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If I were a seed company


The Voice of Reason
1969 said:
Don't be fooled by the greedy...

Look at it this way. A "breeder", recieving $1 per seed can make $25,000 per crop, per 1kw of light used.

Don't fall for the hype and the lies. They are trying to keep you stupid, don't let it happen. Don't listen to some of these guys, you are making them filthy rich for doing extremely little....
25,000 over what period of time?
A grower doing 1g/watt can make $13,000 10 days after harvest from a 1k.

Your ASSumption that the demand for seed is the same as the demand for bud, is faulty.

Do you really think that 2500 people are sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for a pack of "brandx" seeds? Good fucking luck, unless you have one helluva hype machine going, hehe...

So realistically 200 people are waiting for a pack, and another 200 are "saving up" for a pack, and another 1000 will decide to buy a pack in the next 12 months... The other 1000 may sell the following year...

So, 1 year after harvest you will have made $14,000 from your 1kw of light... Now process the money through legal channels the so you posses it and can use it, and loose another 10-30%...

Nah, no way it is worth it at $1/per... And certainly no quick path to wealth.
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Selling seed's compared to bud , Theirs only so much demand for seed's but people always want bomb bud 24/7. How many times at 2 AM has someone said hey bro can you get me a 10 pack of G13 / D seeds LOL
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The Voice of Reason
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to zoolander again.

It's usually @ 3am... Like the 3am call they're always talking about on the news channels nowadays, only I'm not in the White House, I'm in the Green one... :wink:


I'll be posting my G13 / Diesel soon and everyone can see that these are beyond fair in price . Shit I gabbed 2 packs and only popped 5 and everyone is so beautiful in veg . I'm so happy I can buy genetic's like this and feel lucky every day I walk into my room .


Grat3fulh3ad said:
25,000 over what period of time?
A grower doing 1g/watt can make $13,000 10 days after harvest from a 1k.

Your ASSumption that the demand for seed is the same as the demand for bud, is faulty.

Do you really think that 2500 people are sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for a pack of "brandx" seeds? Good fucking luck, unless you have one helluva hype machine going, hehe...

So realistically 200 people are waiting for a pack, and another 200 are "saving up" for a pack, and another 1000 will decide to buy a pack in the next 12 months... The other 1000 may sell the following year...

So, 1 year after harvest you will have made $14,000 from your 1kw of light... Now launder the money so you posses it and can use it, and loose another 10-30%...

Nah, no way it is worth it at $1/per... And certainly no quick path to wealth.

I never said it was a quick path to wealth, I'm saying that it is a more honorable one.

Your lust for money shines through glaringly in what you have to say. The problem is that you "breeder", types get into it for the money just like the cash croppers.

The bottom line is that nobody deserves the kind of money that you are talking about for peddling seeds or bud. The bottom line is that people shouldn't have to bend over and take it in the ass when it comes to gettin a quality product. Come on, $13,000 every two months for what equals about 5 hours of work a week... that is just plain disgusting.

I've got a couple of friends in the seed business that can sell $50,000 worth of seed a year for just around the prices that I'm talking about, sorry that you can't...

So, I'm talking about roughly 3200 packs of seeds per year, which is 2 cylces... seems to me only a real greedy shit needs to make more than 50k per year for doing what 100 hours of work, plus all that hash...

Greed, bottom line sorry.


The Voice of Reason
1969 said:
I never said it was a quick path to wealth, I'm saying that it is a more honorable one.

Your lust for money shines through glaringly in what you have to say. The problem is that you "breeder", types get into it for the money just like the cash croppers.
No greed, just my ability to do math and expose nonesense posts.
The bottom line is that nobody deserves the kind of money that you are talking about for peddling seeds or bud. The bottom line is that people shouldn't have to bend over and take it in the ass when it comes to gettin a quality product. Come on, $13,000 every two months for what equals about 5 hours of work a week... that is just plain disgusting.
Again your figures are made up and bullshit. 5 hours work a week, eh? you must be a really lazy grower. but it usually is the lazy people who want people to give them something for nothing. You're the one being greedy, my friend... Greedy and sadly unrealistic...
I've got a couple of friends in the seed business that can sell $50,000 worth of seed a year for just around the prices that I'm talking about, sorry that you can't...
I could If I made that many, that's not the point.
So, I'm talking about roughly 3200 packs of seeds per year, which is 2 cylces... seems to me only a real greedy shit needs to make more than 50k per year for doing what 100 hours of work, plus all that hash...

Greed, bottom line sorry.
You're numbers are bullshit, my friend. 100 hours work a year my ass.
You whiny greedy full of shit trolls need to STFU with your bullshit assumptions... If it's so easy, put your money where your mouth is and become "The Seed Company with a Heart" and make a living and prove me wrong... untill then any speculation on your part is only so much wind...


im not sure any of the breeders in this thread did the kinda work with cannabis that sam did ,, and yet they seem to want to be paid as they did ..
come on guys get real ....
ive got a very good idea how many seeds can be made with ease and little time or effort , particularly when u start with winning genetics ...
take it a step further and really begin breeding cannabis and u will just about earn what u are expecting ...
then instead of making a few packs , make a kilo of seeds ,, sell it wholesale for cash , and everyone should be better off ,, particularly the consumer , which is what its all about in business ...


The Voice of Reason
Don't your C99 crosses sell for about $85.00 per pack wally?
That seems to be a pretty fair pricing point to me.


Grat3fulh3ad said:
Don't your C99 crosses sell for about $85.00 per pack wally?
That seems to be a pretty fair pricing point to me.

im not really sure , but it sounds about right ,,, ive never sold any seeds retail , figured wholesale would be a better option for all ,, though even that was not a very attractive idea in the long run it seemed .... i was happy to sell them at less than $1 aud ...
that is not to say theres quite a few seeds ive made available on the internet..

with the idealistic point of view of saving the ducksfoot strain ,, i gave it away for free ,, never received a cent for that .... even though it could be considered my strain and totally free of any internet influence , an original if u will ...
im not saying other seed makers arent filling a gap , just some dont deserve the credit they get ... we could all be a little more humble and help create a fairer system for the end consumer ....


The Voice of Reason
Righto... I guess selling them all outright to gypsy for $1 gets you paid quicker and removes alot of the red-tape headache like keeping track of inventory, no-pays, and relists... But in my mind I retain more control over my projects If I decide the final price... I don't ever list anything at over $85.00 for 12+ seeds... After all it is the bottom line retail price which matters the most to the consumer.

If the retailer is going to list them at $85./10 then that is all that is relevant to the consumer... Why should it matter to a seed buyer whether You made $10 out of $85 or you made $30 out of the $85? They are paying $85 regardless.

I completely understand your theories about fair pricing, and agree up to the point where the only person benefitting from your fairness is the retailer... If the Bottom line retail price is not going to change, I'd prefer to retain as much of it as possible... Nothing at all unfair about that, Nothing 'un-humble', nothing extra taken from the consumer...

I absolutely think that $120, 130, 150+ for a 10 pack is ostentatious and pushes at the boundaries of fairness, but by the same token, I'm not going to take a complaint about the fairness of an $80 pack very seriously...


id have to agree that somewhere between 50 - 80 dollars is a fair price for good genetics , and yes often the retailer is making as much as the seller , but this seems to occur a lot in business ... bit like the farmer that supplies woollys , he is lucky to get 20% ..
u and i are probably not the best to say what is fair and what is not , as we can agree it is up to what the market will wear as to the price they will pay ...
with that in mind i notice a lot of consumers treat cannabis seeds like getting the newest toy out ,,, they gotta have it reguardless of the price ... they obviously lack information and seem to be ruled by hype ...,
its a darn shame at the end of the day that we are all held back by the illegality of cannabis .. it would be a fairer thing for all if we were not ...


The Voice of Reason
wallyduck said:
they obviously lack information and seem to be ruled by hype ...,
its a darn shame at the end of the day that we are all held back by the illegality of cannabis .. it would be a fairer thing for all if we were not ...
Some day, my brother... Some day soon I hope...
Greedy bastard, takes any comment someone makes to heart like they are posed to him and only him, and then rants at people because of his own guilty consicience-why else would he take everything so personal and feel such a need to make personal attacks and resort to name calling...? And common-$13,000 per 1k? Dude that's not pot he's smoking anymore
"You whiny greedy full of shit trolls need to STFU with your bullshit assumptions... " LMAO @ GH-what a joke this guy is, you're bringing down the site man, move on...Everyone knows you for a hack already-no need to continue to bash from your own guilty conscience and greedy mentality...
"just my ability to do math and expose nonesense posts"
The only nonsense he exposes is his own, and he doesn't even realize LMAO @ GH

Grat3fulh3ad said:
No greed, just my ability to do math and expose nonesense posts.Again your figures are made up and bullshit. 5 hours work a week, eh? you must be a really lazy grower. but it usually is the lazy people who want people to give them something for nothing. You're the one being greedy, my friend... Greedy and sadly unrealistic... I could If I made that many, that's not the point.
You're numbers are bullshit, my friend. 100 hours work a year my ass.
You whiny greedy full of shit trolls need to STFU with your bullshit assumptions... If it's so easy, put your money where your mouth is and become "The Seed Company with a Heart" and make a living and prove me wrong... untill then any speculation on your part is only so much wind...
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The Voice of Reason
almostoverit said:
Greedy bastard, takes any comment someone makes to heart like they are posed to him and only him, and then rants at people because of his own guilty consicience-why else would he take everything so personal and feel such a need to make personal attacks and resort to name calling...? And common-$13,000 per 1k? Dude that's not pot he's smoking anymore
If you cannot get 1000 grams from a 1K it's not my fault. Learn to grow, maybe... Then you might not have to be such bitter trolling liar.
"You whiny greedy full of shit trolls need to STFU with your bullshit assumptions... " LMAO @ GH-what a joke this guy is, you're bringing down the site man, move on...Everyone knows you for a hack already-no need to continue to bash from your own guilty conscience and greedy mentality...
Wow... How foolish of you... Private comments from members I respect indicate that you speak only for yourself and the troll minority... You really need to get a clue, bro...
"just my ability to do math and expose nonesense posts"
The only nonsense he exposes is his own, and he doesn't even realize LMAO @ GH
lol... as though you saying that makes it true... I've posted nothing at all inaccurate... You just post bullshit... Get a life and stop being such a miserable troll.
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Active member
Hey H3ad your giving the trolls exactly what they want, just ignore there ignorance and they they will crawl back under there bridge. I know its hard as hell to do with there dumb ass talk but it belittles you to drop to there level to even respond to them


Wow callin Grat3ful A greedy bastard , What happened to respect around here ?


Active member
respect seems to be a lost virtue around here now days. to bad because there is much to learn from people like H3ad and Sam and others.


Active member
H3ad, If you go under 100 plants then I understand your reason's for the prices that you have. You're like a mom and pop's company. Which is cool, we need the mom and pop shops. But I'm thinking just on a more grand stage, that's all.