.....food wise.....with soooooo much garbage that tastes good its not an easy task to just start eating healthy shit that more expensive and sometimes hard to find so us being the lazy fucks that we are settle for the yummy tasting garbage thats made for delivery or pickup......sucks.....positive K for ya cellar hope u recover well man...peace and be safe mang


Bigbud :)



Kallen im still laughing at the pic with u on the motobike driving thru the forest......hahahahaha


Thanks BoSSmaN
I am feeling fine physically today, just tired.
It's just that when it rains, it pours.
I'm sorry that your plan is coming to and end soon,frank. I've learned alot from your posts.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Cellar: Oooooooooofah. Sorry to hear about the issues bro. Glad to hear it wasn't related to the heart. If they didn't explain it to you properly: Gastritis is just inflammation of the stomach. Obviously alot of different things can cause this. Some of the most common etiologies are: Infections (bacterial, viral), Non-Steroidial Anti-inflammatory use, excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption, and some other disorders.
Cat scans are standard for this kind of issue in the hospital (usually with a barium shake or meal). Of course there may be a necessity for a gastroscopy (looking inside the stomach with a camera) and a gastric biopsy (take a piece of the stomach lining while in with the scope). You can then tell if there are worse issues than infection (I'd rather not go into the entire spectrum of possibilities here). You may need some blood work as well as a stool sample collected.
I wouldn't be surprised if they prophylactically put you on antibiotics and antacids.

Anyway, I'm pulling for ya' with the rest of the family. Feel better bro. Have some ice cream and try to chill. That's the doctor's orders for ya.

By the way: MJ smoke shouldn't be a problem for ya (tobacco is a problem however). I'd eliminate or moderate your alcohol consumption in the meantime as well as putting the kibosh on coffee if possible.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
well guys, my veg room is empty.
minus one cut of sfv ogk.
she still has one more job to do for me before she goes.
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