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NEW.BOG Preservation Project.



DonChron said:
incredible man,the bubble head looks prime too.
here are some bmr shots

They look like sisters.... :laughing:
Nice work Don...

Bubbleheads finish nicely in 7weeks....but are crazy better in 8-9
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Sam Slambam

man, I wish I had found this page about 2 weeks ago. I had 5 bogglegum seeds I was vegging out to sex and four of them turned out to be males. I saved the best male which had a very stout indica profile, was very vigorous, very stinky, and quite resinous. I took him out of the room once i switched to 12/12, and kept him in a nice sunny window long enough to collect some pollen. I dusted a couple of branches on the one female I have and also dusted a couple of lower branches on a Mountain Jam lady I have as well. Sorry folks, I would've been more than happy to do my part to help preserve the genes. If I wind up with any nice males again out of my dusting adventure, should I report back?


Active member
Care Free 1 said:
BMR, super sweet BOG goodness. Another hit he created!!!

holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit thats some amazing looking bud, truly jaw dropping :jump:

have you dropped any of that bogbubble yet? that SBBX3 sure looks tasty, great work my friend. can't wait to see whats next. let me know if ya need anything. hope you are feeling good.

stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

Care Free 1

Active member
BMR definately combines that Bubblegum sweetness with a fruity flavor. Combine a little of this in a bowl with Sour Bubble and it's out of this world good.


Active member
Gotta love the BMR. Here's a F2 girl. This frosty fatty smells like bubblegum. I get hints of sweet bubblegum flavor. Definitely some potent stuff.

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The bmr look nice guys! Would love to see more! Close ups please of the plant shots. 100% candy you guys have going! BamBam


Active member
Care Free 1 said:
More BMR for BamBam and dwtc.

SWEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can see why SOUTHWIND put you 2nd in command :jump: :joint:

what size lights you using CF? hope to be up and running by this weekend :jump:

stay safe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc


Bx4 WHEN??? where how!!!

Bx4 WHEN??? where how!!!

Well I am soo looking forward to try and get my hands on some B4, that would be very nice, what is the difference between that and the b3? Pimp in distress when will the BX4 be available??? Soldier on guys

Care Free 1

Active member
Hi dwtc
I always have been using 1kw lights. I can flower 25 plants minimum under each light, and still get the production you see.




Care Free 1 said:
Check out this Grape Punch plant just starting to flower. Pretty healthy huh!!!


Outstanding as always...just outstanding.

And while I am it..outstanding jobs on all of you...Olddrifter66, Peaville pride, Vermonster, I cough 2 get off [BMR, BMR!! Thank you for the TOP pheno of ALLTIME]...

If I missed you in posting , fear not, I am just tired after 4 hours driving from the Outdoor Test Facility and have to get to the Doctor in the morning,,

And so...till later..



Good to hear you are well SW. Did you crack the sweet cindys yet? I know there aren't many but might be something good never know. Keep rollin man!


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